Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Mime private 556

There is no sign, no charge, no charge, no starting action.

A punch has been dropped.

This punch... is called the world without magic.

Wu Shen Su Wangyou's pupils shrank sharply.

[What I have done in my life... I just learned it by just looking at it...] No one knows, in a world without any mystery and transcendence, with a heart that does not want to be ordinary, and stick to it, the ultimate success is What a difficult road.

This punch was made by the god of war, Su Wangyou, who has been tempered and tempered with a will that ordinary people cannot imagine. It is enough to defeat all the'mysterious' and'superior' powers in the world, and then...


It was no different from the previous Su Wangyou. Even though he was born the weakest but became the strongest, Su Wangyou, the god of war, learned the most proud skills at a glance.


"Just so... do you want to defeat me?" The spirit of Su Wangyou, the god of war, whirled, and his robe rose up without wind.

"I am..." The god of war Su Wangyou raised his fist, and then came first, colliding with Su Wangyou's punch.


The fist collided with the fist, and the two terrifying forces collided together, and the extremely violent wind formed a tornado, turning everything around them into nothingness.


The bones shattered, and then the sound of scumming sounded.

Su Wangyou's arm burst open in an instant, and the unstoppable force destroyed his right hand, and the remaining strength was cast out, twisting his internal organs into a mess.

"You want to beat me?!!!" Martial God Su Wangyou said aloud: "Then you might as well try to fight the world first!"

Born in a world without demons, but insisting on pursuing the transcendent and mysterious war god Su Wangyou, he is fighting the world with his own power.

[You are already an adult, can't you be a little mature?] [Why... do you have to pursue something that does not exist?

[Is your brain sick?This guy.

[Growing like this... It’s not enough to be a little boy.

[Read more novels, right?God will take whatever he gives you. He looks pretty but a fool, ha.The incomprehension of family members, the unsupporting of friends, the cold eyes of the world, the ridicule of others...

[All... it doesn't matter.

The god of war Su Wangyou opened his eyes, and a golden streamer flashed across his eyes.

"Because I am Su Wangyou."

Time seemed to freeze, and the god of war Su Wangyou was bullying him, and his eyes met Su Wangyou.

"I... will never be defeated. The world has not been able to defeat me, and no one in this world can defeat me."

Then, a punch.

"Because I am——————————Su! Forget! Worry!"

The world seemed to have turned into a pale color, and all Su Wangyou couldn't hear a sound anymore.


Wind blows.

It was still the sharp angle of sixty degrees, and the apex was still Su Wangyou in boxing.

It's just this punch... it stretches to the end of the'world'.

This punch almost broke through the limits of the universe and the universe...

Such a punch, such a blow...

But... Su Wangyou did not fall because of this.

He lowered his head, but still stood.

"Really..." He said with a hoarse voice, "What a coincidence."

Afterwards, he grabbed the arm of the Valkyrie Su Wangyou and stuck it tightly.

"I am also called..."

Afterwards, with both arms squeezed, unstoppable force came, and the war god Su Wangyou was directly bent forward.

Su Wangyou clenched his fists.

"Su Wangyou."

Then, from bottom to top, a shot of Shenglong Fist.

Chapter 25 Su Wangyou (8)

Su Wangyou, the god of war, could not stop this punch, but he just couldn't stop it.

Because of this punch, it passed through his palm and directly hit his chin.

Yes, I went through.

Super power Su Wangyou narrowed his eyes, a little uncomfortable like the starry sky Su Wangyou.


The pinched fist hit the chin of the Valkyrie Su Wangyou, knocking him into the air.

But... it's not over yet.

In the next second, thousands of fists appeared.

And... are all'there is no magic in the world'.

Extracting from the timeline, copying it, and reproducing it, this is Su Wangyou's favorite move - using enemy moves to defeat the enemy.

Numerous Valkyrie Su Wangyou slammed the most proud punch in his life.

The fist fell like rain.

The god of war Su Wangyou was in mid-air, constantly being knocked into the air, hit hard, and his body was hit by countless fists like a rag doll.

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