Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 42: Stage of genius

   Come again?

   His Tongshiquan had just exerted his 17th-level peak strength, why could that young man defend his weird defensive skills? It seemed unscathed.

   This is impossible. No. 298's face is full of incomprehensible expressions. With this kind of power, Yungang Rock could be cracked by a punch.

   Mu Fan needs to reconfirm the power of this fighting technique, and make up the details of the first time through the second observation.

   Everyone on the scene didn't know that this boy's move was actually trying to master the opponent's unique martial arts in a very short time.

   Candidate No. 298 gritted his teeth fiercely, and twisted his back again. This time, he was going to knock the opposite boy out with one blow. He didn't care whether the punch was alive or dead, he just had to win!

   It turned out to be like this.

   This time Mu Fan paid special attention to the rotation law of the opponent's fist and arm, and there was a slight pause at a specific joint. When that fist quickly arrived in front of him with the whistling wind, Mu Fan noticed seven slight pauses.

   The fist was about to hit him, and Mu Fan was finally sure that there would be no other changes.

  Tongshiquan, 40% mastered!

   The remaining 60% need to practice continuously to improve this secretly learned fighting skills.

   Mu Fan's legs suddenly stepped side by side, and the whole person was inclined at a sixty-degree angle.

   The right palm volley is inserted into the opponent's attack trajectory, and then the right palm is the center of the circle, the left hand is placed behind the right hand, and the arms form a ninety-degree angle.

   Mu Fan made such a defensive action faster than that fist.

   There was a muffled sound.

   The opponent's fist plunged into Mu Fan's palm again.

   Mu Fan unloaded most of his huge fist power through a slanted angle, and this time his body moved backwards.

   Candidate No. 298 has a happy face, this attack is effective.

   But soon his face changed.

  Because he didn't feel that he was driving Mu Fan back, it seemed that... the other side took him back?

How is this going!

   At this time, I was paying attention to the crowd here. Several observers from the academy, among the crowd recognized his contemporaneous candidates, and Zhang Yuanren, Yilai, Pajie and others. They suddenly saw Mu Fan made an unbelievable move.

   With a sudden withdrawal of his left hand, the five fingers of his right palm exerted force, and the opposite fist was clamped tightly.

   Mu Fan's right arm muscles suddenly burst into power at level 20 at this moment! Pull back, shake!

   Then everyone saw that one person on fighting platform No. 43 was suddenly picked up by another person with one hand, and his body was drawn into a semicircle in the air.

  Looking at the sudden form and violent action, when people are hit on the table, they will definitely be thrown into a pile of flesh.

   The No. 43 Fighting Platform, which has been tepid and tepid, has such a vicious trick.

   The academy observers who were watching here stood up at the same time, and they had not adapted to Mu Fan's unreasonable outbreak.

  It is as fast as the wind, as fast as the forest, immovable as a mountain, invading like fire!

   These sixteen characters are probably the best portrayal of Mu Fan right now.

   At this moment when Mu Fan broke out, people who don't pay attention to this place will also see the shocking explosive power that has been dormant on Mu Fan for a long time.

   invade like fire!

   Now Mu Fan is like a volcano that erupts suddenly.

   There are already people with cruel eyes in their eyes, waiting to see the **** side.

   It's better to die, so that you immediately lose an opponent.


   When the opponent was about to hit the ground severely, Mu Fan's right arm suddenly shook slightly, and the opponent in his hand was also swaying in the air. Candidate No. 298 was stunned by the sudden rotation.

   let go.

   Mu Fan suddenly released his palm.

   The opponent was thrown out in parallel at a distance of only a few centimeters from the ground, rubbing the table and falling to the stage.

   After more than ten seconds, the man got up with a panic face and felt relieved when he saw his arms and legs playing well.

   At the last moment, Mu Fan changed from smashing to throwing, causing his opponent to turn from a serious injury to a humiliated face.

   Before every move, lift the weight lightly.

   A gleam in the eyes of Ruan Xiongfeng in the private room was observed. This child has such a delicate force technique. It is not an exaggeration to say that he can sit on a large planet.

   Elite talents!

   Mu Fan surpassed three levels directly from excellent cannon fodder in Ruan Xiongfeng's mind.

   If people know that Ruan Da's bald head, who has always been above the top, has such a high evaluation of a young man, I don't know how to feel.

   It's a pity that Ruan Xiongfeng has always been facially paralyzed, and outsiders can't even see the slightest change in his face.

   The ratings of other observers on Mu Fan improved again.

   It can be said that Mu Fan's lightly lifted finishing moves immediately refreshed his previous impression of shaking the audience with brute force.

   "Candidate 1578 wins!"

   Following the verdict, Mu Fan lightly jumped off the table and walked back to the rest area.

   Eli stared at Mu Fan with a complicated expression, and at this moment he had to congratulate him. The last blow of Mu Fan just now was far more amazing in the eyes of insiders than Pajie's way of overpowering people.

  Pajie, this silly big guy said sincerely, "Mu Fan, your last blow was so beautiful, amazing!"

   Mu Fan responded with a smile: "I have some insights in the fight, so I can use it."

   Then Mu Fan closed his eyes and rested.

   But he hadn't fully realized the power technique of the stone punch just now, he heard waves of exclamation in his ear.

   "That person over there is so resistant to beating!"

   "My God, is this Immortal Xiaoqiang?"

   "This person doesn't even vomit blood, stands up and smiles, is this person okay with his brain?"

   "This person's endurance is terrifying, why haven't I heard someone mention it before, it's not normal to look at it like this?"

   "It's another heavy blow, he won't fall yet."

   "Why do I feel that his opponent is going to abstain?"


   Mu Fan, who has a keen hearing, became interested when he heard these words, so he got up and followed everyone's eyes.

   No. 21 fighting platform.

   There are two people facing each other now.

   One side is short and sturdy, naked to the upper body, sweat shining on his muscles, and his exaggerated arms prove that his punch must be far superior to ordinary people. At this moment, he is punching fiercely, looking really fierce.

   The other side is tall and burly, wearing a simple horizontal T-shirt, letting the opponent's heavy fists fall on him, just smiling cheerfully, it seems a bit silly from what you see.

Someone knows that the short and stout candidate who came out of the seventh test site was the champion of strange power. In the test, he punched out a 19th-level strength, but now that fierce punch hits the tall boy on the opposite side. The slightest effect, could not help but startled and angry.

  " Now I punched it with sweat. After 10 minutes, I couldn't help but breathe.

   The tall boy on the opposite side suddenly asked, "Is it my time?"

   Then Mu Fan saw a ridiculous scene.

   The tall boy smoothed the wrinkles on his T-shirt, patted his body, then opened his hands, and rushed towards his opponent.

   The opponent quickly hit several sets of punches.

   But the tall boy didn't evade, so he greeted him like this, hit his opponent, and then he smiled.

   I saw that tall boy, like a bulldozer, just pushed the opponent who was still fighting hard to the edge of the stage, and then pushed hard with both hands.


   The strange power boxing champion with the strength of level 19 at the seventh test site was so rudely pushed off the stage.

   Does this work?

   Mu Fan was also a little dumbfounded. He had to make a corresponding posture to defend when he hit that level just now. Doesn't the tall boy hurt at all?

  This kind of tolerance...

   I'm afraid the truth will suffocate people, right?

   This is indeed a stage for genius.


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