Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Mime private 530

The Great Emperor Tiandao stood there blankly, showing incredible eyes.

No one in the world knows what kind of knife it is better than him. In his knowledge, that knife is the invincible incarnation, but now, this knife... is gone?

Unspeakable rage surged to my heart.


He growled.


Su Wangyou wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his hand, and said in a low voice, "Don't shout so loudly, I can hear it..."


The terrifying sound waves rushed in all directions.

————The Great Emperor Tiandao didn't use any sonic martial arts, but his roar of incomparable rage was more powerful than any sonic martial arts.

In an instant, the Great Emperor of Heaven was in front of Su Wangyou.

He has no knife.

The Great Emperor Tiandao never thought that his sword would be broken one day. He had the highest level of trust in this sword.

But... it doesn't matter.

Because Su Wangyou has no more swords.

'Jade' is a rare sword, but it can't bear the power of'whatever'.

This is not an unbearable price, a temporary eternal level equipment, exchange for a transcendant magic weapon, is more than just a profitable word?

At this time, Su Wangyou didn't plan to draw out any more swords.

Heavenly Dao Great Emperor just smashed the handed down hatred with his bare hands, ordinary eternal weapons are useless, and even worse than Su Wangyou's own body.

Su Wangyou didn't take the path of physical cultivation, but the Baishou Taixuan Sutra and the special effects of [Heaven Gods descending from the earth] allowed him to crush all the warriors of Zuguang in terms of physical fitness, even Zuguang’s strongest body repair summer Crazy, far inferior to him.

Su Wangyou calmed down, also deceiving him.


In his pupils, a light blue light flickered.

[Come and fight...]

Chapter 62 Monsters

One has no sword, and one has no sword.

But what Su Wangyou lost was only a temporarily possessed weapon, and Heavenly Dao the Great lost the invincible soldier who had followed him for thousands of years.

It can be said that after the Great Emperor of Heaven lost the nine kills and nine breaks of the Taigu Town Shattered Sword, Zu Guang's odds of winning have risen sharply.

Su Wangyou is now fighting head-to-head with Emperor Tiandao.

————He is probably the only warrior who can face the Great Emperor of Heaven.

[True Heart and Eyes Brightness] Although it seems that no attributes have been added, the effect in this kind of hand-to-hand combat is really not ordinary.

Together with the Eye of Time...

What I have to say is to play a first-person fighting game into a fighting game with God’s perspective and with a “future vision” and a “bullet time”.


The fist collided with the fist, and the shock wave waved, spitting out blood from some warriors who wanted to join the battlefield.

At this time, neither Su Wangyou nor Heavenly Dao Great could notice the warriors outside.

They are fighting.

It's not a magnificent match-up, nor an exquisite move, but a fist-to-fight fight.

These two people are not physical training, but they both have physical qualities that far exceed physical training in the same realm. Once they lose their preferred weapon, it is better to use their own flesh as a weapon than to choose a second-class weapon!

It was another fist and fist.

There was a sour rubbing sound, and the sound of bone fragmentation could be faintly heard.

The face of Emperor Tiandao was full of fanaticism.

"Yes, this is what I want, a bloody fight!" He laughed wildly: "Come on, Su Wangyou, let me experience the thrill of fighting again!"

How many years has it been?

I don't know how many years, Heavenly Dao Great Emperor hadn't experienced this kind of fist to the flesh fighting.

Maybe it was when he reached the Emperor Realm, maybe it was when he got the Nine Kills and Nine Breaks Taikoo Town Shattered Knife, the invincible loneliness accompany him.

"As you wish." Su Wangyou said coldly.

After speaking, it was another side kick to the head of the Great Emperor Tiandao.

The Great Emperor Tiandao used his arm to hold this side kick, but he was still staggered by the huge force.

Su Wangyou was overwhelmed and unforgiving, and again, he slammed his punch firmly on the belly of the Great Emperor Heaven.

But... at the moment when Su Wangyou's fist hit the belly of Emperor Tiandao, Emperor Tiandao also moved.

He closed his hands abruptly and grabbed Su Wangyou's arm.

He gave a grinning smile.


The Great Emperor of Heaven squeezed his hands abruptly.


The sound of broken bones continued to sound.

When the Great Emperor Tian Dao let go, Su Wangyou's right hand was already abolished.

Su Wangyou kicked the emperor Tiandao's chest, and managed to get out with the force of the shock.


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