Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 7: My name is Mu Fan

Here is a good show.

There was a light of excitement in the eyes of all the students.

There are too many things to see where the excitement is!

More people wanted to watch the core student who suddenly appeared and was badly beaten.

Mu Fan's slightly narrowed eyes instantly cooled down.

In the eyes of everyone, the core student's aura faded. If it weren't for the naked eye, he wouldn't even notice that there was a person standing there.

How is this going?

The black and white eyes are particularly distinct, the swift and weird figure in everyone's eyes was quickly caught by Mu Fan at this moment, and the brain quickly calculated the route.

The mysterious inheritance from the fighter instructor-Dark Breath!

The fourth floor after the breakthrough of Amethyst star through life and death struggle!

The direction of the fists and the steps are completely opposite. When the body stretches to a certain extreme, the fists and feet alternate again, changing the direction and crossing again.

The powerful explosive force makes the fist must be pulled out an arc to forcibly change the direction.

This speed is faster than anyone he met during the exam!


He is far from the unpredictable and unstoppable feeling of Ruan Xiongfeng!

and so……

It's now!

Mu Fan's eyes narrowed.

Loosen the trolley box with his right hand and place it across his chest. After drawing a mysterious circle with his elbow as a fulcrum, his left hand is placed accurately behind the right hand.

Palm out!


The afterimage of the crazy wolf Tabor disappeared instantly, and one person slammed his fist into Mu Fan's palm.

When the two met for the first time, everyone only saw Mu Fan let go of the trolley box and instantly folded his hands together to support Tabor's attack.

"My name is Mu Fan."

There was that terrible calm in his eyes, without any emotion.

The voice was plain and flat, but at the moment the boy stood here in this posture, but his words contained unspeakable power.

There was surprise in Tabor's eyes.

This is by far the first person who can take his fist.

The more than a dozen elite students who were sitting on the sidelines did not say a word.

This is their biggest competitor.

And Dingchuan Academy doesn't seem to be a monolithic one. Their examiner said that the core students of this year are very controversial because they appeared in an area that shouldn't exist.

Therefore, there is a special case in this session, which is to suppress the so-called core student in the special training before the formal start of school in September.

The identity may be adjusted again.

They have no interest in the struggle involving the upper class of Dingchuan Academy)," but they are quite interested in the symbol of glory.

Ishi Sen, a military family from the first administrative region.

Gao Baiyun, the son of the curator of the Xingjizhe Budokan, the capital of the first administrative region.

The civilian genius of the second administrative region-Qiao Bolun.

Juvenile mercenary of the third administrative region-Calvin.


There is also the white-haired Yin Shuai who makes no secret of his scorching gaze. His family is inextricably linked with the super business alliance independent of the Federation and the empire, the Xinqiluo Business Alliance, and his hidden wealth is enough to shock the world.

These are the real pride of heaven.

As for Nishizawa... just appeared at the wrong point in time and said the wrong thing to the wrong person.

Dingchuan has never lacked genius!

The same person, I want to see where you are better than me?

This is the common voice of these people.

Of course not including Yin Shuai who took out a monocular eyepiece from his pocket.

He is preparing for ultra-high-speed video recording.

It was so interesting on the first day when I first arrived.

The man's journey is far away!


When he accidentally laughed, several people in the same district next to him quietly stepped back, including another elite student-Calvin.

Shame is not so lost.

In short, at this moment, Mu Fan successfully attracted everyone's attention.

"Mu Fan..."

This name appeared in their ears for the first time.

This is also the first time that the core students representing the first class of this year have officially spoken.

"Tsk, it's a bit interesting, it's better than those trash." Tabor's face began to bring excitement, it was a sign of fighting spirit.

The right hand shook suddenly, separated from Mu Fan's palm, and then the two tossed back.

The corners of the mouth grinned: "You said... If I beat you here, can you still retain your core student identity? Core, tusk, is worthy of being recognized as the first among all students. Or Yes, do you think you are worthy?"

There was a wanton indulgence in the voice.

It feels really good to press the rising genius in his hand.

This is very purposeful, and the person who came is not good.

Tarber is definitely not an ordinary guide here, it seems that this is a hidden mission.

Everyone looked at Mu Fan again, no one said anything.

The ordinary students had an inexplicable look, the elite students were cold-eyed, Yin Shuai put on the eyepieces, and Nishizawa was about to read a joke.

But behind Mu Fan...

The nine students from Zi Cui, their eyes are the same.

In any case, this is also a companion from the same examination room, not to mention...

Do you really know what the consequences will be if you provoke this boy? ? ?

The breathing of Paje, the big man, began to tighten.

He never thought that Mu Fan was the kind of good temper as always.

Sure enough, Mu Fan's expressionless face didn't have any emotional expressions. Although it was a question, his voice was heinously calm!

"Senior, what was your identity back then?"

What status?

What a rhetorical question.

Tabor replied with a sneer, "I didn't hire me specially."

"Oh, then you are not a special recruit for the Army Reserve." Mu Fan said calmly without moving.

"How about that? You have countless self-righteous geniuses who have fallen under my hands."

Tabor's breathing began to slowly adjust, his palms gradually backed behind him, and the right arm muscles were swelling in terror in the field of vision of one student.

B-level fighting skills-earth corundum.

Break the skill with unmatched heavy blows.

This is Crazy Wolf's favorite move, even surpassing his A-level fighting skills.

This time even some passing senior students began to gather.

They circled the outside of this group of freshmen.


This kind of battle is definitely from the Mecha and Fighting gang.

But with Mu Fan's opening, the clear words let some people who are a little closer instantly know what professional freshman this is!

"I said I didn't want to fight, but I didn't dare."

"Army Reserve Special Recruit... Do you know how many people we have died this year? Since you are not even a special recruit elite student, then since I stand up, how can I lose my core student status?"

Special move for the Army Reserve!

Core students!

The amount of information exploded at this moment made some senior students onlookers interested.

They are not mecha and fighting systems but they do not hinder their gossip ambitions.

The corners of Tabor's eyes were beating, which was an expression of the extreme suppression of his anger. This kid named Mu Fan didn't have the slightest softness in language.

Sure enough, geniuses have always been thorns.

Then try my trick!

Level 22 power exploded, suddenly like a heavy hammer smashed out from behind Tabor.

"Boy, let me make you the most embarrassing core of the year!!"

The vigorous sound of hammering the air made the dozens of real elite students jump in their eyes.

This breath is terrifying!

But Mu Fan's simple sentence instantly ignited the hearts of all the newly-born teenagers present!

"Then let me tell you the core... why the core!"

(To be continued.)

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