Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Mime private 519

"Can't... just fall down like this."

"My...dream, not yet..."

Only the Yue woman remained on the battlefield.

Without the Mo Girl, the more difficult it is for the Yue Girl to support, basically there is no fight back, and there is no chance of victory at all.

Emperor Tiandao possesses desperate suppression.

At this moment... a person appeared on the Central Plains battlefield, this person.

——————It is Chu Yi.

If it was just Chu Yi, it would naturally be useless. After all, he was only in the emperor realm now, and even his internal energy was consumed seven or eighty-eight.

But... Chu Yi is not an opponent of the Great Emperor of Heaven, naturally someone is.

For example, the strongest at the end of Gu Hong...

Chu Yi glanced around and saw Jiang Tairan, he rushed forward, unable to explain even a word.

"Discipline ruler" he said anxiously: "Quick!"

Jiang Tairan didn't hesitate between the sparks and flints, and directly handed the discipline ruler to Chu Yi.

————Actually, the original name of this ruler was called Naughty Fear, but Taoism claimed to be a ruler of discipline.

Chu Yi pulled out the Liangyi sword, and there was a hard-to-find groove on the hilt.

The shape of the groove... perfectly fits the discipline ruler.

Chu Yi didn't hesitate, and put the discipline ruler in.

"Is it here?" He looked at the ethereal Immortal Sect in front of him, showing a complicated expression, "Are all the masters on the battlefield..."

In the Heavenly Dao Continent, this is unimaginable. Even if the eight big families are going to expedition, they dare not take away all the masters. Perhaps at most, only half of them will be used. What is afraid is that other forces will take the opportunity to commit crimes. When I walked, I passed by many sect families, but I didn't see even a slightly qualified combat power.

[If this is the case, perhaps losing is a matter of course...] For some reason, the prison suddenly had this idea.

He sighed and walked over.

He came to find someone——————Tang Congxin.

The military division asked him to find this person by name.

Not long after, the prison saw Tang Congxin.

Tang Congxin had never seen prison before, but she had listened to Su Changge and knew what the prison looked like.

At this time she was outside Longyin Peak, and the extremely weak Su Wangyou was inside.

Just a little movement of the prison can kill Su Wangyou who is weak to the limit.

But —————— Long Yinfeng was arranged by Su Changge many formations, the prison would find nothing for a while, naturally he would not be able to kill at the sight of people, otherwise, he would have been exhausted halfway. Up.

Tang Congxin saw the eyes of prison and understood one thing.

[This guy... is here for me.

No one would attack such a little maid with zero combat power, either to threaten someone or...

Just knowing Tang Congxin's true ability.

[But no matter what it is, I will never let him discover Su Wangyou...] At this point, Tang Congxin pretended to be panicked and opened his mouth to shout.

The prison was instant, and Tang Congxin stunned with a hand knife. He was anxious to go to the Central Plains now, but he had no intention of making trouble with the little guys of Misty Xianzong.

The prison grabbed Tang Congxin and disappeared after a few jumps.

Not long after seeing Tang Congxin for a long time, Su Wangyou, whose face was pale, opened the door.

"From the heart...?"

He was a little confused and a little helpless. Anyone who saw him at this time would not believe that this was the energetic Su Wangyou on the top of Tianhu Mountain.

"where are you?"

At this point, there are still forty minutes to go until the end of three hours.

Talent T scale made under a whim

Hmm...thinking that since there is a ranking of beauty, let's also make a ranking of talents...

Only count the transcendents who came to Su Wangyou in the Gu Hong era.

Later, I think about it-in fact, talent is not very good ranking, so let's do it according to the T scale.

Transcendants are not counted.

Characters that do not appear in the book are not counted, and those with very few plots are not counted.

It only refers to martial arts talents, not combat power, after all, you have to consider the times and opportunities.

T0: Su Wangyou.

T0.5: Li Qinglian.

T1: Li Qingping, Su Changge, behind the scenes, no quantum, sword god'Jade'.

T1.5: Jinghongzi, Adam, Hui, the Great Emperor of Heaven.

T2: Chu Yi, the monarch of the ancient kingdom, Yue, Mo, the sword demon Han Qinghua, Li Buwu, Guiguzi, Su Hongchen.

T3: Qin Luoxue, Jiang Tairan, Prisoner Ji Jun, Bai Ruoli, Sovereign, Zhu Yao, Emperor Deep Sea, Lan Tienzhu, Zhang Tulong.

T4: Xia Kuang, Qin Youyou, Mo Lishou.

T5: Mo Qianzhong, the fifth Huazhi, the younger sister who lives in the post between readers.

T6: The two hundred sword emperors who besieged Emperor Tiandao in the official history, the tianjiao of various colleges in reality.

T7: Xiang Jingzhi and his ilk.

T8: Normal ancient people.

T9: Tang Congxin, Tang Lianxin.

Down there is a normal person, there is no need.

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