Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 29: Body check

   Mu Fan left the Star Peak Hotel early in the morning, and the front desk was empty. This weird hotel was not fortified at all. It's not too worrying. There is no need to be separate from Su Xiaomi. Mu Fan took the taxi to the examination room.

   But what he is going to is not an orthodox school examination room like Fatty, but a huge training base.

   This is what Hei told him in the headset that the specific content of the examination for the special recruitment of the Army Reserves depends only on the physical fitness of the students, so the cultural course assessment is omitted.

   Before he left, he didn't contact the fat man. It's better to let the fat man know less about everything. If you pass the exam, tell him. If you don't pass the exam, you can go to Landuxing to work.

   Well, I planned it a long time ago.

   Mu Fan has now reached the source of special enrollment for the Federal Army Reserve in District D. This place is so special, because a group of soldiers in star-blue military uniforms have seen a group of soldiers in star-blue uniforms blocking the surrounding water.

  Those onlookers who saw this posture all stayed away, leaving only qualified candidates to swipe their ID cards at the door and perform iris recognition before they can enter.

   Mu Fan looked intently and walked to the crowd.

   The breathing of the people nearby is long, and the heartbeat is strong. Just looking at the pace of a person, you can find that they are more advanced than the masters elsewhere. The people here are quite good. Mu Fan felt the breath of the surroundings and squeezed forward without making a sound.

   "There are 8169 candidates this time, and 790 candidates in this field, please register first if you meet the requirements."

The reminder of    looped playback kept echoing in the sky, and Mu Fan went straight up and randomly selected a registration point to prepare for identity verification, without worrying about going to the wrong examination room. .

   "Identification, Mu Fan, from Planet Loga, 17 years old, iris matching successfully."

   A Federal Ensign looked up at Mu Fan, looked down at Mu Fan's identity information, and nodded.


   "Please take off all communication equipment on your body, including all accessories you wear, thank you for your cooperation." The ensign at the registration point glanced at Mu Fan and signaled that there would be a test in a while.

   "Mu Fan, come on." The black voice sounded for the last time.

   nodded, Mu Fan took off the headset and watch and put them in the storage box of the examination room.

   took the examination arrangement handed over, and Mu Fan walked into the examination room.

   Amethyst Army Reserve has a total of 13 test sites. This D1 test site has the largest number of people.

   Mu Fan walked in and saw ten huge arenas standing side by side in the vast school grounds. At the same time, various professional measuring instruments were placed beside it, and people in various uniforms were shaking around.

   The candidates looked at those people with excitement, only Mu Fan didn't know why.

   Those are the lecturers from the five major colleges. They will observe carefully here today and then make decisions on behalf of their college.

   will be selected in order according to the ranking of the five colleges, and when the last one finishes the round, they will start from the beginning again.

  Capital Star of the First Administrative Region--"Federal Dawn Military Academy"

  Capital Star of the First Administrative Region-"Bonnar United College"

  Xuanxing Star of the Second Administrative Region--"Pulan Military Academy"

  Lin Guangxing, Third Administrative Region--"Taoyun College"

  Landuxing of the Fourth Administrative Region--Dingchuan Academy

   This also means that two colleges from the capital have priority in selection, and Dingchuan Academy will be the last one selected in the first round. Thanks to the strong support of the central government, the capital's colleges and universities are far stronger than the other three.

   So many people in the room also hope that they can be selected by the top college.

   At this time, in a public information processing room behind this huge venue, the air has begun to smell of gunpowder.

  Except for the people in Dingchuan Academy, everyone is glaring at the big bald head among the people, and now they are looking around triumphantly, like a rooster that has won a battle.

   After hearing someone coming over and whispering, the intelligence lecturer of the Dawning Military Academy who was mocked by Ruan Xiongfeng before sneered, sent a sympathetic look at Ruan Xiongfeng, and spoke clearly:

"Ruan Bald, it doesn’t matter if you win the game. The assessment will begin immediately. Please pray that the seedlings will not be selected first by our academy. Wufu who only understands brute force, the strength of your academy is the bottom of the five colleges, so even if you No matter how hard it is..."

   "It won't help." Instructor Zhou of Taoyun Academy also sneered and took the conversation.

Ruan Xiongfeng, who was showing off there, stopped and put his bald hand down. He slowly turned his eyes to the two of them. He smiled and said without a smile: "It’s better to eat, otherwise I don’t mind the inter-teacher first. Friendly communication."

   Ruan Xiongfeng deliberately bit the word "friendly" very seriously.

   This big bald head is completely shameless. If you don’t let them be good students, then fight with us? A group of lecturers from other academies glared at him, only for Ruan Xiongfeng's sneer.

   "Teacher Ruan, the exam will officially start in a while, shall we go see it first?" A young teacher asked Ruan Xiongfeng in his ear.

"No, this meeting has just begun. It is estimated that the re-appraisal of physical fitness will be enough for a while, and we will wait to see the hard goods." Ruan Xiongfeng decisively rejected it. Now let's see what's so good about a bunch of cannon fodder testing physical fitness. .

   The young teacher from Dingchuan Academy saw several heads of other academies go out one after another, and then looked at his steadfast boss. He really wanted to cry.

   Originally, our college had no big advantage, I am afraid that being close is the biggest advantage. But what is the big difference between 8 light-years and 15 light-years? With the interstellar transition technology, the use of wormholes can easily return between the two places, 8 light-years and 15 light-years or even half a day.

   It's not easy to pick, how can our academy determine the seed players.

   The male teacher looked at Ruan Xiongfeng dissatisfied. Why is it so irresponsible? !

   Ruan Xiongfeng's eyelids were drooping, but he seemed to have seen the expression of the male teacher, and said indifferently: "I'm the brightest pair of tricks! When we wait for the battle, we will see who is better and who is worse at a glance."

   As for the data?

   is simply the most meaningless thing. Ruan Xiongfeng, who has been on the battlefield countless times, dismissed this kind of thing, UU reading www. can easily use a Gauss rifle to kill a fighter in battle.

   As long as the physical fitness exceeds the minimum standard, what Ruan Xiongfeng wants to observe is the reaction ability and growth potential of these people. His vicious eyes may only be known to the director of Dingchuan Academy.

   Hmph, the bald-headed uncle touched his bald head boredly, leaned on it and passed by, and put a sentence before going to bed.

   "Call me when I get started."


   Mu Fan walked to a small test area according to his test information along the diversion sign. All kinds of machinery are placed here, and there are also a group of onlookers who are whispering, and the atmosphere is very warm.

   Mu Fan stood behind this group of people, listening to their buzzing discussion.

   "It's about to start, I don't know how high the record can be in a while."

   "Huh, the first one must be my Chen Dasheng!"

   "I heard that this time there are experts from dozens of nearby planets."

   "They are all under twenty years old, how tall can he be?"


   "Please be quiet, everyone will be tested on the personal data of the candidates, and the qualifications of those who do not meet the standards will be invalidated on the spot!"

   A serious voice sounded, and the scene suddenly became quiet.

   Everyone is staring at the stage, the important moment in their lives has finally come!


  PS: Thanks to the book friend "Bai Yiduo" for the reward of 588 coins! Thanks to book friends "DGcyc" for 100 coins rewards, thank book friends "Soviet Armored Infantry" for 20 coins, "Moon Night", "Ye Meteor Light", "C Qi Da", and "Enchanting Floating Life" for 10 coins!

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