Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Mime private 517

The masked woman snorted coldly: "Now, it's not enough to rely on ink barriers..."

"This guy has been to hell, staying conscious, and even completed the resurrection and stepping into the longevity state. In any case, I can't let him live!"

Qin State, Qianlong Valley.

In a certain strange space, the woman carrying a bamboo sword showed a surprised look.

"Actually... Longevity Realm?"

She held the sword behind her back.

"Good... strong."

She hesitated for a long time, and finally took that step.

[Finally... let's do it again.

When describing the human emperor, I usually use the term'the only realm of longevity on the bright side of the ancestor'.

The reason for adding these three words on the surface must be clear to everyone.

Obviously, Zu Guang's longevity is not limited to the emperor.

For example, the two women currently playing.

Two women, plus an old man who had long since died, stood in front of Emperor Tiandao.

Some people recognized the old man.

————It is the long-dead Moge!

The former giant of the Mo family, the last heir of the ancient martial arts of the Mo family, Mo Ge!

But... he was only in the emperor realm. Facing the emperor of the longevity realm, Mo Ge could play a very limited role.

But...there are those two women.

One of them was covered with black veil, and his body exuded an aura that no one would enter.

The other is dressed plainly, looking more like an ordinary peasant girl.

But these two people... are real longevity.

If Zuguang everyone’s thoughts are [there are still eternal masters!The idea of ​​Su Changge is...

[How can there be only immortality!

He had seen the two women before, in the memory of the sword demon Han Qinghua.

One of them is named "Mo Nu", and the other is "Yue Nu".

These two people... were once apprentices of the Lord of the Universe. Later, they chose to kill the master for various reasons. They naturally failed. Later, they rebelled against the Universe Empire and met the Jinghongzi, the Sword Demon and the others. Together they overthrew the universe empire.

It was the top generation of Tianjiao in the late Gu Hong period, just like Su Changge's group of people today.

And these two... are real immortal realms.

But now, they only have longevity!

Su Changge clenched his teeth.

[Damn it...what happened?

Chapter 52 Hard Fight

Emperor Tiandao put his hands behind him, looking at Yue and Mo.

"I remember you." The Great Emperor Tiandao looked at the two with deep emotion. He said: "Yue Nu, Mo Nu, to be honest, I didn't expect to see you are still alive."

Yue Nu did not speak, Mo Nu squinted her eyes and stepped forward two steps, saying: "You are a demon outside the sky, how can you know me?"

Mo Nu is the trump card that Ye Jin Tianming hides, not to mention the evil demon outside the sky, even Zu Guang, few know her, just like Su Changge, barely know some bits and pieces of Gu Hong's past. .

"Outer demon... Outer demon..." The Great Emperor Tiandao laughed wildly, "Okay, what an alien demon!"

His scarlet pupils swept over them.

"The reason why I became a demon..."

He squeezed eight words from his throat.

"Isn't it thanks to you?"

Mo Nu looked like she wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Yue Nu.

"Who on earth are you? It is impossible to know us if you are just a pure alien evil demon."

The Yue girl tapped the bamboo sword.

"I guess……"

"You don't have to guess." The Great Emperor said indifferently: "Do you remember that the Universe Empire... has three princes, and you only killed two?"

Everyone was shocked when he said this.

No one thought that Emperor Tiandao was also a member of the Sky Realm, and he came from that mysterious ancient Hong era!

And Yue, Mo and two glanced at each other, their expressions complicated.

They didn’t doubt anything. It’s impossible for the general alien demons to know about Gu Hong’s era. Even if they knew it, they couldn’t know that the Universe Empire had three princes. What's more, pretending to be the three princes of the Universe Empire had no benefit at all for the Emperor of Heaven. because……

No matter who he is, both sides are endlessly dying.

"Unexpectedly, I let one go away." Mo female's eyebrows were full of suffocation, "Now it's some weather, and the little wolf cub is back to seek revenge."

The Great Emperor Tiandao sneered, and said: "It's such a majestic prestige, Da————Pre-generation!"

He stepped forward and said in a deep voice: "You are all my father's disciples. My father tried his best to cultivate you, but you retaliated, ungrateful, and helped outsiders to deal with the world empire. It also made me displaced and became you as a last resort. The evil demon in the mouth..."

Emperor Tiandao is really bitter.

In the eyes of outsiders, he is indeed infinitely beautiful, but the pain he has endured...probably only Adam can compare with him.

"All of this is thanks to you." The Great Emperor Tiandao narrowed his eyes, "Now that I have become a master of martial arts, this has taken your lives..."

In fact, the Emperor Tiandao didn't have much feelings for that universe empire, but he hated him very much. No matter who he was, his family was beaten and his family was destroyed, he lived in a different world and suffered so much. He would never do nothing after having the power of revenge. of.

"Humph!" Mo Nu didn't even bother to explain to the Emperor of Heaven. The Emperor of Heaven was just a kid back then. How could she understand the real darkness inside the Universe Empire?

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