Jiangling's head is big in an instant.

Even Jiang Xiaoyan, who was relieved on the side, was speechless.

After listening to this for a while, she understood how big Su Huaqiang's industry was.

It's like what?

Let's eat together at the same table, right?

You said you wanted to eat something, I wanted to eat something, the taste was different, and there was a dispute.

The discussion became a little more intense.

Okay, at most, there was a quarrel, you said you were going to eat this, and he said he was going to eat this too.

Originally, this kind of thing, if it doesn't work, let's discuss it slowly.

This Su Huaqiang poured well, smoked a little, and directly lifted the table!

Don't eat it all!

What Brother Qiang? Brother Crow, right?!

Oh...... I was almost deceived by this Su Huaqiang's age.

Brother Crow is at most a gangster, and this Su Hua is indeed the big social brother in the Northeast.

It seems that this trick is working well.

Su Huaqiang walked to the sofa and lifted Erlang's legs.

"Don't tell me anything about making money or not, I lack everything, I just don't lack money! Business, my own, I can do it if I want to, and I don't want to do it. "

Jiang Xiaoyan was silent this time.

As a native of Northeast China, she was not frightened, and when she came back to her senses, she naturally understood that Su Huaqiang really didn't dare to do anything to herself.

But she also understands.

His own experience and mind are not at the same level as this smiling tiger.

So...... I'd better leave this matter to my leader and second uncle.

It's just that the second uncle, who has always been calm, frowned at this time, and it was very difficult to look at it.


Ling knows Su Huaqiang better than Jiang Xiaoyan.

This guy has a very strange temper, just like the previous few collaborations.

Sometimes he is scheming, and he is

ashamed of himself, and sometimes, he is like a hairy boy, and he doesn't play cards according to common sense at all.

In addition, Su Huaqiang is not alarmist.

If this product is really determined to be on the bar with himself, I am afraid that he can really do something to make the company close for a winter.

This kind of scoundrel trick cannot be done by ordinary decent people!

This kind of person still wants to be Erbin's image ambassador?

Roll the calves!!

Of course, Jiang Ling only dared to scold a few times in his heart for this kind of thing.

If Su Huaqiang really wants to shut down the underground industry, he is afraid that he will be the one who will roll the calf at that time......

He also wants to be an image ambassador, his employees are still too gangster, and he also controls the main industries of Erbin City.

That's ......


Jiang Ling suddenly remembered something!

About 20 years ago, Su Huaqiang's father, who was in control of the Qiangsheng Group before, claimed to have picked up 10 million, and after taking the initiative to hand it in, he got a pennant.

After that, the old man was like an addict.

Start all kinds of good deeds!

What donations, building schools, organizing employees to pick up garbage, ......

That year, almost all the pennants were sent to the Qiangsheng Group by the pound.

After almost saving a room, the old man said that he wanted to be a petty official.

Of course, because the influence of the ancestors was too great, he was still politely rejected.

At that time, the old man was so angry that he choked!

According to the people around the old man, if it weren't for the new century, I am afraid that the old man would have to recast the glory of the old ancestor Su Sanye!

Therefore, to

solve this problem, we still have to start with this "official"!

In fact, Jiang Ling has also discussed this matter with the big leader, and the Su family, the official with real power, can't be counted on, unless he has done a big thing that is comparable to first-class merit!

And some are just nominal, but it's not impossible.

Like what...... This ambassador.

Can...... Speaking again, as far as Su Huaqiang is concerned, the image ambassador should forget it.

But it doesn't mean that other "officials" can't!

Of course, the premise is that Su Huaqiang can really limit his subordinates.

As a result, Jiangling began a new round of exploration.

"That...... Boss Su, let's pay attention to a win-win situation? The image ambassador thing is not impossible, but it doesn't have to have a process? Erbin's tourism industry is doing well, and the turnover of Qiangsheng Group is also going up, which can also show your company to Huaxia, what a good opportunity. "

"Brother Jiang, I understand!" Su Huaqiang immediately squeezed out a smile.

Jiang Xiaoyan, who was on the side, was speechless again.

The speed at which this person changes his face is terrifying, and he will be condescending if he doesn't become an actor!

"It's just that you really misunderstood us, my employees look a little fierce, but that's also to maintain the surrounding law and order, right, these people stand on the street, petty theft, thugs and street slippers, then dare to come out?"

Jiang Xiaoyan listened straight to it!

If there is a petty thief, the thugs are a little street slipper.

What are you? Thieves, gangsters?

This little minion has seen the king of the mountain, and it's strange if he dares to come out!

"Brother Jiang, I promise! The people under my command will never scare outsiders, and they will fully cooperate with your work, I am the boss of a large group in Northeast China, and it is not difficult to have an image spokesperson!"

Su Huaqiang strikes while the iron is hot!

It seems that Su Huaqiang's sincerity has finally moved Jiangling.

Jiang Ling took a deep breath, stared at Su Huaqiang, and said with sincerity on his face.

In the past few days, there have been tourists from the south one after another, and three days later, a group of young tourists from the south will come, and you will be responsible for receiving them.

Let's see what these tourists have to say about you!

This is a small test for you, and if you pass, I will not only give you an 'official' position immediately, but I will also say no such thing as letting your employees rest!".

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