Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 69: Time is running out

   (Congratulations to the new guardian of "Can* Xue Wuhen"!)

   The two-meter tail is less than a 20-meter body.

   But Mu Fan's attack directly abolished the sinister and fierce tail attack of this giant python.

   Without this subsequent insidious sneak attack, the odds of winning would be increased by 30%.

   The poisonous python suddenly raised its head and twisted its body.


   Could there be any special attacks?

   The jaw suddenly bulged!

not good!

   Subconsciously Mu Fan stepped on the slippery bark next to him, and even stepped on a depression more than a centimeter thick with one foot, and his whole body instantly pulled out to a branch more than five meters high.


   A cloud of black liquid spouted from the poisonous python's mouth and fell to the place where he was standing just now, directly covering an area with a radius of three meters. The dense black spots were smoked, and the goose bumps on Mu Fan's body were all up.

   If I were sprayed with these venoms, I am afraid there would be no bones left in my body.

   The poisonous python's jaw bulged again, and this time he raised his head in his direction.

In the **** vision, Mu Fan's body was almost completely in the instinctive emergency response, his right hand turned into an afterimage, swish!

   The dagger pierced directly into the position a little below the giant python's head. This time it broke out completely, and the handle of the dagger even submerged into the body.

   hiss! hiss!

  The painful withered wood poisonous python smashed its head heavily on the ground, and its body spread out.

It's now!

   click, the legs exerted strength again, the thick branches under the feet broke, and the whole body flew to the tail where the python had been cut.

   accurately hold the tip of the tail with his right hand.

   is slippery and hard to hold!

   Mu Fan's arm was looped and folded several times in a row, and within one second, the snake's tail was wrapped around his right arm, and his left arm was suspended quietly.

   The huge python turned its head and looked directly at Mu Fan. If it slammed into it frantically and desperately, it would crush the bug to death, and then swallow it in one bite.

   Mu Fan, who stands proudly, has a cold blood on his face, and the black shadow reflected in his pupils is rapidly expanding.

   His right hand shook suddenly!

  Hu~ fried!

   A bulging wave was brought from the right arm to the tail of the snake, but it did not abate. This power was transmitted along the spine of the giant python, and the body of 20 meters long was thrown out like a whip!

   The head of the attacking python was swayed.

  Hey, the Scarlet Horizon opened, and the whole body's strength was in one arm at this moment. Mu Fan's right hand and five fingers directly pierced into the body of the python, then took a big step, and his front body leaned down.

  咚, the sound wave sounded, and the whole body was shockingly pressed forward. The right arm was still dragging the tail of the giant python, the blood-red skin that had collapsed and the snake's tail tightly wound.

   shows that Mu Fan has been fully resisting the forceful strangulation of the giant python.

   The giant python was relieved of most of the power from the shake just now, and now he hurriedly wanted to withdraw his tail, but it was too late!

   smash me!



  The body weighing several tons was slammed straight by Mu Fan, and then smashed down heavily!

   spread from the head to the tail, the body of more than 20 meters was hit heavily on the rocks and the ground.

   pulled backhand again, with a loud bang, Mu Fan leaped up into the air, pressing down fiercely, a twisting sound of bones erupted from his right arm, and the whole body began to twist in the air.

   360 degrees, this is... a single arm?

   The big monument fell!

Mu Fan’s eyes were full of crimson, his left arm hung on his side, and his right arm swung the giant python weighing several tons into the air, and slammed it again. This time, the area that was slammed in the reverse direction was completely piled of mossy boulders. .


   I only felt that the body of the giant python in his hand suddenly softened, and the strong muscles suddenly became limp.


   Mu Fan suddenly had an unpredictable smile on the corner of his mouth, and then screamed again. The arm didn't mean to withdraw his hand, but he swung it again. At this moment, the head of the drooping python suddenly rose up, trying to spit out the venom again.


   This time the head of the giant python slammed into a sharp rock that was four to five meters high.

   Mu Fan then just discarded the entangled snake tail.

   Under the **** vision, the beating heart is the brightest red point in the vision, pretending to be dead, meaningless.

   First hunt in the rain forest, success.

   stepped forward and looked at the snake head that had rotten into a puddle of flesh. Mu Fan kicked it away, then reached out and took out the piercing dagger from his jaw.

   Huh, I ran into such a beast just after falling, but it was fine.

   It's okay...


   The sound of "Didi" just now seemed to come from his backpack.

   quickly walked over and looked through the backpack.

  Only the electronic map with the screen off is still flashing red.

   lights up the screen, only a line of text and a voice appearing on it automatically play.

"There are five areas eliminated in the first round, code-named C22, H6, T7, U10, W7. Candidates who are still in this area after one hour are considered eliminated. Candidates are asked to wear combat uniforms and require electronic maps on their bodies. If both are missing, it is judged to be eliminated."

   The first round of elimination is coming?

   hurriedly clicked the positioning information again, and the current time and location appeared on the panel.

   My own area: W7, and time has passed twenty minutes!

  The nearest to him is the V14 area, which shows that he has 17 kilometers in the past according to the scale.

   These 17 kilometers are the distance of the unknown rain forest belt. I have already encountered this beast when I first fell. If I go further, no one knows what will happen.

   remaining time: 40 minutes!

   Mu Fan turned his head and glanced at the python corpse over there, with a look of dismay.

   just walked out a few steps, immediately turned around and cut open his abdomen with a dagger, found the hot snake gall the size of a fist, and gave it to his mouth regardless of the smell.

   raised his head and bit through, sucking the juice inside.

so bitter!

   But after a few mouthfuls, the snake gall is only a thin skin.

   This is a great The prey that is desperately killed must not waste the essence.

   Although it was just a few mouthfuls of juice, my stomach was warmed quickly, and the energy I had just consumed was quickly recovering.

   looked down again, Mu Fan still drew out a dagger and cut off a large piece of snake meat, plucked a piece of plantain leaves, picked up the piece of snake meat and threw it into the backpack.

  This is his ration. The food in the jungle is hard-won. He would never give up so much food unless it was necessary.

   After a few jumps, Mu Fan quickly disappeared into this area by stepping on the cross and slanting tree trunk.

   Parade up the river, 35 minutes left!

   The perception of his left arm has recovered a bit. Mu Fan has a little more confidence in the progress of the rain forest, but he does not know the location more than ten kilometers ahead. He will encounter three candidates.

When Mu Fan left for more than ten minutes, two pairs of black soles appeared beside this area. Two black shadows stood under the shade of the tree, looking at the corpse that had been cut into two sections, and one black shadow lowered himself. , Stretched out his finger and wiped the blood from the python, then held it in his mouth, and slapped it.

   spoke a strange language that seemed to be different from the Commonwealth.

   Then black spread from the ground until it swallowed it...


  PS: Thanks to the book friend "Xue Wuhen" for 5888 coins reward!

   Thanks to the book friend "Gu Hezhu" for the reward of 1176 coins!

   Thanks to book friends "DGcyc" and "Chiefs of Different Tribes" for 100 coins reward!

Thanks to book friends "Miss Monster", "Junlin Wood", "Stardust", and "Soviet Armored Infantry" for 10 coins Welcome to read the latest, fastest and hottest serial works All in mobile phone users please go to read.

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