Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Mime private 478

Chapter 16 Contradictions

[Restore social order...]

This was the main task that Su Wangyou received. Obviously, the turmoil of the alliance had a great impact on the world.

The original principals in the ten seats of the alliance were the third and the fourth. Both of them were killed by Su Wangyou. The dragons of the alliance had no leader, and the remaining people were basically not suitable for handling affairs. As time passed———— The ten seats of the alliance have slackened the monitoring and management of superpowers around the world.

Even so, there are not many people with superpowers that shouldn't have thoughts, and even fewer dare to act, but... as long as one person acts, the result is devastating.

Many people think that those superpowers who do evil will only kill people and set fire to rob banks... Ha ha.

A qualified superpower with a specific ability, as long as one, is enough to destroy most of the economic chain of an entire industry!

————For example, in the starry sky, Su Wangyou, one person is enough to supply the entire earth. Of course, this is a special situation for him. After all, those with time ability are locked in blood and blue, and others cannot learn.

Others - to make a metaphor, such as the superpower who creates or controls metal.

Even if his ability is lower and he can't create metal directly,'s not difficult to dig out all the hidden metal, right?

As long as one person, half a day's work, can dig up all the ore in an entire mountain range, and even complete the transportation...

This - - is only based on the premise that this superpower cannot'become something out of nothing', if he can grow out of nothing...It won't be long before all the ore prices will be the same.

But even so-how much manpower and financial resources can be saved?

In the future, the people who originally did these jobs, and even those who developed machines in related industries...what else could they do?

Another example is people with mental abilities. If these people are determined, they must use their ability to find some benefits for themselves...

Simply put, one word is messy.

This is not clear in a few words. A super-powered person can completely finish an entire industry and at the same time collapse the industrial chain behind it. A large number of unemployed people flood into society. What can unemployed people do?

The unemployed also have a family. If the unemployed happens to be the backbone of the family, there is a hometown and a small family on top of it, at this time—he lost his job because of superpowers, will he also use superpowers to take everything from himself? The idea of ​​coming back?

There are very few such people, but...the base number is too large, and the base number is large...there are more people.

And this kind of thing, as long as one person thinks about it...

So society is more chaotic.

The government is too busy to deal with superpowers. Some people are fishing in troubled waters and using superpowers for their own welfare. As a result, the society becomes more chaotic and there are more people with evil thoughts. The more busy the government...

This is the sorrow of the Gaowu world. When the extraordinary power begins to spread, the consequences are undoubtedly very terrible, especially the popular thing is superpower, which is different for everyone.

If it is a low-armed world, no matter how great your skills are, it’s useless. The state machine is above everything, but the high-armed world is different. Suppose a criminal with top combat effectiveness is hiding in the busy city and can be held hostage at any time. There are a lot of hostages, what can we do to deal with him?

From this it can be seen that the ten seats in the league are not so important.

The third and fourth are not good people. They are like Xia Guo's Confucianism, they are not good people, but they do play their role, and they are far more important than Xia Guo's Confucianism.

Su Wangyou has to pay for his impulse.

Restoring the order of the society-there are two points.

Restoring social order is a long-term task, but Su Wangyou does not intend to waste too much time here.

[First, restore the control of the'Alliance' to superpowers, and second...a few people will be killed.Su Changge once told Su Wangyou that killing is the most stupid solution anytime, but this method really works.

As long as it works, it is a good way.

Back then, the starry sky Su Wangyou created the'solitary', which means to kill the disobedient from the southern hemisphere to the northern hemisphere, and then to have an'alliance', which gives the world a moment. peaceful.

Now that a group of people in charge have died, clowns jumped out immediately...

Now Su Wangyou is just taking the old path of'loneliness'.

Even if Su Wangyou can't come, "Starry Sky" Su Wangyou will do it sooner or later.

"It's not anxious to kill people. Now... rebuilding the'Alliance' is the most important thing."

As for the new leader of the alliance... Su Wangyou has decided.

The original seventh place in the alliance, the new star of the century - the girl who was thrown away by Su Wangyou 65 million years ago.

A second later, Su Wangyou stood in front of the girl.

Fortunately, she was not in the bathroom this time, but was eating normally.

"Luo Ning..." Su Wangyou had already'read' the girl's name, "Do you remember me?"

"Well--I think people with normal aesthetics can't forget if they see you once." Luo Ning was silent for a moment and said: "You killed my teacher."

She refers to scholars.

Su Wangyou was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the other party's first reaction when seeing him was this - he thought that the other party would have a lot of questions, such as what purpose does he have, who he is, and why he wants to kill the league's leader. Third and fourth, why are you looking for her now...

But the girl didn't ask any of these questions. She calmly repeated in a narrative tone: "You killed my teacher."

Su Wangyou replied: "I only kill people who deserve to be killed. Your teacher may kill more people than you have ever seen, and more than 90% of them are innocent."

"Yes, I know." Luo Ning replied: "I even know that - the reason he taught me is because he wants to gain my abilities, but he has not been able to succeed."

Chapter Seventeen Heart and Trace

"In that case..." Su Wangyou raised his eyebrows, quite curious about the girl's inner thoughts.

Luo Ning was silent for a moment, and said slowly: "Can you talk?"

"Of course." Su Wangyou shrugged.

Luo Ning’s ability can be said to be invincible, but his offensiveness is extremely poor. He wants to defeat Su Wangyou who wants to defeat this form --- is simply dreaming, and Su Wangyou, who has the ability of time, doesn’t care about time at all. His consumption, his time is unlimited.

"Do you think - - - Which is more important between'heart' and'traces'?" Luo Ning hesitated for a while, and finally asked, "Whether you talk about the heart, or whether you talk about the mind regardless of the track? I think... More important than heart."

"So that's it..." Su Wang said in a worried voice: "Do you mean that..."

Hundreds of good filial piety is the first, regardless of the heart, no filial son.

All evils are the head, regardless of the deeds, the dedication of the heart will never be perfect.

This is the original sentence, and the conversation between Su Wangyou and Luo Ning is based on the premise of this sentence.

The main point of this is "on the mind" or "on the trail". The original sentence means that in different situations, different things are discussed. A child from a poor family works hard every day and gives all the food he gets to his parents. , You can’t say that he is not filial just because he hasn’t let his parents live a good life. This means that everyone has a lustful heart, but as long as you can restrain yourself, it’s not a problem. Send him to jail, this is a story regardless of his heart.

Luo Ning’s subtext is, “Although the scholar wants to gain my abilities, he has not done anything against me, but has been helping me, so regardless of the thesis...”

Su Wangyou naturally understood Luo Ning's words.

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