Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 127: The rebels are killed, all 10 sides are destroyed

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"It won!"

People in the military department who saw this scene were all happy!



After a short period of half a month, the legend of Shura, which belongs to Planet Loga, is staged again on Amethyst.

The senior officers of the military were first shocked by this ghostly mecha, and then they were shocked by the news of victory.

King Lu Squid, another one died!

"Try to send a signal to this mecha! The content of the message is the military's request for access."

"Yes, sir."

"By the way, talk to the third division, the interception operation is cancelled."

"Sir, do you tell me the reason for the cancellation?"

"Just say that a mecha killed all these monsters."

"……Yes, sir."

The third division, the head of the mecha special team, Gilbert heard the words coming from the communicator, and almost couldn't control the release of a portable nuclear bomb on his body!

This TM is specially prepared for this monster.

If it can't be dealt with in the end, the nuclear bomb will be dropped as well as the risk of destroying half of the city.

But now, what did he hear?

A mecha killed these monsters...

It's all killed...

Only one mech?

and many more!

The blood red eyes, the red cloak that flashed past...

It won't be that mecha!

Thinking of Gilbert at this time, his body was cold.

"Report to the headquarters, the 3rd Division Mecha Unit received the order."

Listening to the news reported by the correspondent, Ariksai nodded and looked at the mecha that did not move next in the screen. Now no one could guess the action of the mecha.

"Has the communication signal been sent?"

"Sir, the report has been sent and there is no reply yet."


Before the next few words were spoken, Ariksai and the hall fell into silence again.

Because the entire surveillance screen seems to be dark.

Then there is a huge black-purple energy ray that penetrates the city, piercing from one side to the other as if it suddenly appeared out of the sky.

And that black killer holding the sword-holding posture was swallowed by the energy torrent that was more than ten meters wide.

In the picture, the ground and many surrounding buildings were instantly vaporized.

The endless rays of destruction bombarded a target for the first time in such a concentrated way--

It's the Shura mecha standing with a knife!

The torrent of rays has been rushing for a full five seconds.

In these five seconds, the entire city was penetrated and the entire street melted.

That mech...

How's it going?

The people of the military department destroyed several of their mechas before they didn't even think about this black killer.

Because what this mecha is doing now has saved the fate of thousands of them.


Hope has just appeared, is it going to be killed?

The heroic female officer in the communications office also stopped in a hurry, and looked at the rushing black energy torrent with hopeful eyes.

do not die!

we need you!

Please keep fighting!

This is the voice of almost everyone now.

Because the huge size of the fierce beast at the edge of the picture finally came into view.

That almost invincible wandering the city... UFO!

It appeared in this area, and the purpose of this attack was obvious, which was to stifle their human hope.

This damned and terrifying beast!

"It..." Ariksai opened his mouth, but only a dry word came out from his dry throat, and he couldn't say it anymore.

"...Notify the third division... to fight with all your strength! Until the last person in the fight, I am not allowed to take a half step back!!"

"Contact the Lan Duxing Military Department... request... support."

After saying the last sentence, Alix seemed much older.

I am afraid this will be the last time he has served here.

"Commander, look!"

The Chief of Staff did not answer, but suddenly pointed to the screen with an extremely exciting voice!

The torrent of energy stopped and the steaming smoke dissipated.

Everyone opened their eyes in amazement!

When the last trace of black mist produced after high-temperature burning dissipated.

The black mecha stood with both hands holding flat swords!

The scarlet cloak behind turned into a picture no one had seen before.

Each scrolling brings up a sky full of red stars, and an invisible force field with a faintly visible outline is outlined by the red stars.

The broken cloak was very bright at the moment, soft and casually rolling around.

The Shura Mecha lowered his head and held knives in both hands, without any scars on his body.

Mu Fan knew clearly that the reason for all this came from the broken cloak behind him!

The cloak, which had always been thought of as decorative, played an unimaginable role at this moment.

When the black light arrived in an instant, he did not react at all, but the reaction of the cloak far exceeded his nerve reflex.

The sky full of stars enveloped this space, and Mu Fan seemed to be in the protection cabin quietly watching the water rushing past in front of him.

Put yourself in it, without any loss.

Energy... only 0.1% down?

Such a strong energy shock only dropped by 0.1%! ?

There is still 1.9% energy!

I have seen a monster with sharp thorns all over its body like a hill in the distance, its spherical body floating in the air, hideous and terrifying.

There is a giant thorn horn that far exceeds the size of other parts in the front!

Behind the thorns are two fierce eyes.

Now he was staring at him, and the tip of the horn flashed black again.

Mu Fan, who was preparing to sprint, didn't expect that a vague consciousness suddenly came from Shura's body.

"Discover energy breath...direction: west, distance of about 100 kilometers."

Ok! ?

Mu Fan stopped, because this was the first time he heard about mecha energy, and it was the first time Shura's consciousness fluctuated.

Mecha with this kind of energy is absolutely impossible to be a conventional engine, and the type of energy source could not give a clear answer before.

Now Shura actually has an energy response?

At the same time, a stream of information flashed through my mind, but in the end it condensed into simple words.

...Draw a knife...

He raised his head and looked at the blood **** sword held by his hands.

This knife has never been pulled out since he came into contact with Shura, but now, when the terrifying giant beast slowly moves forward, when an energy response message comes, Shura's autonomous consciousness Spit out two cold words-draw a knife!

Aga Shura, the sword is out of the sheath.

Mu Fan's eyes were blood red.

A cold, indifferent, and dead text came to mind.

"When Shura drew his sword..."

Slowly spread both hands.

Hold the scabbard with his left hand, and slide his right hand along the scabbard to the handle.

The movement was soothing but with a sense of endless killing.

The scarlet cloak, which was always softly rolling at any moment, stopped abruptly, and it was still on his back.

When Mu Fan held the handle of the knife with his right hand, the scarlet cloak suddenly opened, and the four spiral flame openings covered behind him suddenly spewed out a stream of surging red particles!

The red energy on the soles of the feet exploded, and a shock wave instantly hit a radius of 100 meters.

The Shura Mecha broke the sonic boom three times in situ, each time more terrifying, turning into a mass of blood-wrapped black and rushing into the sky!

The brilliant light appeared in front of all the surviving people in this city this time!

Mu Fan closed his eyes and felt the transmission of the many information The words of the Shura Mecha appeared in front of everyone formally and wildly for the first time!

No matter soldiers, officers, nobles, or civilians, everyone heard a cold and silent word in the sky of this city.

Indifferent without a trace of emotion, but clearly passed to everyone's ears:

"The rebels are killed, and all directions are destroyed!"

PS: Thanks to the book friends "Shifeng Shadow Dance" and "Chief of Different Tribes" for rewarding 588 coins!

Thanks to the book friend "Poetry and Picturesque, Ren Xiaowei" 200 coins reward! Thanks to book friends "Lonely Pulsatilla", "Ranjiaba", "Qiuye White Birch" and "Ecstasy Chain" for 100 coins rewards!

Thanks to book friends "Ling Shan Shi" "Ping Ping (1 for 20 coins, "Qi Yu's Sky", "Yesterday's Beauty", "YY Fat Boy", "Mo Shang Hua Kai Si Qian" "Yin Xi Dian" "Waiting for time ""Bc Starfire" 10 coins reward! (To be continued.)

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