Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 102: Under the stars

(Congratulations to the new rudder master "Rotary Pot")

The onlookers of various business leaders have decided to lodge a collective complaint to the Galaxy Yunbang Company later. Did your company’s employees send an ancestor to deliver the express?

At the luncheon of a famous interstellar heavy industry company, a courier from your company blatantly broke into the venue and asked the expelled person to sign for the courier, and disrupted the order of the banquet many times.

Well, I decided to write like this.

Someone has already finished the draft.

When the metal box hit the ground heavily, Mu Fan realized that the bald-headed uncle was not joking with him.

"Mine?" Mu Fan pointed to the tip of his nose.

"Well, let's sign a word and go through the program first."

The big bald head took out a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket and handed it a pen.

Xiao Rongrong, who had been ignored by others, subconsciously muttered: "Xinghe Yunbang, did you sign for it with a pen?"

What age are these, aren't they all electronic sign-off procedures?

"Apprenticeship agreement?"

When Mu Fan saw the crumpled headline, he noticed that it was not a courier order at all. He was shocked and looked up at Ruan Xiongfeng.

"What the hell, hurry up and sign."

Mu Fan gave a bitter smile and signed his name.

"Well, the turtle grandson over there, don't you want to ask him if he is a nobleman? If he isn't a nobleman, you can't participate in this kind of banquet." Satisfied, he stuffed the crumpled paper back into his suit, and Ruan Xiongfeng pointed at him. Yuan Xian over there said.

"Hmph, the appearance of this kid does not conform to the rules of the banquet. I am just making choices for most people. If there is no explanation, he and you will get out."

"It's the most annoying for you guys who pretend to be forced, come kid, quickly open the box, I have to take this box back to the company.

Ruan Xiongfeng ridiculed Chong Yuanxian boringly, and then motioned to Mu Fan to open the metal box.

The silver alloy is hollowed out with the company's LOGO of Xinghe Yunbang. The whole box is tightly stitched and looks like one. On the front of the box, there is a round palm-sized blue light breathing rhythmically.

This is the express delivery of Galaxy Express! This blue light is not an electronic light, but a natural blue spar from a restricted area. Only the wealthy Galaxy Yunbang company can use such a luxurious packaging method.

Some of the high-level people present have recognized that this is the S-class express transportation of Galaxy, and the consignor has definitely been assessed by Galaxy.

"Push it up."

Ruan Da Bald head reminded.

Mu Fan put his hand on the box.

The blue ripples swept past, with two clicks, the top of the metal box split in four corners, and the four sides of the box spread out.

A black triangle flashing red was exposed, and a mechanical voice sounded: "Please aim any single eye at the red area."

Ink triangle?

This time someone started to be secretly surprised.

This level of express delivery proves that every step of the delivery of the item will be under the watchful eye of the powerful federal military.


Someone began to look around.

Mu Fan slowly lowered his head in the gaze around him.

"I'm not interested in watching you guys play treasures here. A person who doesn't even have a family badge is not the heir of any company. It's a miracle that we can wait until now, Mr. Wang, what do you say." Yuan Xian asked. Look at Wang Ji.

Wang Ji's face sank again when he heard these words, "This is the banquet of Rocky Heavy Industries, sir, I can give you one minute. If I can't hear a good explanation, then you and this boy are both Please leave the meeting. As for Mr. Wayne, no matter what the result is, I can only deeply regret it."

Wayne next to him felt cold when he heard the news, with a wry smile on his face.

no matter what the result is……

It's the sadness of the small family.

As for Fatty now, it doesn't matter what company or power you are, he only knows that his brother is being looked down upon and bullied by others!

Isn't it just being eliminated? Who is rare!

Mu Fan, who was already leaning over, ignored the gazes and whispers of people around him, and aimed his right eye at the red light area.

A ripple swept out.

"Successful identification, consignee: Mu Fan. Please take out your belongings, and Galaxy Yunbang will sincerely ask for your service."

The ink triangles spread out again, this time the special alloy shell is five centimeters thick!

Everyone cast their eyes on it.

There was a piece of gray and blue paper letterhead lying quietly, and a round black metal bead beside it.

"Oh, what did you think it was? This time you can't help but two." Yuan Xian laughed blankly.

Wang Ji frowned. He decided to call the private guard to end the farce.

Ruan Xiongfeng, who had been lazy, suddenly put his finger in front of his mouth, looked at the crowd, and said softly:

"Shhh, be quiet."

The bead suddenly floated, and then the black metal on the surface began to undulate like a block of digital pixels, and then suddenly doubled in volume, and a light blue light curtain emerged above it.

Hologram beads!

The picture stabilized after a few jitters, and everyone could see that this was a room with vicissitudes of history, whether it was the bookshelf that was out of sight behind it or the vicissitudes of primitive table.

What is this stuff?

Suddenly, an old man appeared in the picture, his beard and hair were white, but his spirit was different from his age, his ruddy face exuded brilliance. A gray long-sleeved uniform with gold trims set off the majesty of the old man even more.

Just the holographic image, this kind of majesty that has been on the top for a long time pervades, this kind of aura looks a little more powerful than Wang Ji.

Who is this old man, and why does he look familiar?

Some people in the crowd frowned, always feeling as if they had seen this old man from nowhere.

The original Xian next to him was already a little impatient.

A senior deacon of the Shan Lan Hui has been left out here more than he has in the past five years.

With a gesture, several people from Shanlanhui had already moved closer to Mu Fan.

Ruan Xiongfeng grinned over there, not paying attention to this small move.

The old man in the picture coughed and finally cast his eyes to the front.

This time people felt that this majestic old man was watching everyone in an unknown place.

What a powerful aura!

"Student Mu Fan, hello."

The old man spoke softly, and the sound was clear and unmistakable into the ears of every viewer.


Mu Fan?

This kid is a student?

But in the next second, everyone present, including Yuan Xian, Xiao Rongrong, and Wang Ji, both young and old, stood on the spot.

"I am the dean of (Dingchuan Academy), Don Andreiser."

The fat man who had been filled with anger suddenly stopped breathing, and then stared at the old man carefully with his mouth wide open.

What did he just hear?

Yuan Xian's smile with a sneer on his face was too late to disappear, and he froze directly on his face.

No matter how wild he is, he knows the word Dingchuan, what the old man just called himself! ?

Wang Ji, who was supported by Wang Nuonuo, suddenly raised his head when he heard these words.

The group of onlookers who were ready to watch the joke were all stiff and then stared at the holographic image in disbelief.

"As the dean of the academy, I am very pleased to see such outstanding students among the candidates this year. It is an honor for Dingchuan, and even more so... my honor!"

When the mortal's vision broke through the sky, Tiny suddenly appeared under the stars.

Don Andreiser, the true legendary master who has personally participated in the amendment of the constitution and is known as the living fossil of the Federation, with a smile on his face, solemnly said this sentence that made everyone's scalp numb.

PS: Thanks to book friends for "Spinning Pot" 8888 coins for reward!

Thanks to the book friend "Little Ziyun" for 588 coins!

Thanks to book friends "Ling Lianling", "A Floating Cloud on the Horizon", "The Constant Flow of Books", "Hao Ran Tianxi", "Book Friends 150630112135359" 100 coins for rewards!

Thanks to the book friends "Doudou Dadoudou" for 20 coins, "Yichenju", "Waiting Time" and "Daster" for 10 coins for rewards! (To be continued.)

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