Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 74: Dispute in the rest place (Hey the leader, I don’t want it)

The third elimination area was announced. This time, except for a few central areas, most of them are concentrated on the edge of the map.

Compared with the first time, the speed of these two compressed spaces is slower, but it is constant. According to this calculation, when the night comes, it is the time when a large number of people are really beginning to be eliminated.

Mu Fan, who had already replenished his strength, ran for four hours. A look at the electronic map shows that the current time is 5:40 pm, and there are still 106 kilometers away from the target point.

That piece of snake meat and snake gall are still continuously providing energy in the body, and the energy is still full after four hours.

Suddenly he braked sharply, and Mu Fan found a canyon appeared on his way forward.

On the map, this place in front of you should be a place marked as "rest".

How could such a huge canyon appear!

Looking at the towering cliffs on both sides, the entrance of the canyon is more than ten meters wide, but when looking inward, the head can't be seen at all.


No, this is the nearest route.

Pulling down the brim of the cloak, Mu Fan plunged in.


"I'm sleepy, we watched the surveillance for a day, and finally people have begun to appear in the three strongholds. The stronghold is so small and the rainforest is so big that we only let us look at this stronghold?"

"Don't talk nonsense, pay attention to the candidates in the current base."

"Oh, the four people in a stronghold just fought a fight, and now they each have a corner; the two in the b stronghold are in peace for the time being; the three in the c stronghold seem to be on guard for each other."

"Can you match the candidate information."

"You can match the first half, and the other half of the people are disguised and can't see it. For example, Zhang Yuanren, a seed player from the amethyst giant Zhang family, was the first to arrive at base b. And the registered name is Shining Motive boy, he is in C stronghold, the one with the canyon next to it..."

The information is reported fairly accurately.

The senior observer nodded, "Focus on it!"


In the exclusive zone of the military, at this moment, the big correctional officer is issuing an order: "Start the record from the first examinee who enters the stronghold. From now on is the focus of our attention. The federal expeditionary army officer training plan starts now."

"You need to record the information you observe truthfully, and you need to form an analysis report. If I find out whose report information is not true, I will go to a military court myself."

"Yes!" everyone said in unison.


When Mu Fan dodged dozens of strange poisonous lizards from both sides of the rock wall, he finally found a light in front of him.

If it weren’t for the dark breath state, I’m afraid I wouldn’t have noticed the silent sneak attack. This group of poisonous lizards emerged from the crevices, spewed out a mouthful of venom and disappeared. When you see the other side After most of the rock was corroded quietly, I learned that the poison of this group of lizards is probably no less than that of the poisonous python that he killed.

The light from the top of the canyon was cast down, and finally after a turn, the field of vision was wide.

Going out of the canyon?

After walking a few hundred meters, Mu Fan finally saw a tower made of rocks, and behind the tower were long stone steps that spread into the cliff cave.

Finally arrived at this stronghold, it seemed that he could not be separated from the military, and there were artificial traces again here.


Just as Mu Fan was about to step on the steps, there was a sound of breaking through the air, and Mu Fan jumped back to avoid it.

"Ding" a crossbow arrow gleaming deep into the stone.

"It's interesting." A surprised sound came from above, and the eyes under Mu Fan's cloak looked over, and an examinee in a combat uniform was looking here with interest.

He was still holding an exquisite folding crossbow in his hand, and at this moment, he charged another crossbow bolt on the crossbow machine.

Mu Fan looked at him coldly and saw that the cold person in Mu Fan's eyes was not afraid but laughed, shaking the crossbow machine in his hand.

"Fortune-telling, you can come up."

There is a sense of indifferent charity in the tone.

Mu Fan did not leave, but lowered his head to look at the crossbow arrow that was deep into the rock wall, only the tail of the arrow was exposed.

The right hand suddenly stretched out, the index finger and thumb clamped the crossbow arrow, yanked it sharply, and watched it carefully.

The arrow was deeply nailed into the rock wall and there was no trace of damage. The left hand flicked lightly and there was a clear buzzing sound. Good steel!

"Do you regret not dying under the arrow?"

The voice of the person above was obviously impatient, and it actually meant to shoot another arrow.

Mu Fan's pupils shrank, and the right hand holding this crossbow arrow slammed.


Not at all weaker than the speed at which the crossbow machine fired, the voice of the person above the stone steps broke.

Touching the tail of the arrow on the side of his neck that was still shaking, this metal crossbow arrow actually rubbed his neck and sank into the stone wall behind him.

His face turned cold, and he looked at Mu Fan below with murderous intent in his eyes.

Mu Fan lowered his head and stepped onto the stone steps. The cloak drooped to cover his face again. Only a calm voice came from: "You can say it if you want to die."


The crossbow arrow in his hand will be raised.

Mu Fan pulled his right hand diagonally in front of him like lightning, and a dagger whirled in his palm.


In the end, the person holding the crossbow arrow gave up the confrontation and hid behind the stone wall.

But Mu Fan firmly grasped that trace of murderous intent in his heart.

There is a murderous spirit in this man.

Stretching the cloak to cover his eyes again, Mu Fan walked up.

This is similar to the architectural style of Jinjilan Fighting Arena, but the difference is that it has been abandoned for a long time. Although there are weeds, it is quite dry because of the natural wind and shade embedded on the cliff.

The platform is about four to five hundred square meters, and it seems to be about the same size as the training ground in the Planet Loga Budokan.

Now there are three people in a corner. A handsome young man sits cross-eyed with his eyes closed, another with dried mud on his face is looking down and wiping something, and another is leaning on the rock wall and watching him just shoot a crossbow arrow. man of.

The handsome teenager was the one who had appeared in the examination room before, and Mu Fan remembered it as soon as he saw his face.

The observation room of Taoyun Academy in the high altitude.

"The fourth candidate from the c base has just clashed with the seeded contestant. However, the fourth candidate has blood stains on his face and is wearing a cloak. Personal information cannot be verified."

Supervisor He flicked his fingers, quickly switched to the screen when Mu Fan shot, and locked it.

Zoom in, zoom in, except for those rather dark eyes, no other features can be seen.

"The quality of this year's candidates is really not simple, focus on it."

This examinee named Hai Dou The system level test stage showed that it was level 16, but through subsequent analysis, it was determined that his physique level should be around level 20.

The cape candidate was able to evade at the moment the crossbow machine was shot, and flicked an arrow with his hand to counterattack, indicating that the candidate was definitely among the seeded players.


Mu Fan looked down at the electronic map.

Retreat area, arrived.

In the central area of ​​the giant cave, there is a clear spring gurgling, seeing the clear and transparent water, bright light shines in his eyes.

The stream in the rain forest didn't dare to drink water at all. Drinking water can only rely on collecting dewdrops on broad leaves and running for so long. Now seeing such a stream of clear spring, the cells in the body have released a signal of lack of water.

Pursing her lips, Mu Fan was about to step forward.

(To be continued.)

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