Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Mime private 629

"Very spectacular, isn't it?" The young man walked to Su Wangyou, "So far, every transcendant who has come here will be shocked by this scene... With one exception, that guy is really a freak."

Su Wangyou had already entered a state of "no matter what happens, you will not be surprised", and the sudden appearance of the young man did not surprise him.

"Who is that person?" Su Wangyou asked curiously.

"He was taken away from his real name." The young man replied, "It is hard to imagine that he would have such a day. It is clear that all the transcendants combined are not his opponents..."

"What does the real name symbolize to the transcendant... and who are you?" Su Wangyou asked three times in a row, "this river...what is it?"

"Hehe, don't worry, after all I waited so long to welcome a guest." Without seeing the young man's movements, a set of tables and chairs suddenly appeared around him.

"Sit." The young man greeted casually, his expression was very casual, as if he had known Su Wangyou for many years.

Su Wangyou hesitated for a moment, and sat on it--maybe the young man's temperament infected him and made him put his guard down.

"Then... let's start with self-introduction." The young man pointed to himself and said, "I am the first transcender in the world. When I first came here, I was shocked by this river. I'm here, so I decided to stay here — and look at my own kind. My name has long been forgotten. You can call me the first generation. Maybe someone else remembers my name. Anyway, I have forgotten it myself. "

The first generation said lightly, with no waves in his tone - even though what he said was such a proud thing.

"The first generation...?"

Su Wangyou can imagine what kind of loneliness the world’s first transcendant is---breaking through the endless limit alone, seeing this miraculous river, but no one can share joy companion……

"As for this river... I call it the Long River of Destiny. There is no reason, but I like to call it that way. There used to be a transcendence guy who wanted to tell me the real name of this river, but I refused. No need, I just like to call this river that way."

Su Wangyou nodded silently.

"As for the real name of the transcendant...This is a very complicated question. I will explain it to you in the simplest way."

"For a transcender, there are two things that are very important, one is the'transcendence characteristics', which is of course needless to mention, the other is the'transcendence's true name'.

"The real name of the transcendencer is related to the power of the transcendence. For the transcendence, it is a bargaining chip at the gaming table. Once he loses or is defeated, then his real name of the transcendence will be taken away --- —If the transcendence’s real name is taken away, then the transcendence characteristics will also be taken away. If the real name is not completely lost, then the transcendence will only be taken away from part of the power. This is the only transcendence that can be used as a The'bet' thing."

The first generation paused and said again.

"I have seen a lot of transcendence characteristics that revolve around the transcendence’s real name, such as the'infinite real name'. In addition, the real name can also be used to strengthen the transcendence characteristics-to consume one’s real name and to strengthen one’s own Transcendence characteristics-but the duration is only a short β second-ah, by the way, do you know what the number β symbolizes?"

Su Wangyou nodded.

"However, in contrast, the power gained by consuming one's real name...maybe it will make one's own transcendence characteristics unimaginable evolution, the last tens of trillions of universe births and deaths,'infinite real name' and'omniscience' The'Almighty' guys are all planning to find a way to prove the β number. This is probably one of the few pleasures in their lives. Sometimes I really suspect that they can actually prove that number long ago, but they just deliberately dragged it. That's it."

Chapter Eighteen

"Speaking of - I've always cared about you since just now, your real name... seems to be cursed?" The first generation squinted his eyes and said: "If you don't become a transcendant, then forget it, the curse will continue. Silence, but after you become the transcendant, this curse will explode - your real name will be taken away!"

Su Wangyou was stunned, and then thought of the copy...Yes, his father had done so much preparation, it was a strange thing to say that the copy did nothing.

Su Wangyou guessed well... the curse was indeed given to him by the clone. The moment he became a transcendant and left the river of fate, the curse would explode, taking away the transcendence characteristics of'Su Wangyou' .

"But...I don't feel anything." Su Wangyou frowned, "The curse you said--"

"That's because you are now in the midst of a long river of fate." The first generation casually explained, "When you leave here... the curse will erupt completely, and then take your real name."

The first generation squinted again, "No... wait, this blood in your body... what a familiar force."

