Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Mime private 614

[Su Wangyou, from now on, you are the strongest person with time ability in the world, the king of time, my power...I also entrust you.When Mo Mingshi was about to lose sight of Su Wangyou's figure... he stopped.

"What would I do?" he said to himself.

"I will smash all those who are full of evil, and I will resurrect all those who have good intentions — I will establish a new order.

He paused.

"I will continue this era."

He stepped up, his voice rang out in the stars.

"I will awaken the spirit of the world, and I will open the way to the longevity state."

"The will I left behind will guard this world forever."

After that, there was a long silence.

"————I will leave."

This is the last sentence Mo Mingshi heard.

Mo Mingshi stayed alone in the cold and silent universe, and the cracks on his body became more and more obvious.


He slowly closed his eyes, and his body dissipated like fine sand.

"Sorry, father, teacher..."

"I tried my best."

In my memory, it was the summer afternoon when I was young.

Lying on the table, watching the other students studying seriously, his father's helpless expression after discovering that he was lazy was also that Qin Mu, who was lazy but was not found, was hiding his little pride.

The never-ending cicada cries outside the window, some hot breeze, and the slightly harsh sunlight...

Mo Mingshi lowered his head, and the world before him turned into darkness.

"I'm also a little bit tired."

The never-ending cicada cries outside the window also stopped at this moment.

"Just let me... sleep."

The most powerful force of time in history circulated on Su Wangyou.

This is the power of Su Wangyou in the starry sky, and it is also the power of a human being compared to the evil god, infinitely close to the transcendence level.

Su Wangyou intends to fulfill his promise --- his time is already running low, so it's better to spend it here... do some useful things.

Raise your hand and hold the sheathless.

All the'concepts' in the world appeared before Su Wangyou's eyes.

But this time, what Su Wangyou wanted to cut was not a concept.

One sword, from top to bottom, cut the entire hell!

All the spirits inside were unscathed.

The spirits... are about to return to the earth.

Whether it is a kind-hearted person or a wicked person.

But Su Wangyou decided... to kill those with malicious intent. They will be abandoned by the times and never wake up again.

But... how can one distinguish between good and evil?

It may not be difficult to distinguish a person's good from evil, but it is actually just a person's subjective view. A bank robbing gangster is extremely vicious, but a gangster who has to rob a bank in order to treat his daughter's illness can be understood by some people.

Some people kill to save people, while others save people to kill more people. Good and evil are not so easy to distinguish.

What's more, what Su Wangyou wants to distinguish is not the good and evil of a certain person... What he wants to distinguish is the good and evil of all warriors from the fairyland through the ages. dead).

Can it be done?

Can do it.

A skill that may have been forgotten...

He belongs to the same world as Xingkong Su Wangyou, the second place in the alliance——God cannot call his name directly.

This skill itself is not to that level... But this ability now belongs to Su Wangyou, as long as there is this framework... How to change it is not Su Wangyou's mind?

Su Wangyou's inner energy gushed out like a tide, blocking the only way for the spirits to return to the earth.

The unconscious soul gate slammed into it, the malicious people disappeared, and the good people returned to the earth.

[Come back...Although this is no longer Gu Hong, this is still your hometown.This era will be much better than Gu Hong, I promise.

The stars are shining, and the soul belongs to the earth.

Then...the power of time passed, so that those who could not return... also returned.

At the foot of Tianhu Mountain, the ruins of the gods, the Taoist battlefield, outside the city of Tibet, in front of Qingyun Mountain...

The ancient monarch got up from the ground and was stunned for about three seconds.

Three seconds later, he rushed in the direction of Tianhu Mountain.

one more time……

At the foot of Tianhu Mountain, someone climbed up, then moved in his direction and made the same movement.

This time, I am no longer the monarch of the ancient country, and you are no longer the lord of Qinsheng Palace.

We love if we want, no need to think too much.

Jing Hongzi opened his eyes, his vision blurred.

The woman in a long skirt squatted beside him, holding an umbrella, blocking the sun.

Jing Hongzi was stunned, then hugged her.

Gu Hong's first beauty smiled and hugged each other.

In the distance, the old figure turned his head.

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