Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 28: Sudden news?

Renault frowned in the stands and said: "This person is too cruel, and the gap in strength is really difficult to make up for in other ways."

Lu Qingxue nodded without speaking.

Fengyu Feng Yu pushed his eyes and said, "There are still 13 students among the Dingchuan Elite students, and the core is one. Just now, the Dingchuan Elite students competed against the other ordinary students."

Plain words will tell the cruel facts.

In the veteran auditorium, a man in a woodland combat uniform looked at the lifted Tan Tongzhang, and said: "Strength can be gradually cultivated. I like this kid's unrelenting energy. I will write down his first name."

"Yes, boss."

But Mu Fan stared at all this coldly.

When he comes to power, he is responsible for his own decisions!

He knew the current medical conditions, as long as he didn't die, he could bring his life back with the gene repair solution.

The student named Amos opposite, his fighting style attracted Mu Fan.

The kind of attacking rhythm is fully displayed on the fists and feet, and the power of the limbs suddenly bursts with the rhythm of the moves.

He...want to experience it.

But it still needs to continue to observe, because there are so many people on the opposite side who are not playing.

At this time, the words of Major Lin Hao also came.

"Next, who will come?"



A teenager stood up. He was a student who had just greeted Tan Tongzhang. They were both from Landuxing. He was ranked 10th in the Landuxing examination area!

The reason why he dared to come out was because he was good at cold weapons with one-handed knives, and his inability to use weapons in the fighting of the exam prevented him from entering the first rank.

Don't blame me for not letting people in the same examination area be so cruel.

Lin Hao looked over, thought for a second, and nodded.

"Hey Lou Jinjie, are you sure to be on stage?"

"Confirm, sir, can you choose to train weapons?"

Lin Hao nodded, "All weapons are made of mahogany wood. They are bladeless and inferior to metal weapons in toughness and hardness."

He Lou Jinjie's expression no longer hesitates: "Please fight! Apply for training wooden swords."

Lin Hao took the weapon from the soldier next to him and threw it directly, "Go on stage!"

He took the wooden knife with one hand and pulled a knife. The well-proportioned He Lou Jinjie jumped onto the fighting platform and looked at the opposite side.

Amos looked at the opponent holding the sword and couldn't help but laugh: "You started getting weapons so soon? I remember that you were also out of Lan Duxing, but your name and ranking are sorry, I can't remember. ."

"I will let you remember!"

Standing diagonally with a single knife, the wooden knife in He Lou Jinjie's hand started in a strange posture and crossed his forehead.

Laughing dumbly, Amos shouted at Lin Hao: "Colonel, your training weapon looks very comprehensive, just give me a wooden finger tiger."

Lin Hao waved his hand, and a pair of wooden finger tigers were thrown onto the stage.

While putting the finger tiger slowly into the ten fingers, he said to He Lou Jinjie: "I will let you remember, especially remember that you must not let me use weapons."

Shaking his hands, Amos gave a meaningful smile.

He Lou Jin Jie's knife was held back, and the moment the initial whistle sounded, it turned into a stream of light and rushed through.

Lu Qingxue's eyes flashed, her lips opened again, "This is the style of the sky light."

"Light flow cuts before stepping."

Step on the ground, the next step the wooden knife cuts through the air, leaving only an afterimage.

On the side of the opposite Amos's body, there was a surprise in his eyes. How brilliant is the weapon fighting on the opposite side?

However, the strength is not enough.

"He is not strong enough. The Light Flow can leave three afterimages before stepping on it. He currently only has one. This is a lack of power burst." Lu Qingxue accurately stated the shortcomings of this trick. This kind of comment is that other people cannot do it. Of it.

Worthy of being the Valkyrie of Dingchuan!

The people beside him looked at the white snow lotus figure, with deep emotion and admiration in their hearts.

The knife missed, and the wooden knife in He Lou Jinjie's hand once again raised it at a strange angle, as if a light and shadow were drawn.

Mu Fan in the audience admired it. The complexity of this move was much higher than he had imagined. He couldn't capture the force technique on his wrist under the blessing of the dark breath.

"The secret skill Ozuki! This move is fast, and the force is perfect. The only way to crack it is to break it."

Lu Qingxue explained all the moves in the audience like a martial arts master.

A long smile appeared on the face of Amos, who had just landed with his feet, and when the wooden knife was lifted up to draw an unpredictable arc, his right leg suddenly straightened out and he stepped heavily on the ground!

"The opponent is about to fight back, Jeet Kune kicks off, the next step should be a continuous storm."

The finger tiger wrapped around the fist suddenly appeared on the back of He Lou Jinjie's hand in an even faster moment.

He Lou Jinjie did not panic too much with the sudden interception punch, and his palm began to move with the hilt.

"You got Fooled…"

With a whisper, Amos closed his fist, and suddenly slammed into a fit with the aura of collapse.

"Tieshan rely on!"

The wooden sword hadn't cut the opponent's body, and the tank-like figure slammed into He Loujin's chest.

Then everyone saw that it was as if a sandbag had been beaten flying seven or eight meters away in an instant.

He Lou fell to the ground hard, but then the audience made a low whisper again, because the opposite party had no intention of stopping at all, but a strong body rushed up with a violent breath, and punched heavily.

Lu Qingxue said again, "Additional skills, landslides."

A mouthful of blood spurted into the air on the fighting platform.

He Lou Jinjie is dead or alive!

"Medical team!"

Seeing the medical team hurriedly on stage, Amos got up and retreated, "Don't worry, you can't die."

The begging smile made many people here in Dingchuan gritted their teeth with hatred.

What kind of **** friendly exchange game, from the beginning, the other party did not give Chuan any face.

In the Suguang team, the sharp-sounding teenager spoke again: "It's only the second game. The opponent seems to be in a mess. Dingchuan is weaker than I thought."

Zhang Yuanren laughed and echoed: "I really don't know if we can still play, don't let Amos steal the limelight alone."

It would be interesting if Mu Fan was knocked down on stage by this chaotic fist.

Tatarik, who was playing with a wooden bow accessory next to him, heard these words, chuckled, and said to himself in Zhang Yuanren’s dissatisfied eyes: "I don’t think he will be out of the game soon. And I’m afraid that the other side will surprise us. It’s really annoying struggle."

It was Tatarik who opened the mouth. This name came from the fourth administrative district Amethyst. After enrolling, he didn't suffer any loss. The ghostly speed and the killing intent that can converge at any time make the dual cores both Take a high look at him.

The rabbit, who has always been unforgiving, did not argue any more, but raised his eyebrows, "Wait and The students who see the dawn win another round, the veterans in the stands are a little impatient, they Is it because I came here to see how these young people were abused by each other?

The hot-bodied Tracey changed her sitting position again, and said dissatisfied: "What are you still hypocritical? These kids are really lacking in exercise. Go straight to the strongest to boost your morale."

The nicknamed Gorilla's beard nodded in agreement. At this time, a strong attacker was needed to open the situation.

At this time, the Dingchuan Academy party finally decided to send the next person.

With a position reserved, Ishimori, who was sharply angular, played.

When Shi Sen calmly moved his wrists and prepared to go out, Wu Yue, who was gnashing his teeth while watching, suddenly noticed that the Tianxun in his pocket kept shaking.

"Huh!? Madman Ruan?"

Looking at the name of the caller that kept beating on it, Wu Yue finally pressed the answer button.

(To be continued.)

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