Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Mime private 522

————The Great Emperor of Heaven is indeed very strong, but it is only that.

The Heavenly Dao Emperor of the Immortal Realm can even be as powerful as the Yue Nu and Mo Nu in the heyday of the Immortal Realm, but if it is compared with the Jinghongzi in the heyday... it will be far behind.

Jing Hongzi didn't want to take risks for the sake of the Great Emperor.

But... he also realized that if he didn't use the full strength of this remnant soul, he would definitely not be able to defeat the Great Emperor of Heaven.

[This remnant soul's power is used a little less, and if it keeps on like this, I will definitely die.

[So... do you want to take a gamble?

Jing Hongzi hates gambling, not only him, but also military strategists, Guiguzi, Qin Jinghong, and wise men like them, actually don't like gambling.

To bet is to give your own destiny to God's will and others.

[Looking like impossible?

Jing Hongzi sighed.

[I have been waiting for so long, but I still can't find a chance...] [Finally, nothing...]

Jing Hongzi suddenly looked at Emperor Tiandao.

He gently held Liangyijian.

The killing intent gradually surged.

The Emperor Tiandao showed a bloodthirsty smile.

"Are you finally getting serious..."

"come on!"

A faint golden light surged from the depths of Jing Hongzi's pupils.

"Under the sad bridge..."

He whispered: "Chunbo Green..."

Inner air, scrolling.

Inner Qi scrolls like a tornado——So far, Jing Hongzi is the only person who can achieve this level by relying on his own inner Qi.

————Su Changge relied on Xiao Hai’s internal qi, and Su Wangyou’s murder rose.

"It was Jinghong——————————"

Jing Hongzi took a step forward, and the sky full of internal energy gathered on Liangyi Sword.


This sword is killing Ling Xiao.

There was a hint of fear in the pupils of the Great Emperor Tiandao subconsciously, but it was quickly replaced by the zeal to fight.

———— It’s been a long, long time since he met a qualified opponent like this. Although the monarch of the ancient kingdom was strong before, it was only a flash in the pan.

But... the last word "come" could not be exported.


A pale hand stretched out of thin air.

Chapter 56 Please Die Here

This hand was pale, slender, weak, weak, and sickly.

It was like the hand of a sickly girl.

Such a weak hand, let alone murder, even if you want to poke a thicker orange, you might have to work hard.

But it was this hand that killed countless Gu Hong powerhouses, and now it also made Jing Hongzi unable to make the last move.

This hand made everyone—including the Great Emperor Heavenly Dao Great—compressed by the indescribable sense of fear. They didn’t even dare to take a breath, or even even to move, for fear of causing that hand. note.

If Jinghongzi's move was used, there would be at least a 90% chance of killing the Great Emperor, but unfortunately... it was not used.

Jing Hongzi felt that his inner qi was frozen, his body was frozen, and the flow of blood was stopped.

He has been pursuing the black hand behind the scenes for so long, but when he really faced this hand, he discovered his fragility.

"Sure enough..." Jing Hongzi smiled bitterly at the hand that slowly stretched out towards him, "Sure enough, I still can't use the power of the immortality..."

The hand didn't answer him, but stretched out towards him slowly and firmly.

The slender fingers are about to meet Jinghongzi.

Just like the first aspect, Jing Hongzi had already foreseen his death.

But...different from Zongzi, Jinghongzi was very unwilling.

Before Zhang Zongzi died, he might have seen part of - and even the whole truth, but what she knew was very limited.

He didn't want to die just like that.

So he pointed his finger to the Great Emperor of Heaven.

"He's killing someone." He pointed at himself again, his tone firm, and his language was as simple as a baby who was just babbling, "I'm stopping him."

"You want to kill me?"

Jing Hongzi asked: "You want to... kill me?"

The hand didn't hesitate, and it was placed on Jing Hongzi's forehead.

Jing Hongzi did not resist.

He just smiled and said, "You are really wrong."

The first person in the last generation of Zuguang, Jinghongzi, died.

Deathly silence.

Jing Hongzi's body quickly turned into nothingness, and Liang Yijian lay alone on the ground.

Yue Nu was almost completely desperate - not only Jing Hongzi's defeat, but more importantly, she saw the hand take Jing Hongzi away with her own eyes.

Mo Nui's eyes were complicated, but in the end she accepted it all.

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