Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 21: Sudden light

"Major Lin Hao, please give instructions."

"Lieutenant Colonel Roy of the Second Staff of the First Military Department, hereby is notified as follows."


Thirty seconds later, Lin Hao hung up Tianxun blankly.

After thinking about it, he said to the orderly soldier next to him: "Notify instructor Wu Yue to the command room."

"Yes, sir!"

When Wu Yue walked into the command room, seeing Hao Lin's face and feeling the atmosphere in the room, he couldn't help asking, "What's the matter with Major Lin?"

"Please sit down, this matter has something to do with me, and of course it has something to do with your school."

Oh? Wu Yue didn't know why he sat down and looked at the maverick major.

"Tomorrow, the Shuguang Special Recruitment Exchange Group will visit here, and the first-level military has issued a reception notice."

The major's words made Wu Yue, who had been sloppy, sit up straight in an instant.

"Dawn Academy?! What are they doing here!"

"Friendly exchanges between freshmen will promote the common progress of the college, and at the same time there will be observers from the first-level military."

"High-sounding!" This expression of anger appeared on Wu Yue's face for the first time.

It's not September, and the day when the new students officially start school hasn't arrived, so come here in such a hurry? I'm afraid it's clear what you are doing here.

This is to use Dingchuan as a target, to prove the potential of the above to see their dawn!

Damn it!

They are all a-level academies, as for such a disgusting person?

Wu Yue wanted to scold for the first time.

He is a temporary instructor, and the official instructor should be Ruan Xiongfeng. He thought it would be an easy task to take over as an instructor, but now it seems to be all farts.

After thinking about it, Wu Yue asked, "What is the exchange program? We are conducting special training before enrollment. Don't they need it?"

Hao Lin sat down and looked at Wu Yue with his hands folded: "The project is a friendly exchange among the students. This year, Shuguang’s special training officers are airborne officers from the first-level military. The first step in their special training... is this friendly exchange. !"

This is blatantly taking a stand, and it seems that he cannot avoid it.

Wu Yue couldn't help but asked loudly: "Then our training plan, how can it be changed after it has been formulated."

Lin Hao said: "I want to discuss this with you. Our normal training tomorrow should be preparation for shooting training. I suggest changing to combat training."

"Can you make it?"

"It's too late to change!" Lin Hao's eyes seemed to have flames burning at this moment.

This was the first training he had been entrusted by Colonel Qi to come to Colonel Qi's alma mater, but he didn't expect it to be targeted by those all-pervasive people.

Because the airborne officer that Shuguang took the lead was his old adversary, Lieutenant Colonel Zhou Tian from the Operational Command Section of the First Military Command!

The smiling tiger, on the upper level of its background, are two big men from the military.

Even the notice was sent by the Second Staff Headquarters. It seems that Colonel Qi is not in the capital star, otherwise how dare to call so blatantly.


When the group of teenagers finished their lunch, they only took a half-hour break before being notified to go for another 10km cross-country, but this time they did not see the demonic major.

It was only when they came back from the run that the group of teenagers saw the bad-looking Major Lin Hao again.

Many people sighed in their hearts, did this shameless officer figure out how to punish them?

Seeing everyone standing still, Major Lin came out, looked at the group of teenagers in front of him, and suddenly asked:

"Are you men?"

No one spoke, but many people frowned in disgust. What does this mean?

"I asked are you men!"

"Reporter sir, yes!" Suddenly a young boy's eyes exchanged dissatisfied.

The major looked around and asked again, "I asked if you were a man? Answer me loudly!"

"Report sir, yes!!"

This time everyone saw that the major came to be bad.

What medicine was wrong after eating a meal?

"Very well, regular strength training in the afternoon, everyone's normal appetite doubled tonight, I just hope you remember what you said."

"Sir, what's the matter?" asked a freshman who didn't shoot to death, admitting even if he was punished, not knowing how uncomfortable it was.

"Yes, dare to ask it out, count as a man." Lin Hao's mouth turned back, "Tomorrow a bunch of your acquaintances will come over, I only have one sentence-like a man, I can't lose Dingchuan's face!"

"Captain, come over to supervise the regular training." After that, Hao Lin turned his back and walked away.

A crowd of teenagers looked at the major over there for unknown reasons.

What does this ambiguity mean, and what group of acquaintances will come?

But like a man, you can do it without saying it.

Isn’t it just training? Come on!

The sweat of the full-eat teenagers continued to sway on the land.

No one knew what the major who left with his back was thinking.

No one on the battlefield can tell what will happen next second, so everything happens for granted.

Colonel Qi entrusted me, I tried my best to do it.

But your own honor, go for it yourself!

Whether it is a fierce beast or a sheep, you need to prove it yourself!

Is it a man? I'll wait and see.


At the same time, a luxury bus drove slowly into Zhongjing City. After the bus stopped at the most luxurious Sky View Hotel in the central part of Zhongjing City, the door opened and a group of teams wearing light white college uniforms with gold trims walked down. At the forefront was a amiable lieutenant colonel officer who was not tall and smiled. He looked rather young when he was under thirty.

There are about twenty people in the back team.

Everyone looked at this place with their eyes.

"This is the first time I have come to Landuxing. The scenery here is really good."

"I heard that this is the benefit that Lieutenant Chou applied for, haha, a trip spanning thirty light years."

"Yuanren, I heard that you are from the Fourth Administrative Region, so you can be regarded as the host here, so you have to treat us well."

A young man raised his head when he heard someone calling his name, and his face was that of Zhang Yuanren, the grandson of the amethyst who entered the Dawn Academy!

He, who has always been above the top, is not dissatisfied at this moment, but smiles mildly: "That must be, Yun Shao speaks, then I, as the host of the fourth administrative region, must be entertained."

There was a sharp voice from the side: "I'm going to Dingchuan tomorrow. Let's talk about it when we finish."

"Rabbit, are you scared?"

The sharp voice sounded again, with no change in tone: "It's really boring. A bottom academy is also used to arouse me. I guess there are many faces I have seen after I go, but I'm sorry I can't remember the name..."

"Because you can remember the names are all classmates, right? Hahahaha." Zhang Yuanren laughed, and there was a echoing laughter beside him.

Yes, because the strongest people are in Dawn Academy! Not to mention that they are the strongest among the strongest!

All the elite students and the strongest core students!

These people laughed unscrupulously because the meaning of Lieutenant Colonel Zhou's arrival is clear at a glance, so why not have a good relationship with the young military faction in the future? What's more, this is a matter of effort, isn't it?

One of this group of people has light green eyes. He played with a small wooden bow ornament in his hand for himself. He didn't participate in the words of the group at all. He curled his lips when he heard what Zhang Yuanren said over there.

What a boring intrigue, Capital Star returned after a few days.

However, he really liked the planet Lan Duxing. This natural atmosphere made him seem to have returned to his hometown.

As for tomorrow...

Anyway, don't let him fight a civil war~

But I never noticed who is an acquaintance...

No, there seems to be one.

The small wooden bow in his hand suddenly stopped turning. (To be continued.)

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