Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Mime private 508

The expression of the Great Emperor Tiandao slowly became serious. This was the first time he showed such an expression. He felt...some changes.

The black inner energy wrapped around Su Changge's body.

Emperor Tiandao narrowed his eyes.

"What an evil power..."

Perhaps, as the invader, the Great Emperor Tiandao used the word evil to be somewhat ironic, but...this is indeed a very evil force, and perhaps the most evil force in the world.

what is that?

Is it internal energy?

No, it's not so much internal energy as it is...

"It's like a combination of malice, evil thoughts, hatred, evil thoughts, and anger, pure evil."

The Great Emperor of Heaven slowly said: "What an amazing power..."

Countless black inner energy entangled Su Changge's side like a tornado, as if to swallow him completely.


In this black tornado of inner energy, Su Changge stretched out his index finger and pointed at the Great Emperor of Heaven.

He is weak and weak, yet calm and firm.

"Will defeat you."

The voice of the teenager echoed above the Central Plains of Nuo Da.

He took a step.

"Even if you sacrifice yourself to feed demons, even if you fall into hell from now on!"

In a blink of an eye, the black internal energy tornado has completely swallowed Su Changge.

The weak voice disappeared.

After a while... a huge torrent of internal air overflowed uncontrollably.

Su Changge's voice sounded again.

Only this time, his voice...has become extremely hoarse, and his two people are talking, one of them is talking, the other will take a half-beat slowly and repeat A person's words sound like echoes.

Very weird.

"I will……"

"Beat you."

Two hoarse voices overlapped, and the whole world was filled with malicious inner energy.

"This kind of inner qi... is really incredible." The Great Emperor Tiandao squinted his eyes, "Ten times more than my inner qi... a hundred times, no, more than that, your inner qi is almost like--- ————"


"But——————" The Great Emperor Tiandao laughed wildly, and attacked in the blink of an eye, "How much can your meridians hold?"

Inner Qi is infinite, which does not mean that the meridians can withstand this infinite power. Even if the meridians can withstand it, the body may not be able to withstand it.

Moreover, Xiaohai's power is not truly unlimited.

"Let me see how much instrument you have!"

"Not much..." Su Changge's voice was hoarse and dark.

"It just happens to be used..."

He raised his head, his eyes filled with gloomy black air.

"kill you!"

Chapter 45 The White Shou Taixuan Sutra

After that, Su Changge was already punched out.

——It's not that he doesn't want to use a sword. At this time, no weapon can withstand this devastating internal energy. If there is, it is at least a Taoist supreme artifact at the level of Liangyijian.

The violent internal energy gushes out, as if to destroy everything.

Facing such a terrifying internal energy, Heavenly Dao Great Emperor was actually fearless, he also stretched out his fist, actually using the most stupid tactic!

Head to head with Su Changge!

Use your own shortcomings to attack the enemy's strengths!

The fist of Emperor Tiandao collided with that of Su Changge.

A huge roar sounded.

The black destructive inner energy slammed into the fist of Emperor Tiandao, and easily destroyed an entire arm of Emperor Tiandao.

Emperor Tiandao... was repelled.

This was the first time he backed away.

He was repelled hundreds of meters by Su Changge, and even lost an arm, and the wound was blackened.

This is the power of Xiaohai, the most evil and destructive power in the world.

It's the so-called---Absolute Spear!

Emperor Tiandao was destroyed by an arm, but his face remained unchanged.

He praised: "It's an incredible power. To be honest, if I'm just a practitioner, then I really will hate it. If it is pure power, no one in the world can match this destructive power. "

He paused, his arms almost grew out.

"In that case... let you see my side as a Dharma practitioner!"

Su Changge didn't say anything nonsense, he raised his arm high, and the black inner energy gathered, and in a blink of an eye he poured out in an unskilled and extremely rough form.


No, Xiaohai's power is absolute. There are a lot of people who can defeat Xiaohai, but there are only a handful of people who can resist Xiaohai's attack.

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