Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Mime private 626

"I know you won't give it... But have you ever thought about - this weapon doesn't belong to you in the first place." Ye Guxuan lowered his voice instead.

——Ye Guxuan's tone was a little soft, and Chuan Sheng relaxed a little vigilance because of this, but he didn't expect that this was Ye Guxuan's last patience and his only soft word.

Chuan Sheng's voice suddenly became weird, "————Do you know the origin of this weapon?!"

If saying,'the other party knows that this weapon is in the starry sky gods' place, Chuan Sheng cannot lose his composure... then'the other party knows the true origin of this weapon' is enough to make Chuan Sheng vigilant.

The starry sky gods are one of the strongest creatures in the universe. Except for a very small number of humans and evil gods, no creatures are worthy of being their opponents—but this does not mean that they are invincible.

"Which one do you...know?" Chuansheng tentatively said---It is also accidental that the starry sky gods can get this weapon. It is a gift from a certain big man on a whim. If the other party really knows that big man... Then he has to give or not.

But —— Chuan Sheng is skeptical about this. The transcendant warrior is supreme for the creatures under the transcended, but for that big man, he can create forty-five more with a single thought. All the transcended soldiers are squeezed down!

"What if you know, what if you don't know..." Ye Guzhuang slowly said: "That sentence just now is my last patience... Don't test me, don't try to figure me, don't spy on me—————— Give me that weapon...immediately, immediately."

These words are really overbearing - Chuan Sheng is a little afraid that the other party really knows that big man, but he doesn't want to hand over Wu Feng.

There is no other reason... no matter who it is, after seeing such power, he will not be willing to hand it over.

Ye Guzuo seemed to have expected this answer a long time ago, and he took out the causality and said each word.

"Give me Wufeng...otherwise——————"

Ye Guchuang stared at Chuansheng with cold eyes, and his voice was cold, like the Siberian wind.

"I will kill you all."

The battle between Su Wangyou and Li Qinglian was finally over.

Li Qinglian's strength completely shocked Su Wangyou - he knew that Li Qinglian was very strong, but he didn't expect to be so strong.

Li Qinglian’s initial state is at least twenty times stronger than Mo Mingshi of the explosive species. During the battle with Su Wangyou...He was agitated nine times, had an epiphany eighty times, awakened twice, and exploded four times... …Finally, he entered a new state of "selflessness", the power is infinitely approaching the limit of human beings, and the star is like a child's play!

If it weren't for Su Wangyou to add himself...I am afraid he would really lose here.

Li Qinglian is stronger than the god of war Su Wangyou...and much stronger!

The two are not the same level at all, whether it is a basic attribute or an explosive ability.

Human beings are the strongest... well-deserved reputation.

If it weren’t for the end, Su Wangyou had completely erupted in the posture of the'War God, the posture of the sword god, the posture of the ghost god, the posture of the devil god', and relied on the non-quantum reconciling heart sutra to run Li Qinglian’s'Qinglian Sword Sutra' at the same time. And the'Bai Shou Tai Xuan Jing'... I'm afraid it will really lose.

(I glanced at it earlier, it will be)

Su Wangyou even felt that if he didn't make a full shot, even with or without a sheath, he would have to lose under Li Qinglian's last six Qinglian style.

————By the way, it has to be renamed Qinglian Shishi.

In the process of fighting with Su Wangyou...Li Qinglian realized the tenth formula and named it'Duanshi·The ancient saints are lonely, only the drinker keeps his name'

Su Wangyou won't be easy to win... He doesn't know why he is so hard to fight. He can see all the skills at a glance. The power of time is infinite blood blue, and the attack power of the sheathless body is infinite. It is right to say that winning should be easy.

It can only be said that Li Qinglian is indeed the strongest man...

Chapter 15 The Man Who Lives To Die

The last pass of Tianguan.

Su Wangyou stood in front of the door, afraid to open the door.

This is his last thinking time, once the door is opened...then there is really no chance to go back.

In the battle with Li Qinglian just now, he was awakened with a will to fight, even though this will is extremely weak... but Su Wangyou finally had a little fighting will.

He stood in front of the door, thinking for a long time.

[What will my transcendence characteristics be... Why are they all sure that I can defeat that copy?] This is exactly what Su Wangyou cannot understand—the future of the transcendant cannot be observed. In that case, why do all insiders think that they can defeat the copy?

[No... Maybe I have no choice but to win.

[Like now, I have no choice but to open this door.So Su Wangyou opened the door.

Inside the door, it was crazy.

Really crazy?

It really is crazy.

He really is here...waiting to die.

Su Wangyou was destined to be a surpasser when he was born.

His blood is doomed to his extraordinary life, but that blood... human beings cannot bear it.

The supreme bloodline symbolizes'absolute victory', an incomprehensible existence that can be overcome by the rules of the transcendence.

Human beings can't bear that bloodline. He has a way to make Su Wangyou bear that bloodline, but...the time has not arrived.

That being the case, there needs to be a carrier to bear the blood for Su Wangyou.

He took out a part of Su Wangyou's spirit and shaped it --- and directly gave him the strongest body and soul below the transcendant, so as to bear the power of that bloodline.

That part of the soul became really crazy.

Even Su Wangyou's complete spirit cannot bear that spirit, let alone being crazy is only part of it?

But he did it for a reason... the power of that bloodline was sealed, and he was crazy... it was the seal.

To say something ugly---seals, like rules, appear in this world just to be broken.

Unlike Su Wangyou, Real Madness appeared in this world just to wait for death.

When Su Wangyou grew up enough to withstand that bloodline, or needed that bloodline.

At that time, the true madness has to die - it is worth mentioning that a living body without self-awareness cannot bear the blood, so the true madness has self-awareness.

All relevant knowledge, he passed into the mind of the true mad - including the point that he will die in the future.

He doesn’t care about the madness. From the perspective of the transcendent, all non-transcendent creatures are ants—even if some of them can become transcendents in the future, as long as they are not transcendents for one day, then Contempt will not change.

He doesn't care about Real Madness's thoughts... But Real Madness does have his own ideas.

Of course...No one wants to die, let alone feel the madness of that great bloodline power. He doesn't want to die, but he can't resist... Is the power of the transcendent that humans can resist?

Unwillingness, anger, hatred, pain...

The true madness at that time was an angry beast, he believed no one, just as no one believed him.

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