Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 97: Protagonist admission

(Congratulations to the new hall master "Zhe C??")

This little fat girl, alas.

Every time I see her, I feel surprised.

Imagining the panic going offline must be particularly fun, and Mu Fan's mood is not so bad.

No, my whole body hurts.

When he quit the game, the spectator was over, and Lord Hei returned to Mu Fan again.

"How about this CICH system?"

"I can only say... very cool." Mu Fan said honestly, the feeling that this system gave him was the kind of continuous squeeze, and it was the best stimulus for his physique.

"This is just a copy of a system, and according to my analysis and speculation, the federal CICH system is slightly behind the Ace Empire super robot system, and the side effects may be greater, and the big thunder owl must have problems. Known settings."

If it is black, Mu Fan understands it, which means that this CICH system is not as optimistic as he imagined. The actual situation should be worse, and it is estimated that the special blessing of the mecha will have higher requirements for the driver.

"I'll have another game to experience, or should I meet the old fighter?" Hei threw two choices.

"No, the instructor will wait until tomorrow when things are over and I will go to base 341."

"Okay, let's go, right, do you have a news?"

"Do not listen……"

After speaking, Mu Fan's figure disappeared directly into the PO, leaving only a dark voice echoing: "You've received another 60,000 stars..."

It is a pity that its host has no chance to hear this sentence.

Putting this specially strengthened optical brain helmet on, Mu Fan lay down and fell asleep looking at the ceiling.


The next day, Mu Fan was awakened by the fat man. When he opened his eyes and looked at his watch, it was almost ten o'clock!

This is the first time that Mu Fan slept to such a deadly level. It seems that his body is a bit tired these days.

Ok? Does your left arm hurt?

Mu Fan, who accidentally raised his arm, turned his head and glanced.

The wound healed hard and only one scar was left.

This is good news!

"Mu Fan, wake up, hurry up to have breakfast and change into formal clothes."

"it is good."

When Mu Fan, who forcibly controlled himself to drink only a bowl of plain porridge after half an hour, appeared in the corridor in a slim suit, he had already decided to keep his stomach for a delicious lunch.

The fat man next to him was pushing his shirt into his pants, and said with a grumbling face: "The young master thought he would lose weight in this exam, and he seemed to have gained another two catties... I really grow flesh when I drink cold water!"

Mu Fan curled his lips when he heard it, but he saw the fat man eat nine bowls of lean meat porridge and four eggs for one breakfast.

"Okay, let's go. My father has arrived early in the Huanglin Fengyue Banquet Hall on the 28th floor." The fat man took out Tianxun and said.

Mr. Wayne has arrived?

Mu Fan nodded.

The two entered the high-speed suspension ladder, and the service staff respectfully pressed the button representing the 28th floor.

"My father still doesn't know the news about your entrance exam, hahahaha, I will surprise him soon!" The fat man said to Mu Fan with his eyes.

Seeing Mu Fan was speechless, is it really good for you to be so cheating?

With a dingdong, the twenty-eighth floor is here.

The moment the floating ladder door opened, Mu Fan was really covered by the luxurious breath coming over his face.

The golden embossed ceiling of the welcome hall is decorated with dozens of stone pillars inlaid with ancient trees supporting the entrance of this hall, and people will be conquered by this deep architectural beauty at a glance.

This welcoming hall alone is almost the size of the lobby of Little Fatty's house.

I can't imagine the area inside.

"My father is there!"

Looking in the direction the fat man was pointing, Mu Fan saw the middle-aged man who was talking with people with great momentum, and he was just saying goodbye with a smile at this moment.

It is Mr. Wayne! He had already seen the two Harry waving at him.


"Mr. Wayne."

"Yeah." When he walked over, he nodded to the little fat man and then said hello to Mu Fan with a smile: "Mu Fan, the last time he asked Harry that he didn't find you, he didn't ask how you did on the exam."

"Thank you, Mr. Wayne, for your concern, the results are better than expected."

"Landuxing's college?"


"That's good, you and Harry will stay close in the future, try to take care of each other as much as possible." Mr. Wayne now thinks that Mu Fan was only successfully admitted to an academy of Blue Star. He really didn't go to one of the five major colleges. Thinking about Dingchuan Academy.

He spent half of his fortune for his little fat man.

Seeing the fat man snickering on the side, Wayne glared his eyebrows, "I'm not doing business, this time I come here to let you get in touch with the family's business early! Such a good opportunity for you and Mu Fan to observe and observe is unattainable! Be serious!"

The harsh rebuke made the fat man droop his face immediately.

The welcome hall has now begun to have scattered people coming in. Wayne motioned for the two to follow, and then said softly: “Today this is a meeting banquet between Rocky Heavy Industries and downstream suppliers. The early efforts of the Fuwen Foundation Finally reached the threshold of this banquet. After a while, Mu Fan, you and Harry look more and less talk about this kind of opportunity."

Seeing Wayne's solemn eyes, Mu Fan nodded.

Being able to join the Fuwen Foundation as a delegation as an outsider is already a great honor to myself.

After speaking, Mr. Wayne seemed to see an acquaintance, laughing and walking towards a man who had just walked in with a pipe in his mouth. He also made a hug over there, like an old friend he hadn't seen for many years.

"Don't look at it, this action shows that it is definitely not his acquaintance. It's really depressed, and we don't give us a chance to talk at all." Little Fatty Harry said helplessly.

Cheating plan failed.

"Then we..."

"Go, let's go in first."

After walking through the long welcoming living room, under the welcoming bows of dozens of waitresses in two rows, Mu Fan, who looked uncomfortable, was dragged in by the fat man.

Yesterday, I just praised you as a master of sultry sisters. Today, I can't hold on to the girls in high-slit uniforms? Fat brother really despises you.

A little warm in the nose?

The fat man secretly pressed Mu Fan while he wasn't paying attention, but fortunately, his anger was not so big, only a little nosebleed remained.

The banquet hall of thousands of square meters is decorated with brown and gold tones. The circular ceiling lamp above the head is matched with high-end hand-woven carpets on the ground, and there is an elegant and atmospheric solid wood round table every five meters.

There is even a small music stage on the edge of the hall. Now the band is already standing on the stage and is adjusting its tools.

"Tsk tusk tusk! I don't know if I don't come out, it turns out that my home is a bird's nest compared to this one!" The fat man sighed with relish.

As the clock was about to point to 11 o'clock, men and women in various high-end costumes began to enter the arena, and Mr. Wayne also walked to the corner of the hall talking and laughing with the pipe man.

The atmosphere began to warm up.

Soothing music began to Among the crowds of greeting each other, a tall man with a smile, aqua-blue dress can reach the ankle, like waterfall long hair tied with two strands of gold behind him , Those bright eyes were constantly smilingly facing the people around. Her right hand is holding a spirited old man with white sideburns. This old and young person enters the venue through the VIP passage behind the main stage of the banquet hall.

On the other side, three female companions who gracefully greeted several wealthy and precious princes gathered together. One of the most beautiful women with wavy and curly hair inadvertently noticed the old and the young over there, so she covered her face with a fan, quietly The voice told the two companions.

"Have you seen the old man and the girl over there? This is the protagonist today. Let's go around there later."

PS: Thanks to the book friend "Zhejiang C??" 10,000 coins for reward! (Congratulations to the new hall master!)

Thanks to the book friend "Chief of Different Tribes" for rewarding 588 coins!

Thanks to the book friend "Luxifa" 100 coins reward!

Thank you book friends for "waiting for time", "stardust dust", "damn it", "floating song" and "15853282" for 10 coins rewards! (To be continued.)

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