Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Mime private 546

At this moment, Su Wangyou spoke, and he broke the identity of the other party.

"It's Guiguzi." Su Wangyou said calmly, "He is your master, Fu Taishu. Of course, I guess he prefers others to call him Tang Shuxin."

In an instant —————— Unspeakable fear and shock… It was like a traveler sleeping in the deep sea opening his eyes, and his eyes were all absurd and unknown that the world could not imagine.

Su Changge was controlled by this fear and couldn't even say a word.

————If there is a person in this world who can easily suppress Su Changge, then that person must be Tang Shuxin.

Tang Shuxin is still Tang Shuxin, regardless of whether the skin on him is Tang Shuxin, Fu Taishu, or poisonous spider, this person is so powerful.

"Why are you... still alive, back then--" Su Changge finally spoke, but he asked this question directly.

Imagine the reunion of the master and disciple whom I haven't seen for a long time.

Moreover, the second half of Su Changge's sentence is not difficult to guess---I obviously left when you were going to die.

Tang Shuxin laughed—the old man who had lived for two lifetimes, at least 10,000 years old, used the skin of a young and beautiful woman, and he laughed a little charm—the face of the poisonous spider itself The value is also very resistant to fights. If you are willing to dress up, the whole Zu Guang will be able to stabilize her with Qin Luoxue, and Bai Ruoli and Jiang Tairan are considered to be 50-50.

————To say a digression, Qin Jinghong was called Gu Hong’s first beauty. In Zu Guang’s era, if Su Wangyou was born out of nowhere, this title should also be given to Qin Luoxue. Gu Hong replaced Zu Guang.

————No one should compare poisonous spiders with Su Wangyou?Looking for death is not a good habit.

After Tang Shuxin laughed, he looked at Su Wangyou again.

"I can see through my real name... It's really amazing. I'm really curious about the principle of this secret method." He...or she--anyway, Tang Shuxin chuckled softly and said: "When you saw me, it was See through my identity, but you don't seem to be shocked."

"Because of this, I knew it a long time ago." Su Wangyou sighed and said, "We met a long time ago, do you remember?"

"Oh oh-did you see through me at that time?" Tang Shuxin smiled helplessly as if recalling something.

"I didn't pay attention to this kind of thing at all at the time, it was just afterwards--------"

"What are you talking about?" Su Changge interrupted the two with a constipated expression, "Why are you... here?"

Tang Shuxin looked at Su Changge intently for a while, and then smiled casually: "Will you explain, or me?"

These words are asking Su Wangyou.

"Come on." Su Wangyou shook his head, and said, "I still have some details that I haven't figured out. How can I compare to you as a client."

"Well, in fact, I also happen to have something to tell you." Tang Shuxin calmly said, "As for why I am here, and why I use the body of a poisonous spider, things must be from ancient times. The macro period began to talk..."

Chapter 10 Infatuated

"At that time, I was still alive, Jing Hongzi--that is, Jiang Yuyi had not fully realized yet, and had not confronted the Universe Empire, but at that time, I had already noticed something wrong."

Tang Shuxin paused and continued: "At that time, Jiang Yuyi and Mo Nui, there was something wrong with these two people. I couldn't tell at that time what was wrong, but as time passed, Mo Nuo We are getting more and more alienated from all of us, and even the yue girl who went out of the same school to convict is not waiting to see her. We rarely have the opportunity to see her again, and there is something wrong with Jiang Yuyi. He began to read all kinds of ancient Hong The mid-term and even the early records, and seem to be looking for something."

Tang Shuxin smiled disdainfully, "He thought he was doing a good job and was able to hide it from everyone, but in fact he only hides the two fools, Han Qinghua and Yue Nu."

————The implication is that he and Qin Jinghong have seen through Jiang Yuyi's disguise and purpose.

"So, I started to investigate and found a lot of things, even the mysterious organization'Ye Jin Tian Ming' in the middle of Gu Hong's period, just as I was going to continue the investigation..."

Tang Shuxin was suddenly silent.

"Jinghong her...Shouyuan is about to end, Jiang Yuyi gave up the easy-to-reach truth for her, and died here. Later you also learned about it, and I changed back to Jiang Yuyi."

When Tang Shuxin said this, there was no sadness or joy on his face, but the depths of his pupils...still with a trace of longing.

"Jinghong is really smart, she guessed too much, even if she didn’t check anything, she could guess too much by just guessing, Su Changge, it’s not an exaggeration to say, if it’s true It’s a pity that the two of us can’t play with her together. It’s a pity... She is married and is no longer the quirky witch, but a conservative woman. She doesn’t want to take risks , I just want to spend the rest of my life with Jiang Yuyi..."