"It's not appropriate for me to say this, but - as far as I know it, the power of bloodline or the power of curse theoretically has no effect on the transcendence, unless that The transcendence of the transcendence is related to it, or the two transcends have used their real names to strengthen the'bloodline' and the'curse'..."

The first generation looked at Su Wangyou, "No... whichever option is too exaggerated-you have just become a transcendant, that is to say, before you become a transcended, there is a transcendant You shot..."

It is an exaggeration that the transcendencer takes action against the existence of the non-transcendence, and it is also something of a'delayed effect' such as'bloodline' and'curse'.

"Will this curse—————— take away my transcendence characteristics?" Su Wangyou frowned, "After I leave here."

The first generation nodded and said: "Yes, but to be precise, it is not taking away the transcendence characteristics of'you', but the transcending characteristics of'Su Wangyou', and even your heterogeneous counterparts— ———Don’t look at me, I can’t do anything about it."

"But... the power contained in that bloodline may have an answer." The first generation paused, "Are you going to take a look?"

Look at the secret hidden in that bloodline

Su Wangyou didn't hesitate, he nodded to Chu Dai, "Excuse me."

"No, nothing, I am also very happy to see the same kind, and I don't want the same kind I just saw to disappear." The first generation propped his chin and said to himself: "You know, even the one that defeated all the world The existence of the transcendence did not kill a transcendence..."

Su Wangyou didn't hear the first generation's self-talk, he sank his body and mind into that bloodline.

"If you see this scene... Then you must have become a transcendant?"

In the pure white world, He stands at the center, "What will your transcendence characteristics be? Inherit my "absolute victory", no...the possibility is not high, so far there has been no complete The same transcendence characteristics—except for me and my copy."

He paused and said, "Well, it doesn't matter, you must be anxious too, right? The first generation should have told you the common sense of transcendors---if I am wrong, there is no way, after all, the future of transcendors can't be helped. Being observed, although I have some means to break these rules...but that would be too boring."

"That curse is indeed left to you by a copy of me. Before you were born, that guy observed the words you said to your mother'twenty years ago','My name is Su Wangyou', so in advance I cursed the name'Su Wangyou', but I have to give you that name, otherwise you, who were not a transcender at that time, might be corrected by the power of time and space...By the way, I was already deeply trapped. It’s a battlefield with the clone, so there is no way~~"


Su Wangyou secretly complained in his heart.

Perhaps it was because the expression on his face was too relaxed, even without any seriousness, so that Su Wangyou could not raise a half-heavy feeling - and his tone was too frivolous, giving people a kind of'I I'm lying to you...

"It's easy to get rid of this curse... Haven't you always been weird, why I insisted on giving you a word when you were eighteen years old, and... you follow your mother's surname."

Su Wangyou was silent-after he became the transcendant, a lot of the fog disappeared by himself, such as Su Wangyou's surname. Su Wangyou has always followed his mother's surname, but everyone around him is not surprised ... Now it seems that it is also the same aura of wit as "Eternal Life".

"Is this useful?" He said with a smile but a smile: "You must think so, what a'real name' is so important to the transcendence, if you can easily get rid of the influence of the real name by changing a name...that is undoubtedly It's a joke."

There was no arrogance on his face.

"But...I took your words, and I gave your last name."

"I'm going to rewrite the rules of Transcendence World now... whoever has an opinion, I have to hold it back."

Chapter Nineteen New Real Name

"Everyone thought that my real name was taken away. This statement is only half true." He said calmly: "To be more precise, my real name was only taken away by a quarter... I think you are now You should know what my name is? At least in the course of fate, you should be able to call out my name."

Su Wangyou and Him spoke almost at the same time.

"Shiina... Zhenshi!"

Yes...this is his real name. In the long river of fate, Su Wangyou finally learned his father's real name.

Shiina Masashi.

The last name is Shiina, and the name is true.

No wonder Zhen Kuang’s name is so strange... It turns out that he failed to inherit this surname.

Su Wangyou, who was about to be 21 years old, finally learned his father's name, and finally wanted to retrieve his real last name.

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