Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Mime private 643

"Beat me!!!"

With the sound of fury throughout the world, Su Wangyou was retired by this boxing for twenty light years.

Yes... it was only repelled for twenty light years,

"What is absolute victory?" Shiina Masayoshi squeezed his fist, his pupils were terrifying and fierce, "I am victory, I am undefeated, my strength is beyond infinity, anything contradictory The transcendence is not as good as me. My the highest."

He looked at Su Wangyou who was twenty light years away.

"I don't care what your transcendence characteristics are, because no matter what kind of transcendence characteristics you have, it is impossible to defeat me--because I symbolize'absolute victory'!"

In the distance, Su Wangyou wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"is it."

He stood up slowly, and walked towards Shiina Masada.

"Absolute victory...?"

He slowly clenched his fist.

"Well, it is indeed a very strong ability."

Among the stars, there is light shining.

"No, it's not too much to call it the strongest transcendence trait-your priority is terrible."

Su Wangyou raised his head and praised from the heart.

"In the past, present, and future, there is indeed no higher priority transcendence characteristic."

————For some reason, Shiina Masashi's heart was cast with a heavy shadow, and a terrible possibility flooded his mind.

"'s a pity."

The answer is here.

Shiina really flew forward, intending to interrupt Su Wangyou's self-talk - but it was too late.

The extremely calm voice echoed in the star sea.

"I have learnt it."

Chapter 12 The light of the end, the moment of shining!

Shiina was stunned for a moment, and then froze in place.

"what did you say?"

"Do you want me to repeat it?" Su Wang said in a sorrowful tone: "Then I'll say it again..."

He whispered.

"I learned---'Absolute victory'."

And Shiina's expression... slowly twisted.

"You said you learned it?" Shiina's eyes were terrifying.

"Don't be kidding!!!" He squeezed his fist abruptly, "I am the only transcender who symbolizes'absolute victory'!"

After that, a punch was thrown, and the forces that even the universe couldn't bear were gathered in it.

The weight and speed of this punch...the creatures under the transcendence can't even imagine.

This punch has reached the point where'defense and vitality have no meaning'. Anything, whether it has life or not, whether it is a concept or a creature... As long as it is attacked, it will undoubtedly die.

This punch is almost at the point where'dynamic vision loses its meaning'. Unless the transcendence's characteristics are related to it, it is absolutely impossible to see the trajectory of this punch.

This is a punch of "must hit" and "must kill".


Su Wangyou faced this'must hit' and'must kill' punch, but he only tilted his head slightly...

Then he really hid.


Masaki Shiina gave a punch, showing an incredible look.

[No... impossible!

Yes, this is absolutely impossible in theory - but Su Wangyou did it.

"Nothing is impossible." Su Wangyou looked at Shiina Shina's back, and said: "Because I'm'all-know', I know how you will punch, where you will punch, how strong and how fast... I know all these , And because I'm'all-powerful', I can dodge your punch without even a β time."

[All-knowing... Almighty?

[This guy...what are you talking about?

Shiina breathed violently, trying to see a trace of the other party's bottom from Su Wangyou's face--but he couldn't see anything.

In the end, a word was squeezed out of the throat.

"Liar——————" Shiina stared at Su Wangyou wantonly, "Even if you can really learn my'absolute victory', how can you learn'omniscience' and'omnipotence'—— ——You haven’t even seen them before?!"

"?" Su Wangyou showed a puzzled expression, "No...I don't understand what you mean very much, why do you can't learn their transcendence characteristics without seeing them?"

After an instant, Su Wangyou arrived in front of Shiina Masaki.

"I, as long as I know the past, present, or future, there has indeed been such a transcendence'existence' in the world, it's fine."

In the next moment, the fist is like a dragon — a rise of a dragon.

Shiina Masashi suffered a heavy blow for the first time in his life.

The irresistible force came from his chin, almost completely dismantling his bones.

He was blown away by this punch—breaking through all the points, and was directly smashed into the long river of fate!

"A punch that symbolizes'infinite power'... how does it feel?"

The sound came from the far shore and passed into the ears of two transcendents in the river of fate.

Haoji stood by the river and could no longer conceal the stormy waves in his heart.

This guy------

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