Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Mime private 639

"I..." The nameless man slowly said, but was interrupted by the old man.

"But the dead will never come back, and the soul that symbolizes glory and indomitability will also be covered in dust. When you open your eyes and find that the world has changed, you want to see, but you suddenly understand how the world has become. It has nothing to do with you."

The old man stood up-his back was already a little hunched.

"The terrible thing is never defeat, but not being defeated."

Pieces of the pure white world fell apart... The old man's figure was the same.

Starting from the feet, little by little upwards, it quickly dissipated like a flying catkins.

At the last moment... the old man who had never succumbed in his entire life turned his head, his voice still hoarse, heavy, and old.

He said

"Don't give in."

Then, the world before him turned into darkness.

I don't know how long it has passed, perhaps it has been vicissitudes of life, perhaps it is just Nan Ke Yimeng.

The nameless... slowly opened his eyes.

He was still lying on the ground, staring at the sky blankly.

The sky is blue and peaceful.

"Just give in?"

He said to himself suddenly.

Shiina Masashi in the distance suddenly stopped.

The nameless man slowly stood up.

Shiina turned around, showing an impatient expression.

"Even the real name was taken away, what are you going to fight with me?" Shiina raised his eyebrows wantonly.

"Snatched by...?" The unknown person's voice was a little confused, "What are you talking about..."

The nameless man slowly raised his head and met Shiina's pupils.

"It's just... a reward for you."

Shiina's expression instantly changed-no one could see his movements clearly, as if the time of the entire world had been stopped-when the clock started to work again... Shiina was already standing On the seat where the nameless man just stood.

The nameless... was knocked out, pierced 219371283183261839 points, and then smashed on the edge of the universe.

The whole body became cold again, symbolizing that the undefeated demon god is approaching step by step, and the vitality is constantly passing...The world in front of him has gradually become blurred.


The unknown man gritted his teeth and stood up.

"I can't just lose out--"

He took a deep breath.

[Why everyone thinks I can win...]

In a trance, memories of childhood came to mind.

It's the back of my father...

[The young eagle that is always hiding in the nest, no matter how big it grows, is nothing more than a young eagle that dare not fight the sky, if you really want to spread its wings to fly...] The blood is mixed with the broken teeth, Threw it out of his mouth.

"If..." The unknown person panted heavily, feeling the flame in his chest burning, "If you want to fly, you must break through the comfort zone left by your fathers——————"

The nameless man slowly clenched his fist towards the demon god coming from a distance.

"This surname...I'll give it to you." He straightened up, his expression slowly calming down.

The invincible demon god has arrived in front of him, and the look of the unknown person is still extremely calm.

He said to the demon god: "I will not succumb, nor will I lose."

"Because I believe in my capacity... more than that."

The fate is long, some people go and come back.

When he came, his name was Su Wangyou, when he left, he was called Shiina Baishou.

Now when he comes back, he has become an unknown person.

The first generation had already anticipated the defeat of the Unknown. He didn't think anyone could defeat Shina Shiina, even if it was just a fake, but he didn't expect the Unknown to return here after the defeat, and he was a little surprised.

"You are here...what are you doing?"

Back here...what are you doing?

The unknown person watched the river of fate.

This long river of fate flows like this, shocking all transcendors throughout the ages, and then flows to an unknown distance.

Standing in front of this river, the unknown person asked himself.

[What am I doing here?

He suddenly laughed.

"Ah...I'm looking for something that I lost."

The unknown person looks to the first generation.

"It's very embarrassing... you have already thrown things into the trash can, but you still have to search the trash can afterwards, when you need it, and retrieve the discarded things."

The pupils of the first generation shrank suddenly, and then he said solemnly.


However, he was interrupted by the unknown.

"Whether it's embarrassing or useless, I've insisted on it."

He watched the long river of fate, stretched out his palm, and saw the sparkling water surface through the palm.

The unknown person whispered softly, but the voice spread far away, and ripples waved on the river of fate.

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