Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 49: Strange

   Own opponent is a second lieutenant officer, this is no accident.


   How can he have weapons in his hands!

   This completely exceeded Mu Fan's expectation, because since the beginning of yesterday, this competition has always been physical combat, and no weapons have been involved.

   At the critical moment of the second day of the game, Mu Fan fell into a passive state.

   With a suspicious look in his eyes, Mu Fan stepped forward. On the edge of the fighting platform No. 60, Mu Fan stopped and stopped moving.

   "Candidate 1578? Will you join the war?"


   "Please enter the fighting platform."

   "Please tell me first why he has weapons."

   Mu Fan pointed with his right hand, and everyone's eyes focused on the fighting stick in the officer's hand.

   People see that although this is just an ordinary training stick, it is too far from the rules of the game.


   The referee looked at Mu Fan and said casually: "Bye battles are subject to military rules. Weapon fighting is allowed. You can also apply, but only training sticks are provided."

   Seeing the expression on the referee's face that didn't even bother to explain, hearing these words, Mu Fan suddenly remembered what he saw on the electronic nameplate before the game started.

   "For all the rules of the final selection stage, please refer to the military arrangements."

   Now he finally understands what this sentence means, and he just tells you clearly.

   means that everything is subject to military arrangements.

   So the person in front of you is level 17?

   When Mu Fan finally stepped onto the fighting platform this time, he looked at the inexplicable deep meaning in the eyes of the opposing officer, and felt something was wrong.

   "Ensign of the Federation, Tian Qingyun, please advise!"

   "Mu Fan, please advise!"

   Mu Fan casually took the training stick thrown off the court, and put it in his hand. It was made of wood, lacking weight and limited lethality.

   It seems that this is a welfare for the military, and the bye can't be better than the official appearance, right.

   With a horizontal right hand, Mu Fan directly carried the stick behind him with one hand.

  The battle begins!


   In the mid-air platform, the student observation group and the wealthy observation group are still on separate sides.

   But the side of the rich and nobles lacks Wang Nuonuo today.

   After watching a few **** fights yesterday, I refuse to come again today. In Miss Wang’s original words, watching too much will affect appetite, and loss of appetite will not be pretty.

   On the side of the college observation team, the crowd is still busy.

   Today is a thousand-player finals. From now on, all the candidates have certain strength. Observers with vicious eyes cannot let go of a possible seed today.

   The battle for the source of birth has begun now.

   "Instructor Ruan, why are you still paying attention to that number 1578? He has a bye in this round, what's there to see, it's better to find other talents if you have this time, unless you only want him."

   "Hahaha, if we have our Dawn Academy, I am afraid that instructor Ruan, you can't win it."

   ignored the noise next to him, Ruan Xiongfeng quietly watched the audience.

   Is this kid hurt?

   What a vicious look! You can see through Mu Fan's state at the moment.

   This kid is in a very bad condition today. Could it be that what happened yesterday?

   Also, the officer on the opposite side, why didn't the military make such an arrangement with the academy!

   Ruan Bald, who has a rough appearance and delicate thoughts, always feels something is wrong. This is the extraordinary intuition of a level 25 martial arts master!


   Mu Fan turned the stick in his right arm, his defensive posture was completely natural.

   Now it can only rely on one arm to exert strength. It is inconvenient to move, but it can't show too much, otherwise it will inevitably be seen by someone who is interested.

   Suddenly, Mu Fan noticed that the officer on the opposite side glanced at his left arm in a nonchalant manner. Although it was subtle, it did not escape Mu Fan's sharp eyes.

   Did he see it! ?

   How could it be aimed at his left arm before the fight, or was it just an inadvertent stroke?

   Mu Fan frowned, he intuitively felt something was wrong.


   The opposite side suddenly started, and Mu Fan's pupils shrank at the violent speed!

  This speed?

   How could it be level 17, is it a speed player?

   Lieutenant Tian stabbed with a stick, and the bitter wind blew up the hair on Mu Fan's shoulder.

   The opponent hits his left arm straight!

   is definitely here prepared!

   Mu Fan twisted his left arm sideways, then held the stick in his right hand and pushed it vertically.

   opened the attack.

  This power?

   is not something you can have at level 17.

   Lieutenant Tian focused on his face, but his eyes started to jump around on Mu Fan.

   He is looking for weakness.

   This game is a bye, plus the lucky bye of the "Big Devil" in the previous game, not many people pay attention here.

   But who would have thought that now Mu Fan's left arm is almost crippled, and his opponent is not at level 17 as the military called it!

   looked sideways at the referee, looking listless, as if he didn't care about it.


   Mu Fan used a stick to support a turned side kick and kicked the long stick away.

   The opposite seems to be gradually adapting to his pace?


   Mu Fan, who didn't make a move to dodge back and forth on the stage at the moment, is constantly testing the strength of the opposite, and there are strange looks in the eyes of people offstage and in the air.

   "This can't be level 17!" Ruan Xiongfeng saw Mu Fan take a step away after swinging away the long stick opposite, and directly decided the conclusion.

   How could he fail to see whether this was a real retreat or a false retreat with his venomous eyes? Mu Fan's retreat did not have any focus at all to support man-made. Then you can draw a clear conclusion-

   Mu Fan's opponent's strength is seriously inconsistent with the propaganda!

   When the second lieutenant who claimed to be Tian Qingyun used his elbow with the long stick to use several special joint skills in a row, Ruan Xiongfeng's palm suddenly exerted force.


   The alloy handrail he was holding was pinched out of a handprint.

   because he recognized those special moves!

   This is the unspoken stunt of the Federal Army's special guards-killing skills!

   Those start-up movements are all about accumulating power for the later stage, which is still the killing technique of using weapons. U U Reading

  What exactly are the federal military doing?

  The Army Special Guard is an elite unit directly under the military department, and the minimum physical level of the soldiers inside is—

   Level 20!

   Ruan Xiongfeng can judge himself if he can't see the truth here.

   "Unexpectedly, the shady will be placed in this examination room. What exactly is the army that is beginning to decompose to do! Do you want to kill the genius!"

   After thinking about Ruan Xiongfeng, he was ready to go out, only to find that this one-hundred-meter-long circular private room was sealed off.

   Looking at the shrunken gate and the evacuated ladder truck, Ruan Xiongfeng, the bald uncle's face was gloomy and terrible.

   "What are you going to do with Ruan Bald head?" A teacher asked when seeing the old soldier ruffian over there.

   "It's okay." Ruan Xiongfeng replied in a cold tone, and Ruan Xiongfeng returned to the position where he had just stood, quietly staring down.

   At the same time, he took out Tianxun and pressed a number.

   "Hello? Ruan Xiongfeng, check with me if any recent members of the Army Special Guard have gone to the Fourth Administrative District Amethyst."

   The officer's preparation has already used the eighth move, and another one will use that killer move!

   As the person involved, Mu Fan felt that the speed of the opponent was getting faster and faster, and his strength was getting stronger and stronger. It was a bit difficult to resist with one arm?

   Suddenly, he saw the officer on the opposite side leaping with a stick and made a defensive action.

   Alternating hands, the long stick rotated strangely, and the other end pointed at Mu Fan.

   At this time, Mu Fan suddenly remembered, as if the officer had been using his previous side to attack when he attacked just now!

  He, what are you going to do?

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