Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 51: My Skill-Redemption!

   Mu Fan twisted his fingers strangely again, and then the broken stick that slid in the palm of his hand turned straight and started to draw a shadow of the stick that was smaller than the opposite side. The strangest thing is that when the short stick began to rotate horizontally, there was no sound of breaking the wind, as if it were surrounded by a completely vacuum environment.

   Now the boy is standing on the opposite side exhaustedly, his left arm is still hanging softly, his right hand is holding up this rotating stick shadow, and then his palm is down and stretched diagonally behind him!

   Note that the audience here is all in a bang!

   They saw that as the palm fell, the extremely fast-rotating broken stick did not show any signs of falling, and it still steadily rotated in Mu Fan's palm.

   is like being hung in the palm by an inexplicable magnetic attraction, the broken stick getting faster and faster, until it turns into a whole round black shadow.

   "What kind of trick is this!?"

   "I have never seen such a move."

   "Look at the afterimage, 1578's spinning speed is several times faster than the opposite side!"

   When a move that everyone had never seen before appeared, Mu Fan inevitably became the focus again.

   "How is it possible?" Zhang Yuanren, who was secretly staring here, flashed through the eyes with fierceness and surprise.

   "Another me fighting skill?"

   Ruan Xiongfeng can't help muttering to himself when he sees a turnaround.

   So far, only two people have seen this trick.

   Sampjie, Su Xiaomi!

   If you want to say that the one who has the most experience is Sampjie, but these two people are impossible to appear here now, it is destined that Mu Fan will surprise the audience.

   want to kill me... then come on.

  The salvation of my skills——

   cutting feverishly!

   Tian Qingyun raised his hands high, and the Fengxuan Killing Stick had been charged to the extreme, and it crashed down.

   That sky full of power is like a dam bursting a dyke, under the sky.

   The young boy's left arm hangs quietly, and the corners of his thin mouth have bloodstains that have not yet dried up.

   Now Mu Fan suddenly had a glimmer of enlightenment in his heart. When he fell into a deeper calm state, it might be an opportunity for his dark breath to break through.

   The sky was smashed by the stick shadow, and there were already people clenching their fists. In their opinion, the boy's whole body had been completely enveloped in it, and there would be blood on the spot in the next second.

   Eyelids drooped again, Mu Fan's palm suddenly one side, and then violently lifted up, from bottom to top!

   The transformation from extremely quiet to violent was completed in just a moment. At this moment, the muscles broke through the limits of his body, but under the special stimulation and restraint of the dark breath, Mu Fan endured the pain of the muscles being pulled and torn and released his strength fiercely.

  The dark breath spread to the broken stick with his palm, and then was violently kicked out by Mu Fan's backhand!

   cut in three to five knots!

   The small black shadow of the stick wind knife wheel in his hand directly faces the sky heavy stick.

   What will happen?

   People looked at the field with their eyes wide open, they wanted to see if it was the boy who was hit on the ground hard, or it could do miracles.

   The sky full of stick shadows stopped.

   Mu Fan raised his right hand to the top of his head, and the hand was interrupted and the stick kept spinning.

   Tian Qingyun, who was holding a long stick in both hands, had cold eyes, but the next second he saw the young man standing indifferently, who didn't look like a hurt person.

   was about to rub his body again, his arms exerted force.

   But at this moment, the left and right hands suddenly felt empty, and Tian Qingyun, who felt surprised, lowered his head and glanced, then his face turned into disbelief.

   One side of the long stick was broken into countless small pieces, quietly scattered.

   The alloy rod on the other side is safe and sound, remaining in his right hand.

   Mu Fan's mouth puffed up, and his right hand dropped.

   The broken stick stopped spinning and held it in the palm.

  Broken stick vs. broken stick!

   Just an instant, Mu Fan completely avoided the metal side of the whirlwind kill stick in the powerful perceptual capture of the dark breath, and cut the other side to pieces.


   With a cold snort, Tian Qingyun lifted the metal short stick with his right hand. The opponent already knew the strangeness of his weapon, and even pointed it out with this gesture, and slapped himself invisibly.

   Holding a stick in one hand, Tian Qingyun did not allow himself to fail. The difficulty of the kid in front of him far exceeded his imagination.

