Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Mime private 573

Twelve years ago, Chu Yi was in the fairyland. Twelve years later, Chu Yi was already a middle and high level in the extreme emperor realm.

But when Chu Wushuang was one in ten, this sentence became a joke.

She was called Xiang Jing, and her life...mostly was destroyed by the formation that Su Changge randomly laid out.

Xiang Jing was drunk, lying on a table in an inn, drunk with dim eyes, and muttering words that no one understood.

————Maybe it was just an unconscious murmur of the alcoholic.

Su Wangyou sat opposite her and said softly: "Long time no see."

It's really been a long time since we saw each other, maybe for a powerful warrior, twelve years is nothing, but for young people like Su Wangyou and Xiang Jing, this is two-fifths of their lives.

"Who?" Xiang Jing muttered, reluctantly, drunkenly raised his head, and then he was stunned.

The memory of the fairyland is actually not good enough to remember a person who had only seen a few eyes twelve years ago for twelve years, but... Su Wangyou's appearance can probably be seen by a six-year-old girl. I remembered that until she was eighty years old, she was about to die, lying in bed watching the flowers, she couldn't remember anything, except for the face that was indifferent like a god in the sky.

"long time no see."

Occasionally, I have thought about how I would react if I met again, whether I was moved, or disdainful, or cold and arrogant, or trying to succumb, or...

Then he woke up, took a sip of wine, laughed and scolded himself with a heartbreak.

Now I really is so unbearable.

He was full of alcohol, his clothes hadn't been changed for two days, and his hair hadn't been taken care of. It was a mess, and his face was red, right?I stammered...

Xiang Jing has become accustomed to the eyes of other ancient people in Huangluo City who hate iron and steel - she thinks that she has a thick skin, but at this moment... she thinks it might be better if she died here.

"You... why would you... come here..." Xiang Jing regretted it after saying it. It's better not to say it, and it's even worse.

[Be free and easy, be more casual...]

She told herself that, but it didn't work.

"You have changed a lot." Su Wangyou looked out the window. It was in the afternoon, and the sun was slightly warm. "Twelve years ago, you abandoned the Fifth Huazhi and left. Even though there are things that are wrong, at least the confidence is Really."

"I..." Xiang Jing opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

"I heard that you took care of Tang Lianxin for a long time." Su Wangyou paused and said seriously, "Thank you."

"I haven't seen Tang Lianxin, but Tang Congxin often tells me about her sister." Su Wangyou continued: "Her tone is always proud, and I can also tell that she really likes her sister, Tang Shuxin back then It’s not helpful to be forced to... forget it."

"Twelve years." Su Wangyou looked at her and whispered softly: "The Fifth Huazhi has already let go, how about you?"

In the year of Zuguang 4456, Huangluocheng went eighty li to the south, eighty li to the north, eighty li to the east, and eighty li to the west, aura swept across.

Huang Luocheng, Xiang Jing, wasted twelve years, breaking through two realms in one go.

It doesn't matter whether you accumulate thin hair, or break and stand up.

He just made a slight resistance to that sentence once the white head was mistaken for life...

After that, it was Taixu City, Taixu Secret Realm.

The Secret Realm of Taixu was still closed at this time, but Su Wangyou stepped in.

At the beginning, this secret realm was cut in half by him in one green lotus and six styles - it seems that the space of this secret realm itself is not stable.

Who would have thought that the old man who was lingering in the secret realm... would actually be the immortal realm powerhouse at the end of Gu Hong, with a huge empire, and even the ancient beasts like Lingshan as pets.

However, in the end, he just died unclearly.

The death of the strong is not necessarily vigorous, but it may also be silently killed in a dark corner.

Su Wangyou sighed and left the Secret Realm of Too Void.

Then, it was the Mo family.

This place... brought him too much surprise.

That amiable Mo family giant would actually be the shadow of Ye Jintianming.

Mo Qianzhong, who was afraid of life back then, can even be said to have some communication difficulties, now he is good at dancing with long sleeves and exquisite.

There was even a traitor who affected Zu Guang’s fate like Mo Lishou and almost caused Zu Guang’s complete destruction...

Of course, the one who can't get around the most is always the true leader of Ye Jintianming.

————The first generation of Mohist giants, Mo Mingshi.

Hidden in the deepest part of the world, he controlled everything in the dark, and used the most powerful means to forcibly end the era with the highest military value in the world-Gu Hong.

Chapter 4 Su Wangyou's Twelve Years (3)

Thinking about it this way...The Mo Family is really a protagonist.

Mo Mingshi, Mo Ge, Mo Nu (it's also the Mo family for the time being), Mo Qianzhong, Mo Lishou.

Hidden deepest and is the strongest behind the scenes in the world.

The shadow behind the scenes that inherited the will of the ancestors.

A lone traveler who appeared in the world with a mission, but had to abandon everything.

The person who truly carried forward the Mohist institution technique.

And... the traitor who almost destroyed the world, but died in the hands of Mo Qianzhong because of the heart demon.

Su Wangyou saw Mo Qianzhong.

Mo Qianzhong's expression didn't look good, he asked, "Su Changge is missing?"

————This news cannot be covered up. Su Changge has been missing for a few months, and it is inevitable to be discovered.

Su Wangyou shook his head: "It's not missing, I know where he is."

"That's good----" Mo Qianzhong was shocked by Su Wangyou's next sentence before he let go.

"In the hands of the enemy, there is probably no self-awareness."

Hearing this, Mo Qianzhong didn't react too exaggeratedly. He just sighed, "Is it true?"

Mo Qianzhong had already had a lot of speculation, and the situation Su Wangyou said was also within his speculation.

"I am going to leave and rescue him." Su Wangyou said concisely.

Mo Qianzhong didn't say anything like'I will go with you', because he knew it was useless.

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