Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 26: Exchange Match 1

Wheel of war, is this to make them brutalize Dingchuan?

Also good.

The inattentive Han Qianyun in the first row said without replying, "Amos, go on."

Amos, one of the six ordinary students of Sugon's exchange team this time, in his opinion, with the strength of the opposite, I am afraid that their elite students will not be able to take action.

If it is beaten through by an ordinary student, that is fun.

Is not it?

Looking at the nails he just finished with satisfaction, Han Qianyun showed a smile on his face.

When the student with well-defined muscles and one inch left came out, several teenagers in the Dingchuan student area watched the man let out a low voice: "Amos!"

Yin Shuai next to him heard the exclamations of these people and couldn't help turning his head and asking, "Who is this?"

The students cautiously said: "This is the third place in the Landuxing Examination District of the Fourth Administrative District! It is ridiculous to say that in the base camp of Dingchuan, the top three did not choose Dingchuan. The opposite person was in the fighting stage. Four opponents were crippled, and the last one would not escape the poison if he did not surrender quickly."

"So cruel?" Yin Shuai stroked his white hair, and he decided to hand over this opponent to others.

"The terrible thing about him is that he doesn't know the pain is the same, and the shot is ruthless and accurate, and he has no plan to stop, so he has to fight him hard."

He squeezed his fist, moved his neck, and Amos walked directly out of the group of Shuguangmen.

The companion behind him was not worried at all, and even joked: "How many people can Amos beat?"

"Three people."

"Five people."


When the major’s voice fell, all the fighting platforms in the inner hall area dived into the ground, and then a large fighting platform far larger than the others rose in the central area.

But the most shocking thing is that the countertop is actually a whole log!

A cross section of a huge log!

Feng Yu, who was controlling the optical brain microcomputer with glasses, saw this with the same expression as usual, but said lightly: "The last time I saw this fighting platform was when the senior Renault participated in the Academy Glory Tournament."

Renault, with a short blond hair beside him, looked at the criss-cross marks on the log with nostalgia.

"This is an iron-bone tree that has grown for thousands of years and was discovered from a high-gravity planet in an extraterrestrial domain. The density of this wood is harder than steel, and everything that can leave traces on it is amazing in every period. Generation."

Long Er scratched his head and laughed: "Senior Renault, aren't you changing your way to praise yourself?"

Renault touched his nose and gave a wry smile: "I just left a very shallow fist mark on the wooden stake. As for the ground, there is no trace of me. But if Lu Xuemei makes a move, her sword may easily leave marks on it. ."

After speaking, he glanced at Lu Qingxue, who was quietly staring at the center of the venue.

The snow lotus-like cold face didn't fluctuate at all, his eyes blinked, and the jade bead's voice sounded: "I won't know until after going on stage."

After seeing Amos turned sideways and spind on the stage, he appeared with his footsteps and his fists open.

Lu Qingxue spoke again: "High-ranking fighters."

Feng Yu, who was tapping on the virtual console, praised his head without returning: "Senior sister has good eyesight. According to the data analysis, his arm muscle lines are more than ordinary people have% extra exercise area, and there are at least six upper body muscle arc data. More than 105% of ordinary people."

The other community members sitting in the back row couldn't help sighing, these two non-human opponents found out the details as soon as they took the stage.

At this time, Han Qianyun and England from the Shuguang side led the team directly to the seats next to the central fighting platform and watched coldly.

Dingchuan practitioners followed Lin Hao to the edge of the central fighting platform, and looked up at the ancient giant wood that was more than one meter thick, and an aura of iron and blood that witnessed history rushed toward him.

After seeing the student who turned over on the stage, he followed the inconsistent posture, and an air of killing filled him.

The veterans in the audience raised their spirits, because their venomous eyes could see the high level of Shuguang students.

The major first squinted at each other, then turned his head and said, "Remember, this is your home court. Remember, what you said yesterday! Who is going?"

The voice fell, and there was a sound: "Me!"

The voice was decisive and crisp, and the tone was full of war.

When everyone looked at it, they saw an area where seven or eight people gathered automatically gave way to a passage. A young man with a medium build but also sturdy arms walked out, his face was dark and his eyes were piercing.

Lin Hao looked at him, "Landuxing is fourth in the exam area, Tan Tongzhang, are you sure you want to play against Amos in the same area before?"

"OK, I haven't encountered it before, but I wanted to fight him a long time ago. I really want to see if the fourth place in the survival match is really inferior to the third place!"

So there is such a relationship! No wonder I took the initiative to stand up, this is interesting.

Is the first game going to be so exciting? In the third and fourth competitions in the same competition area, one person belongs to ordinary students in Dawn, and the other is among elite students in Dingchuan Academy.

It turned out that this dark boy hadn't talked much, he turned out to be the fourth place in the Landuxing examination area!

He came to play the first game, and he has such an identity.

Everyone has no objection.

Mu Fan didn't feel so deeply about those people, so naturally he didn't have any comments.

The first game was particularly cautious. Those students who had higher eyes on the opposite side did not play, and he couldn't lose his momentum.

So this dark boy became the first Dingchuan student to set foot on the central fighting platform.

When he walked to the stage, he did not see the slightest squat on his legs, pulled up on the spot, twisted in the air.


There was a muffled noise from the solid wood platform, and Tan Tongzhang had already stood firmly on the stage.

With both legs squatting open, cross arms in front, and then slowly pull the right arm back. When the right fist is separated from the left arm, there is an explosion, and the right arm is stretched to the side.

The posture of the whole person corresponds to the opposite side and does not fall behind.

"Tree blow boxing and fighting skills." Seeing Tan Tongzhang's right arm stretched out after the right arm exploded, Lu Qingxue directly told the young man's inheritance of fighting skills.

When Long Er and others heard Lu Qingxue's voice, they turned their eyes to Feng Yu who was aside.

"The martial art of tree blow boxing, which is comprehensively evaluated as a-level, originated from Landuxing. At present, the Landuxing Tree Boxing Gymnasium has unique fighting skills. The curator is a class boxer... Tan Jieming!" Feng Yu's message Supplement it in time.

"Tan Tongzhang, Tan Jieming, it turns out that this kid came from a class."

"Did you see the Amos school on the other side, Senior Sister?"

"It should be a branch of my fighting skills ~ needs him to make a move to determine." Whenever it comes to fighting skills or fighting skills, Lu Qingxue can always answer the opponent in the most accurate and timely manner.

She is really a woman who has completely immersed her mind in martial arts.

Taking a look at Lu Qingxue with a sigh, Renault also put his mind away, he was ready to quietly see if there are any real plastic talents among the special recruits in Dingchuan this year.

Amos saw the dark-skinned teenager coming on stage, flipped his fists, and put out another starting hand.

But he laughed cheerfully in his mouth: "I didn't expect that the first opponent would be an acquaintance, and now it is too late to admit defeat."

Tan Tongzhang's right arm is independent like a green pine, proudly facing the wind, half erected in front of his chest at the moment, "I wanted to try it a long time ago, Lan Duxing is third."

There was a fierce aura on Amos's face and he smiled: "For 30 seconds, I will get rid of you if I don't beat you."

The whistle sounded.

The first game of the exchange game begins!

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