   He is going to use advanced killer moves again.

   But when he just raised his right hand, he saw the right arm of the opposite boy raised at the same time.

  What is he doing?

   is going to attack!

   "The two raised their hands at the same time, this time No. 1578 is going to attack?"

   "Yes, you think of it this way, you have always been attacking from the military just now. But is this really level 17? I think it must be level 18."

   "But this man seems to be not very good at weapon fighting, otherwise it would be impossible to vomit blood from the opponent."

   The people who didn't know the truth in the audience didn't know Tian Qingyun's true strength, let alone the fact that the metal short stick in his hand was a few levels higher than the wooden stick in Mu Fan's hand.

  In the mid-air college observation group.

   "Why Mu Fan and a 17th-level military are still playing so much fancy, is it just hiding?"

   "It will not hide clumsy, but it will not vomit blood from being beaten."

   "It's pretty good at playing, now the two long sticks have been replaced with short sticks, this is interesting, fair, haha."


   Ruan Xiongfeng, standing alone in front of the glass screen, listened coldly to the noise in his ears, really wanting to take action to destroy this group of ignorant waste.


   Hmph, the "fairness" under the control of the military, if you know the true strength of the soldier, it depends on whether you can laugh out loud!

   Short stick?

   Didn't you see that the acceleration at both ends of the long stick was different when it was spinning before? It's really a group of mediocrities with fat in their heads.

   That kid actually evened the situation completely with that blow just now.

   That trick is really me fighting skills?

   But the more you think about it, the more you discover the subsequent changes of the move just now. This move seems to have just opened the corner of the huge screen.

   Mu Fan suddenly raised his right hand!

   was half a second faster than the other side, and the half-cut stick was held in the air this time with the arm raised.

   Then this time it was the special force wrapped in the palm.

   The short stick in his hand spins at a weird speed, and then his right arm swings with a special rhythm, and a second later it suddenly becomes a shadow. More than ten raindrops appeared in the sky instantly.

  Look carefully, that is the black spot on the top of the broken stick.

   Tian Qingyun felt a sense of crisis in his heart, and at this moment a fatal threat appeared on Mu Fan.

   Killing Skill-Rain Killing Stick!

   Tian Qingyun couldn't bear this kind of oppression of life and death. The metal short stick lost the imbalance caused by the lightness of the wooden stick. At this moment, with all its strength, the power was amazing, and the sky full of sticks appeared again, this time more densely than last time.

   Pouring rain is coming!

   Ha, is it raining?

   I suddenly remembered the figure when the fighter instructor gave me these moves, let them shine here today!

   Redemption two-stage change-ten heavy rain!

   Break me!

   Mu Fan's right arm bursts with blue The muscles under his skin release amazing power under the control of the dark breath.

   The stick wind whizzed past.

   Mu Fan disappeared and reappeared behind Tian Qingyun.

  咣! In the mid-air high platform, Ruan Xiongfeng suddenly snapped the metal guardrail with a palm.


  PS: Thanks to the book friends "I'm afraid who" and "Blood in the Moonlight" 1888 coins reward!

   Thanks to book friends "Akiyama Yezawa", "Book Friends 100703213722368" and "Spinning Pot" for 588 coins for rewards!

  Thank you book friend "Fuyong" "Book friend 160509125756007" for 200 coins reward! Thanks to book friends "Mo Zhiyeluo", "Fat Brother ZJM", "Zhao Tangtang", "Wenxin YZ", "Dancing Nobita", "Box 1", "Later", "Instantly Fanghua.." "DGcyc" "Xishan Rain" "Luxifa", "What day did I encounter", "Spend a lot of wine and not drink" 100 coins reward!

Thanks to book friends "Soviet Armored Infantry", "Pingping (1 "sfafasgfagah" for 20 coins, "Daste", "Book Friends 130614211853023", "Shunjin", "Dream and Fantasy", "Diving Suicide Rain", "That's me. ye" "Later" "Forget the memories? Time" 10 coins reward!

(Regarding broken chapters, it’s not a special card chapter, but the ending style of each chapter is the same, covering your face... The wife and child are very healthy, and it is estimated that they will be discharged in two days. The update will be resumed at that time, and now I have no face to ask for votes~~ )

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