Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 60: Mind Power

   Mu Fan, who heard the discussion from the surrounding people, has already started to pay attention to the candidate for motivation, because he has not even come into contact with the word motivation.

   Now that I heard others talk about it, I was at a loss.

   Fortunately, there are also young people with the same lack of knowledge around, and many people who ask questions humbly.

   "Reading for motivation candidates? As the name suggests, it is motivation formed by ideas..."

   The people around me instantly looked at him with your special eyes teasing me.

Being embarrassed by the people around him, the person coughed and continued to explain: "In short, it is the manifestation of a strong mind, and then it can be seen as an extension of the human body, an invisible control method to control the weapon to form a multi-faceted blow. By the way, it seems that mechas also have a mind-action system, but because the number of people is too small, there may be some secrets hidden, most people simply don't know."

   This time I finally got some dry goods, and the people around let him go.

   Mu Fan stared at the stage intently, but with his ears propped up, he finally understood the general meaning of the word dynamism.

   is interesting.

   Mu Fan dropped his hands on his side and began to watch quietly.

   Ever since I came to Amethyst, my field of vision has grown bigger day by day, making myself overwhelmed.

   The person holding the long stick on the other side was obviously a bit dazed. Why did he play against a candidate for motivation? He was just a civilian from a small place. How could he be exposed to such high-level skills before?


  I can’t use my stick at all.

   looked at the opposite side, and after gritted his teeth and dropped the long stick in his hand, he rushed up with his bare hands.

   "I'll go, the other side exploded."

   "...Is the opponent also a seeded player?"

   "The opponent is so confident that he gave up his weapon."

   Seeing that the opponent dropped the weapon, the audience was talking again for a while.

   Although the two players in this battle were silent before, the name of a candidate for motivation is enough to bring everyone's focus to this.

   Many giants on the high platform have sent people to inquire about this candidate's information. If this candidate, if and if he loses the election, then he will become the object of competition for all the giants present.

  Near power talents!

   means that even if the minimum physique is 15th level, there is still more potential for spiritual promotion.

   This kind of talent will be a shining gold no matter where it is put.

   Candidate No. 4919 looked at the opponent who had rushed with his bare hands, and his momentum was even more shocking than when he was holding a weapon.

   "The offensive five numbers stand at the door, and when two or four come, they turn into one."

   The young man with a dynamic force suddenly said a word quickly, and then put his hands together and started the complicated knot printing movement.

   Is this ancient meditation?

   This time even the observers in the college district couldn't see through it. They didn't understand what this action meant.

   Only Ruan Xiongfeng touched his bald head and muttered:

"How come there are so many freaks in this exam... Not to mention that Mu Fan boy, maybe this person alone might be the second Qilong Elephant! But it's just a matter of mind, and it's probably impossible in mind... "

   Seeing that the boy's lips moved slightly, and then his fingers flew to form a movement.

   An astonishing opponent is about to hit hard.

   "The wind blows two or four times!"

   Suddenly, the four floating **** merged in two, and then two white lines flashed across, hitting the shoulders at a faster speed than the attacking person, and then retreated fiercely with his body.

   has such a big momentum? !

   When this scene appeared, some slightly knowledgeable people couldn't sit still. The examinee had hidden so deeply that he didn't even start to exert his strength until now. This hand alone is absolutely enough to be recruited privately by the academy.

   I don’t know what I thought, but I participated in such a cruel army reserve.

   Damn, the candidate who was knocked back by the floating ball looked fierce, and was knocked back before touching anyone. Although it didn't hurt or itchy, it was too shameful.

   But... I have already figured out your power, not as powerful as I imagined.


   The test taker no longer felt ashamed at the beginning.

   Slip and kick!

   twisted his body to prepare, exerting force between his legs, he was going to use a sturdy move to break the weird collision just now.

   Candidate No. 4919 intersected his fingers again, and turned a blind eye to this shocking scene. The four small **** that had been retracted changed again.

   "The forest floats one and four times!"

   The four spheres were suddenly erected to form a row, suspended in the air, and appeared in the opponent's attack path between flashes.

   Hmph, watch me kick it away!

   The man's big slide has been charged up, and the kick at this moment is the strongest time. If he has just tested the strength, he can completely break the weird power ball formation.

   I am also unlucky, how can I meet such a strange opponent.

   However, if the strength only stops here, then I am sorry!

   A vertical line hanging on the offensive path suddenly moved side by side, and then crossed parallel to the attacking leg.

   hit hard!

   The opponent did not expect that the ball line directly in front would appear to the side and hit him hard.


   I felt as if I had kicked a giant wood up to the sky, but it was kicked off the side. Now my legs and body are gently led aside by the giant wood.


   The big sliding kick took the person directly from the side of No. 4919's body, and he fell down and stopped until the edge of the stage.

   The audience suddenly burst into laughter, this man is also amazing, and even took him to fly.

   The opponent's face was flushed, it was just the age of blood and energy, how could he be so humiliated.

   Both fists stand side by side.

   A set of B+ level bullet punches have been posed.

   This is the strongest martial art he has mastered.

   The fist is on the arm, and the reaction is faster than the leg.

   He decided that he must give his opponent a lesson this time.


   No. 4919's eyes locked on the opposite side, and the printing on his hand resumed.

   The four spheres that were originally quite agile began to beat violently at this moment. The apparently accelerated frequency and the faintly vibrating sphere made the 4919 candidate's style that has been light and windy began to change to fierce and violent.

   The four spheres suddenly came together, and then they were firmly locked together. At this moment, the temporary combination of these four spheres suddenly increased in momentum.

   Mu Fan is already running a dark breath. In his spiritual vision, the four spheres converge like a dazzling little star that is constantly shining.

   This is the unique vision of spiritual practitioners.

   "The flame is a knot!"

   When the ring-shaped momentum formed by these four **** reached the top, the young Nian Li finally yelled out loudly, and this sound was also clear so that people not far away could hear it! "

   Both hands suddenly pushed out hard.

   The four **** gathered together and violently knocked out, unexpectedly a layer of ripples visible to the naked eye exploded, and then the white ball disappeared.


   The opponent who fisted both slumped his stomach and almost stared out.

   A ring formed by the four spheres keeps rolling on the abdomen.

   Then accelerate again.


   In the opponent's unbelievable expression, the two fists still maintained the attacking posture, and the whole person was severely knocked out of the fighting platform by the four spheres and fell to the ground.

   "Candidate 4919 wins!"

   The delicate boy put down Jieyin's hands, and the four spheres forming a ring were scattered under the stage.


PS: (The parturient has a fever of 38.5° in the middle of the night. Dangdang has a fever. Now I will take my daughter-in-law to the hospital at 2 in the morning. The two chapters will be set to update automatically. Tomorrow at 2 o'clock in the Sanjiang Pavilion list, thank you brothers Support. Your book review area is breaking the world. These six chapters are foreshadowing by Dangdang deliberately, but they are a bit longer, hehe. Knowing that you want to see Xiaofanfan pretending to be forced, then hey, hey!)

   Thanks to the book friend "Flying Ding-Ding Cat" for a reward of 1888 coins!

   Thanks to the book friend "Zhang Yanshuo" for the reward of 588 coins!

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