Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Mime private 624

The instrument of this life is majestic, majestic and majestic, wearing a purple gold crown with trident hair, wearing a Xichuan cotton red cotton robe, wearing a beast-face swallowing head armor, and a lean lion belt; a bow and arrow are carried, and a painted halberd , Sit down, whistling red rabbit horse, so majestic.

This person, Su Changge, may be familiar. Wu Quang fought with him that day, so he summoned the image of this person and called him the "primordial demon god's appearance". Now he has won the title of a demon god in the sky.

In the official history... No matter what dynasty, killing the emperor with the fairyland is considered to be a top genius, but there are also some particulars. Some people kill the emperor with the water in the chaotic desert, but there are also such a small part. They can kill the Extreme Emperor Realm, but... there are always a few hanging on the wall, Li Qinglian will not talk about it. Playing Mo Mingshi behind the scenes in the fairyland is the same as playing — of course, it’s also because of his ability to restrain each other. In addition, Mo Mingshi took the initiative to cross time and space, which was inconvenient, but his record was solid.

Li Qinglian is an exception, but there are also a few, they are really hanging on the wall, such as this Lu Fengxian...that is a real way to kill the immortal realm in the fairyland-and the killing is not the bottom of the kind, he killed it. The longevity realm is at least the middle and upper hand of the longevity realm.

It is no exaggeration to say that if he is allowed to reach the Emperor Realm, the ordinary immortal realm will have to drink hate under his Fang Tian painted halberd---Yes, this is also a genius who has not yet reached a great achievement and died.

This is also a very sad thing. My own martial arts system has not yet formed, and my invincible talent has not been revealed, and he died inexplicably, not even remembered...

This is undoubtedly a cruel thing for the warrior who wants to be named before and after.

The opponent's strength is undoubtedly crushed by Wu Quan. Su Wangyou estimated it, and felt that if Mo Mingshi did not explode, it would take some time to win the opponent's estimate, and he would have to be hurt... but the opponent was obviously also a The master who could explode, when Su Wangyou was thinking about things here, the other party had been forced to'lift' three times, and his strength had almost doubled five times.

The strength of the opponent surpassed Su Wangyou's imagination... Honestly speaking, besides Li Qinglian, Su Wangyou couldn't even think of anyone behind him---but there were still three levels behind...

After that, another Thang Long ended the battle.

The door of the tenth pass was also pushed open by Su Wangyou.

Chapter 12 Use your best to defeat me

Apocalypse·Time Twelve Sky Tube, Tenth Pass

[War God, Su Wangyou]

The enemy of this level... is really the god of war Su Wangyou!

Su Wangyou suddenly realized---No wonder that several previous enemy titles were accompanied by a'god', what ghosts, swords, demon... Now it is the turn of the warrior.

That is, Su Wangyou himself.

The god of war Su Wangyou sat cross-legged at the center and stood up when he saw Su Wangyou coming.

"You're here..." He squinted his eyes and saw that Su Wangyou's state was very wrong - Su Wangyou didn't even have any intent to fight in his eyes.

But... Among Su Wangyou, except for the sudden change of personality caused by the starry sky Su Wangyou because of the power of controlling time for too long, everyone else is the same. Although the god of war Su Wangyou can see that Su Wangyou is wrong, But he didn't know what was wrong, even if he knew it, based on his emotional intelligence, he probably couldn't do anything effective.

Valkyrie Su Wangyou has no choice but to dryly say: "Go ahead, Su Wangyou...This is not only your mission, but also ours. Everyone wants you to move forward. We will not just disappear, but with You coexist...Go ahead."

————These words are considered a lie, not a lie.

The transcendant is the only one in all realms. After Su Wangyou becomes the transcended, they will all disappear, and the history of the world they are in will be repaired. There will be another one who did the same thing but was not'Su Wangyou' People will replace them to revise history, and Su Wangyou will also get all their memories - and power. Of course, for the transcendence, that power is not important at all.

The idea of ​​coexistence is undoubtedly deceiving, unless Su Wangyou's transcendence characteristic is to allow other Su Wangyou to survive and survive.

————It really has such characteristics of transcendence, and even the characteristics of transcendence like "infinite real name"... As for what the real name means to the transcendence, I will talk about it later.

Su Wangyou was silent for a while, then hesitated to speak... He vaguely felt that the path he was taking was wrong, but knew that if he spoke, the god of war Su Wangyou would inevitably persuade him to become a transcendant as soon as possible.

To be honest... it's hard for others to tell, but as far as the group of'Su Wangyou' is concerned, the person who lives on the mission is the most fortunate.

He didn't even have the slightest will to fight, but he had to carry others' expectations and move forward.

[Twelve Days Pass of Extreme Time, the 11th Pass]

The introduction of this level is very short, just three words.

Li Qinglian

Just these three words... are worth a thousand words.

There is no one of the most amazing names in the world.

In one day, even broken into the Tao, Tongxuan, master, sage, and immortal five realms!Become the fastest fairyland ever.

After that...One night after many years, Lian Po Void Realm, Emperor Realm, Longevity Realm, Immortal Realm... became the strongest human being.

The strongest does not refer to'this era', nor does it refer to'this universe'.

In the infinite universe, in the infinite world line, in the infinite multidimensional one can be stronger than Li Qinglian.

He doesn't need any introduction, only a name, and naturally someone knows his beauty.

The top masters competed only for the momentum and fighting spirit of one hand, but at this time Su Wangyou's fighting spirit and momentum were all zero...

Even if Li Qinglian was suppressed by all his attributes, martial arts, and equipment at this time, he was still suppressed...

His current state is somewhat similar to that of Human Sovereign, or even worse, he can't even display his strength.

————If Su Wangyou was really cruel, he could kill Li Qinglian directly without the sheath plus kill science combination, but Su Wangyou would naturally not do that.

Su Wangyou retreated steadily, but he relied on his strong talent to sustain it. If expressed in a digital form, he would comprehend several passive talents dedicated to fighting Li Qinglian every second.

Li Qinglian stopped the sword suddenly.

Li Qinglian at this time was not the confused person outside who happened to be in a big defeat. He was confident and high-spirited, and the sword in his hand did not hesitate. He was a true sword god on earth.

Su Wangyou was able to breathe.

"It's just such a level... How did you get here? The Valkyrie released the water?" Li Qinglian had no sarcasm in her tone, but she was puzzled. "No, in your state, even if he releases the water, you can't make a fuss. Came here without loss..."

"I don't know what happened to you, but... I want to tell you." Li Qinglian held the sword, "Use your best... I am the strongest human being. If you don't use your best, you can't Conquer me, if you really want to reach that realm————"

Li Qinglian's voice suddenly rose.

"Try your best to defeat me!"

———— Su Wangyou still has no intention to fight.

He vaguely felt... that there could be a better way, but he didn't have time to find this way.

He wanted to bet... betting that he would use all his strength when facing death—but he didn't dare to bet.

But let Su Wangyou kill all Su Wangyou and true madness indirectly like this...he couldn't do it either.

Li Qinglian's words completely failed to arouse his fighting spirit.

[Is there really no other way...]

He thought so...until Li Qinglian forced him to have nowhere to go.

Chapter Thirteen Starry Sky Gods

Su Wangyou didn't know what he was doing.

Li Qinglian regarded Su Wangyou as a real opponent and gave the highest level of respect, fighting with the determination to kill him.

And what about Su Wangyou...what is he doing?

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