Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Mime private 503

More than forty extreme emperor realms!

Not the ordinary emperor realm, but the extreme emperor realm!Even the weakest is the Emperor Realm full of artifacts like Zhu Yao!

Look at the ancestral light...Don't look at it, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one.

After all, human beings are really incomparable with ancient behemoths like Lingshan. I have never heard of someone whose defense power is comparable to Lingshan, even with the strongest physical cultivation.

Su Wangyou drew his sword again.

The sword light is mighty, the sun and the moon are shining.

[True Twelve Heavens Pass, Fifth Pass]

Chapter 41 The Real War Begins

[Leaving home when young, wandering for thousands of years, a drop of blood and tears, countless hatred]

[Everlasting first, invincible in all realms, come back to the hometown when old, want to live forever]

[The President of the Outer Devil————The Great Emperor of Heaven!

The enemy of the fifth level of the Zhenwan Gu Twelve Heavens Pass... is the Emperor of Heaven.

This is the first time Su Wangyou has seen Emperor Tiandao.

Emperor Tiandao looked very young, even a little young, he wore a large purple robe with a very casual expression on his face.

Without hesitation, Su Wangyou directly chose to interrupt the challenge and returned to Zu Guang.

—————— He saw the Heavenly Dao Great Emperor, also'seeed' his appearance, and also'seeed' his inner energy!

This means that in reality, he can also...

The vastness was like a sea, as if--No, it was simply the inexhaustible inner energy that scattered in all directions, sweeping Zu Guang at an unimaginable speed.

This process... took another tens of seconds.

Finally, Su Wangyou found it.

He found the Emperor of Heaven!

It only takes a few seconds for Su Wangyou to kill him!

But... as if it was the will of heaven in the dark, Su Wangyou's time... has arrived.

In fact, Su Wangyou could not hold on for three minutes. His lifespan was shorter than he imagined. It must have something to do with the dark injuries he suffered from many serious injuries in blood battles, even including Su Changge’s forcibly resurrecting his life. The dark wound left.

The secret method of time-the power of the peak state disappears instantly.

At this time, Su Wangyou’s abilities obtained from the “solitary” in the world of superpowers took effect, and the side effects of the Time Secret Method were greatly reduced. Su Wangyou did not turn into a baby state, but he turned back to being a child. The realm of sages when they came to Zuguang at the beginning of the year.

But... in the face of Emperor Tiandao, the sage realm and the baby... what is the difference?

When Su Wangyou's inner energy probed the Heavenly Dao Great Emperor, he confirmed the Heavenly Dao Great Emperor's position.

Central Plains battlefield.

The Great Emperor... is on the battlefield of Central Plains.

"You look..." Su Changge's ear suddenly heard such a careless voice, which came from behind him, "There is some embarrassment."

Su Changge is indeed a little embarrassed now. He and Li Buwu's opponents are not only the Dongfang father and son, but also countless world destroyers. Su Changge does not have so much internal energy to block the attack, and sometimes has to roll with some lazy donkeys. The same move.

Fortunately, Su Wangyou came and solved the World Destroyer with a single sword. For a moment, Su Changge felt that the matter was almost over.

But now, he knows...

Everything has just begun.

Su Changge turned around.

A large purple robe, a face of indifference and randomness.

The man indifferently kicked the identity of Dongfang father and son.

"Just these two craps, beat you like this?" He frowned, and said tiredly, "It seems that I am a little overestimating you."

Dongfang Father and Son are the two strongest people on the Heavenly Dao Continent except Prison and the Great Emperor. Even if it is Prison, they are not much stronger than these two. And Zuguang's martial artist does not know these two people and can say this. ...

Naturally there is only one person.

The Demon King who came to Zuguang four thousand years in advance, the weary wanderer, the remnants of the world empire, the ruler of the heavenly continent.

Emperor Tiandao.

After more than ten thousand years, he returned to the Sky Realm again, but unfortunately it is no longer Gu Hong, but Zu Guang.

"You seem to have regained consciousness." Su Changge said nonsense, his expression seemed very calm, as if Heavenly Dao the Great couldn't hurt him at all.

Punch it out.

The person who punched... was the Great Emperor of Heaven, and the person who was attacked was naturally Su Changge.

Even the sonic boom couldn't catch up with the punch of the Heavenly Dao Great Emperor.

Can't stop it, can't avoid it, let alone capture the movements of Emperor Tiandao, at the speed of Emperor Tiandao, Su Changge can't even imagine!

Huanghuang Tianwei, invincible.

A punch hit the chest.

There is no resistance, just like a rag doll torn by bear children at will.

Su Changge was hit by this fist dozens of kilometers away, a big hole was opened in his chest, and the internal organs mixed with bone scum and flowed out.

At this time, the sonic boom was long overdue.

At this time, the indifferent voice of the Great Emperor Tiandao traversed dozens of kilometers and entered Su Changge's ears.

"Yes, so I came back to look for you, and Su Wangyou, he can't run away."

Su Changge supported his body a few times with his hands, he didn't even think he could stand up, he just wanted to straighten up.

He tried several times and failed.

The blood on his face disappeared almost instantly without a trace.

Let alone fighting, he couldn't even straighten his waist.

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