Tang Shuxin laughed sadly, "The beautiful love destroyed her talents. She is no longer the Qin Jinghong who plays with the world's heroes in chat and laughter. She is just... Jing Hongzi's wife."

He said blankly: "It's just that."

There was a long silence.

Tang Shuxin likes Qin Jinghong. This is by no means a secret. It’s just that Qin Jinghong chose Jinghongzi in the end. In the end, Tang Shuxin even chose to die in exchange for Qin Jinghong. He used his deep affection, which is beyond the imagination of outsiders. , What kind of mood was he holding when he said these words?

No one knows.

After a long time, Tang Shuxin's face turned pale.

"So Qin Jinghong stopped taking risks, so Jing Hongzi respected her choice and gave up pursuing the truth. So... everything was buried. They lived their lives cowardly and happily, and finally became a member of the world. The ancestors of Taoism and the first generation head of Qin Shengzong, their lives are complete and legendary, and they are a beautiful couple."

Tang Shuxin's voice was indescribably tired and...confused.

It is hard for Su Changge to imagine that this person who has always been incompetent and so calm even in the face of death will have such a side.

The group of them also stood shoulder to shoulder back then. Some became the ancestors of Taoism, some created the Qin Shengzong and pure auxiliary school, some have survived to this day, and some have created a new school of sword skills, known as Sword Demon.

There was only one person... nothing, and died so lonely.

In a corner where no one knows, no one will think of him. Jinghongzi will sweep his grave every year, and Qin Jinghong will also be with him, but as time goes by, these two also die. Now... I'm afraid the only two Or Yue Nu and Mo Nu almost forgot Tang Shuxin.

That was the case with my friends back then, not to mention this shameless world?

"But I'm not reconciled...that's it." Tang Shuxin said slowly: "I held a sword before I died. That sword is called reincarnation, so I was'resurrected' and escaped'hell'."

"After the resurrection, I..." Tang Shuxin was silent again.

In fact, he wanted to say that after he was resurrected, he had been planning to resurrect Qin Jinghong, but these words... seemed unnecessary.

Because... really embarrassed, he actually doesn't have to be so embarrassed, just complaining that he broke the temple to hide from the rain, and failed to escape that glance.

So he skipped this sentence and continued: "During that process, I found some spider silk trails about Mo Girl—she is still alive, so I investigated deeply, and finally found Ye Jin Tianming— ——This mysterious organization that appeared in the middle of Gu Hong, after tens of thousands of years, Mo Nu inherited this name and once again allowed this organization to appear in the world."

"As far as I know, Ye Jin Tianming in the middle of Gu Hong's middle stage seems to be hunting high-level warriors." Su Changge interrupted, using words carefully, and refused to reveal the truly valuable information.

"It's true." Tang Shuxin nodded, with a little disdain in his tone, "Neither Mo Girl nor Mo Ge, they are all too tender."

He commented on these two people lightly, "I quickly discovered what Ye Jintianming requires of members - perhaps the core characteristics of Ye Jintianming members."

"Lan Jianzhu, this man's icy appearance hides a fiery heart. He wants to reform the world, so he has always been eager for the throne, but then the throne was given to the human emperor, so he turned his face with the human emperor and the super emperor and joined The night is clear."

"The same is true for Xia Kuang. He came from the Tower of Truth and expressed doubts about the structure of the Tower of Truth. Later, when he went to Zuguang, he also felt that something went wrong in this world, but he couldn't find a way to go until he joined the night. Tomorrow."

"Mo Ge...the same. He hopes to change the world. He strongly promoted the Mohist institution technique at the beginning, and he did not have the idea of ​​changing the world."

"These three are of the same kind. They all feel that something is wrong in the world, but they don’t know what to do to be effective. Ye Jingtianming pointed out a way for them. Some of the remaining ones are accidental and some are forced. , Or simply cultivated by yourself every night."

Chapter 11 Crazy Swordsman?

"Like a poisonous spider--" Tang Shuxin said here, she suddenly thought that the body he was using now was also a poisonous spider, but after all, she was old and fine, and there was no trace of embarrassment on her face. "She was born in a mountain of 100,000-- ——I'm talking about one hundred thousand mountains, not empty country. After seeing that secret realm, you should be able to distinguish one hundred thousand mountains from empty country, right?"

Su Wangyou and Su Changge nodded.

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