Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 47: Torture

   took advantage of the heavy twilight and bypassed the city guard area. After passing a shop, they had changed into standard outdoor camping outfits. To outsiders, they looked like two outdoor enthusiasts preparing to camp in the primeval forest.

   There are a lot of people like this every day, and people have already taken it off.

   When the two of them walked across the cross-boundary bridge with the sparse pedestrians, they looked at each other, and then they began to choose places with few pedestrians to move forward.

   from the outer open forest area to the deeper no man’s land.

   When the night comes, there are still many fierce beasts hiding in the deepest part, so the government prohibits entry.

   The two drifted away, and the sign that prohibited entry was no longer visible behind them.

   stepped deep and shallowly on the thick fallen leaves, the light of the starry sky formed a mottled light on the ground through the branches.

   At this moment, there are only two people in the quiet virgin forest.

   "Huh, it's finally safe."

   "Well, unfortunately the mission failed."

   "The first time I saw such a cunning target, it was incredible to rely on intuition to escape the attack of the Eagle V sniper rifle."

   "Yes, we have been on mission for so many years. It is indeed the first time we have seen each other. If it were a Gauss sniper rifle, the target would probably die."

   "Okay, just think about it. When the blue arc is brought out with a Gauss sniper rifle at night, we probably won't be able to get out of the city."

   "Well, I hope I can spend tonight safely and prepare to evacuate tomorrow." The observer fiddled with the monocular night vision goggles.

   "It must be safe, who can find out how long we have been traveling."

   The two looked at each other and suddenly laughed. In this absolutely silent environment, I am afraid that the two can release the depressed emotions in their hearts.

  Also, in the depths of this virgin forest, with the survival skills of the two, it is almost as if they are returning to their own home.

"Ha ha……"

   At this moment, there was a low sneer like an illusion.



   The movements of the two stopped at the same time, and then rolled back to the tree trunk like lightning.

   The man in black in the role of the observer took out a three-sided spike, and a silver-white exquisite pistol appeared in the palm of the sniper.

   Then the two of them focused on the figure squatting in the trunk above the front.

   Under the afterglow of the stars that passed through the gap, they saw the man lowered his head, with one arm hanging to his side, and at the same time, ticking blood falling down onto the fallen leaves. But all this is hidden under the shadow, and all you see is a rough outline.

   In this quiet virgin forest, this rhythmic sound is especially clear.



   Hehe, the person's indifferent face lifted up, and a beam of starlight shone on his face, revealing Mu Fan's cold and terrifying eyes.

"It's you!"


   The two exclaimed at the same time. Although they sent out different content, the meanings expressed at the moment were indeed exactly the same, and their faces were completely sighted.

   turned out to be the goal!

how can that be.

   The person who was shot by the 8.2mm steel core ejection of the Eagle Strike V-shaped, unexpectedly appeared in front of him.

   This bullet is a hole even if it hits the body, and now this person's arm is just hanging down and has no other characteristics.

   And, the most exaggerated is——

   This is a full ten kilometers away from the shooting point just now!

   How could he appear here.

   The thinking time is very short, and the two people's excellent professionalism instantly formed a consensus and rolled out at the same time.

   The observer held the three-sided spike and began to accelerate the sprint, the sniper behind raised the silver pistol and pulled the trigger. He wanted to cover the fire for his companion.

   The perfect fit in an instant, isn't it?

   The dark night perfectly covered the blood in Mu Fan's eyes.

   Now he only wants to do one thing——

   is to kill the two people in front of you!

   I have never provoked anyone, but when I came out to eat, I was almost shot and killed.

   Mu Fan's eyes were blood red, and his vision also turned into thick blood.

   At the same time, the breath of his body, although tyrannical, gradually faded. This is a sign of dark breath!

Mental perception envelops the neighborhood at this moment. The movements of the two are broken down into slides and appear in Mu Fan’s mind in slow motion. At the same time, among the black figures representing the two bodies, there are two vigorously jumping red spots. The point is particularly obvious.

   That is... the heart!

   A beating, vivid heart!

   He clearly "sees" that the first person with a three-sided spike has completely used his force to stab him, and he clearly "sees" that the index finger of the person behind has pulled the trigger.


   The trunk snapped instantly, and Mu Fan knelt on one knee and slammed into the ground directly on the broken trunk.

   Fallen leaves blew up.

  'S weak left arm hung to one side, and Mu Fan let out a beast-like roar with his hair lowered.

It's now! Mu Fan's eyes burned with blood, and his legs slammed on the ground.

   Level 20 power burst! Power beyond 5500KG!

  Hoo! The bowstring made by the right arm is pulled to the limit! Mu Fan's eyes were bloody, then! With an unstoppable momentum, violently shot out! Five fingers close together, palm face is like a knife! Like lightning pierced the night sky and penetrated the sky!

   Extraterritorial killing skills reappear, violent gouge-hand assassination!


   Mu Fan's figure disappeared from the same place.


The three-sided blade stabbed by the observer in black hung weakly above Mu Fan's back, looking down at the invisible arm on his chest, with infinite horror and disbelief in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth gushed blood. Not a word!

   Mu Fan's right arm has been inserted into the chest and plunged into the shoulder position. The completely red forearm and palm appeared behind the black! The sniper's pistol still shot air, but quickly adjusted its direction, this time he aimed it at his companion's back.

   A red dot in Mu Fan’s vision has disappeared, and there is another...

   Kill it!

   Mu Fan did not draw his **** arm, but his legs exerted force again, and the fallen leaves on the ground instantly formed a depression. Blow up!

   The whole figure pushed the dead man in black towards the sniper, his figure resembling a fierce cannonball out of the chamber.

   bang bang bang!

  The sniper fired again and again, and it was useless except to shoot a few more shots from the back of his teammate.


   The palm knife pierced the sniper's heart with his forearm.

   Mu Fan's eyes were fierce, and then he tried harder.


   Pierce again!

   Two men in black were pierced in a string by bayonets made of their arms.

Pulling out their arms abruptly, the dead two fell on their knees, their right arms ticking, this time the blood of the men in black was flowing, it was fresh blood that was still hot in the two hearts that had just been punctured. .

  The deep forest stretched out by the crisp sound of insects became more and more silent. The **** air brought by the two corpses had begun to attract the arrival of some fierce beasts, and the rustling bushes began to sound gradually.

   turned his head and looked around, Mu Fan clutched his arm, stepped on the tree, and started to drive towards the river.

   The cold light in the eyes of Mu Fan, who was leaping forward quickly, faded, but it never disappeared, because this night the boy understood.

   He may encounter too many accidents in his life.

   Therefore, he has to do everything more-- Book friends are welcome to visit and read. The latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all at mobile phone users, please go to read.

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