Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Mime private 538

Chen Jingnian still has a grim smile on his face, red bloodshots between his teeth, he held his hands high, disheveled his head, like a demon.

At this moment, this man who has ruled the Heavenly Dao Continent for nearly 12,000 years is really as powerful as a demon god.

After that, there was a long silence.

This world, it seems that there is no sound at all.

One minute, two minutes... half an hour.

After a full hour.

The morning light broke.

When the World Destroyer first invaded, it was about this time. After that, dealing with the World Destroyer, plus the Great Emperor, happened to be one day and one night.

The longest day and night in the world.

The sun is not shining, nor is it warm.

Su Wangyou showed a complicated expression.

He whispered: "He...dead."

As if to confirm Su Wangyou's words, the sun shone on Chen Jingnian's body. At that moment... the body passed away with the wind like sand and then turned into ashes.

Chen Jingnian... died.

Just still standing.

With the rising sun, everyone watched this scene in a daze until tears filled their eyes.

The warrior who had brought Zuguang the deepest despair - - Heavenly Dao Great Emperor, finally died.

Su Changge lowered his head, and Tang Congxin just woke up leisurely.

He raised his head, unwilling to face Tang Congxin.

He looked at the rising sun.

The sun has just risen, Zu Guang finally ushered in a new day, but some people will never see it.

Su Changge said softly.

"You have no sister..."

Summary at the end of the volume

Hmm... The Emperor Tiandao really has a card face. I had expected this scene when I was playing Moge. It would take so long to play a Moge. That day, Emperor Dao...

Sure enough, more than 20 chapters have been played...

It's just... it's still a pity that Mo Lishou is a character. Sure enough, the role that was suddenly added in halfway is a bit too abrupt. In the end, I didn't feel the same as I imagined. Mo Qianzhong and Mo Lishou didn't lift the force Going up, it really was because of lack of pen.

In addition - considering that there should be no military divisions in the plot, I said directly here, military divisions are actually transversals from the future Heavenly Dao Continent. This should not be difficult to see.

This guy was originally the ceiling of the wise man in the setting. At that time, my mind was hot, and Mo Lishou's setting appeared, and he killed him directly...

The next volume... is almost the matter of the Gu Hong era, and Ye Jintianming, an organization that has already played out, should also have an explanation.

In short - I am quite satisfied with this volume, so let's do it.

Volume 10 Ye Jin Tian Ming Chapter One Escape

Emperor Tiandao is dead.

But the war is not over yet—Mo Lishou has three methods. The first is the destroyer, the second is the Emperor of Heaven, and the third is the army of evil demons outside the sky. As long as the news of Su Wangyou's death comes, they will Come out.

Su Wangyou kept silent for three days and three nights at the bottom of Tianhu Mountain with an ordinary long sword.

————Finally, a demon outside the sky couldn't hold back, wondering why there has been no news, so he opened the space coordinates.

Su Wangyou was waiting for them at the door. As soon as one of Mo Lishou's close friends poked his head out, Su Wangyou pressed his head back and pressed it back.

The difference is that Su Wangyou... also entered.

The'door' slowly closed.

Su Wangyou once killed 8,000 people at the foot of Tianhu Mountain. He thought it was the most murder in his life, but now he knew he was wrong.

He reached the Heavenly Dao Continent.

He began to kill.

He killed people not only for Zuguang, but also for... escape.

He was afraid to see Tang Congxin, afraid that she would ask him with red and swollen eyes, and afraid that the girl who always had a hippie smile asked him haggardly.

"Where is my sister?"

Su Wangyou, who had never had a trace of fear even in the face of Cthulhu, was really afraid of that scene.

So he wants to kill.

Kill one person in ten steps, never stay for a thousand miles.

Half a month later, Su Wangyou came back wearing a white coat dyed red with blood, with the entire Zu Guang breathless.

Afterwards - he entered the Heavenly Pass again.

He found a reason for himself --- he has so many layers of aura now that he can't waste it.

In fact, he knew that he was just scared... seeing Tang Congxin, so he went to the Heavenly Dao Continent, so he threw the matter to Su Changge.

At this moment... Su Wangyou clearly felt his ugly heart. He had never thought that he would be so weak, cowardly, and timid...

But because of this, he clearly felt that he was...'alive', not as a perfect immortal, but person with flesh and blood and negative emotions.

But now he... can't give any guarantee. Su Wangyou never lied. He went back to see Tang Congxin this time because he wanted to say to her,'I brought your sister back.' If you can't do that ————Or not sure, he... would rather not see.

Words of comfort cannot change any established facts.

Su Wangyou is not good at words, he just hopes... can do what he said.

[True Twelve Heavens Pass, Fifth Pass]

[Leaving home when young, wandering for thousands of years, a drop of blood and tears, countless hatred]

[Everlasting first, invincible in all realms, come back to the hometown when old, want to live forever]

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