Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 35: Inheritance of combat skills

(The 2500-word chapter is here! Three more complete! Congratulations to the new rudder master Qiu Fu!)

England leaped gently onto the table, his indifferent temperament was really extraordinary.

At this moment, the ten bony triangles floating strangely beside him filled this young man with light blue long hair with a sense of monster.

"It turned out to be a motivator!"

The students from Shuguang made the audience feel uncomfortable.

For the veterans of the special warfare squad, the Nian Motive is an extremely rare existence in the army.

Their physical strength is definitely not excellent, but the magical weapons controlled by the power of mind and under the coverage of a powerful spiritual vision are truly terrifying.

You will find that when the Nian Motives have their own weapons, their combat power increases almost geometrically, and it is completely a self-propelled artillery with full firepower.

Even more terrifying is that the federal army has a mecha research and development plan for scr.

This is already recognized and is currently implementing the Nian Power Super Mecha project.

Although they know the name scr, it is unknown how many power mechas and how strong they are in this plan.

However, as an exclusive weapon of the Nian Power Mecha, it was almost copied from the blue-haired boy's moves in front of him.

Nianli Floating Cannon!

Of course, there are other incredible weapons.

Mind power defense field, Mind power floating armor, Mind power scaling weapons...

Since Dr. Gu Linyu made Nianli's first actual armed combat attempt 25 years ago.

The remarkable effect shocked everyone.

This new and rare combat method has become a troop's trump card weapon!

And the troops with the power of mind are extremely rare in the entire Federation!

Those who think of motivation are famous and difficult!

As long as his mental power is not exhausted, you will find that the opponent's attack is launched from almost any angle.

And there is no warning from all angles!

Looking at the blue-haired boy in the field, there was an inexplicable luster in the eyes of all the special operations veterans.

One of Shuguang's representatives is actually a thinker.

Then it is almost certain that in the future scr super mech project, this blue-haired boy will surely be seen.

I really don't know how promising he will be in the mecha in the future!

Dingchuan’s kid is in danger.


In the virtual cyberspace, a dark voice is sounding faintly: "Old things, you are not worried at all by your appearance."

"There is nothing to worry about, it's just that I suddenly missed this familiar scene."

"I've always been curious about the records in the database, but it's a pity that this lord hasn't seen it with his own eyes. In your race, almost all exist beyond the upper limit of physical explanation.

"I am always in awe of the magic of the universe."

"Old **** stick! I don't like to talk to you."


He hasn't seen the afterimage yet, Hei has been severely swept away by a metal short stick.

Soon the metal ball flew back danglingly.

"Your uncle, I don’t know the same thing as you! Tell you business, now the host has no mecha. I think about helping him make a mecha for self-protection. I can’t see your thinking area. Don't hide those good things in your head."

"You must choose to find Fei Lei first! He has not aroused the heart of Nether Energy."

"I recently searched through the data for nearly ten years. It seems that there is a transition point to the outside world 27 light-years away, and the data records that a breath similar to phantom energy erupted there."

The faint green under the cloak flickered, and after a long silence, he said: "You can design the body first. I will open the information of our personal armor device to you."

"Knife mouth tofu heart."


The metal ball was pumped away again!

This time Hefei came back to honestly project the fighting scene, but on the other hand, He really didn't know how he was scolding the fighter instructor.


"Senior Sister, have you ever played against a motivator before?"

"No, there are only three people in the academy, two mecha systems and one ship command system."

"Okay, let's just watch this scene. To be honest, I still can't understand the principle of dynamism." Pushing his glasses, Feng Yu turned off the transmission light curtain, leaning on the chair and watching quietly under the stage.

At this time, Renault, whose interest increased sharply in his eyes, suddenly said: "Those who think power rarely fight, pay attention to the number of mind power weapons he controls at the same time, that is the best embodiment of a person's mind power level."


Ten lines!

England stood in front of Mu Fan at will, although he hadn't moved yet, the unusual aura was already rushing toward his face.

At this moment, Mu Fan looked at England's opposite, but his eyes were a little tangled.

Her thin lips were slightly pursed, but they bit her teeth again, seeming to be entangled in something.

Impatient flashed in England's eyes.

"What the **** are you doing?"

Mu Fan finally looked at the Opposite Motivator, this time he stared at England sternly, then turned to look at Lin Hao.

This move made everyone confused.

What are you going to do at the beginning of the fight?

Then they saw the young man with a tangled face stretched out a hand and compared an eight.


It went straight from three to eight!

What does this mean?

However, the number crossed nearly three times, which is enough to attract the full attention of the viewer!

Just as Lin Hao was about to nod his head, he saw Mu Fan stretch out both hands at the same time, with a sense of determination in his eyes.

Ten fingers!

There was an uproar at the scene, this was the opponent who Mu Fan rated as ten!


Are you bargaining with Major Lin?

Is there any ulterior transaction between you! ?

Seeing the suspicious glances cast from all directions, Lin Hao covered his face with one hand and nodded weakly to Mu Fan.


Mu Fan turned around in satisfaction and looked at England on the opposite side.

"Dawn, England."

"Dingchuan, Mu Fan."

Both of them salute very calmly.

The student area of ​​Shuguang Party.

"I feel that kid is going to be abused by England."

"A stick wants to block England, who is controlled by ten lines. I can only say that he is too naive."

While on the stage, England Mu quietly glanced at Mu Fan, and then said: "Do you want to block me with this stick?"

Mu Fan crossed his chest with one hand, holding the short stick in his palm, and grinned when he heard these words: "It's not blocking, it's defeating!"

"It's important for a person to know himself."

England suddenly raised his hands up, and the ten bone triangles on both sides instantly floated on both sides.

A light blue light flashed in his eyes.

Put your hands together and raise it high.

"Nianli punches the sand!"

The ten extremely fast-rotating bone triangles made a whining sound of breaking wind at the same time, and then converged on the top of England's head. Without stopping for a moment, it was like a torrent of mud and rock crashing down in the air.

A young man with a red wolf tattoo on the back of the Shuguang staff saw a scene and shook his head with emotion, "I was directly knocked down by this trick. I didn't expect England to start with this trick."

Lu Qingxue still kept her standing, her long sword in her arms, and she looked at the young man in the field with Qiu Shui eyes unblinking.

When Mu Fan saw that the ten bone triangles that had been twisted into a rotating torrent were smashing down with a violent air force, the right hand holding the short stick gently swung down.

Palm... open?

In the surprised eyes of many people, the red car wooden short stick suddenly began to spin in Mu Fan's palm with a rhythmic rhythm!

The palm of his hand is down!

It turned out to be the kind of floating spinning that seems to be out of the gravity of the planet!

No one can check the palm of the hand, a faint green and uncertain.

Most of the darkness in his eyes, Mu Fan, who had already entered an absolute calm state, raised his head and watched the long dragon coming from the sky.

Raise the arm.

The muscles of the whole body transmit power to the palm of the palm with a rapid tremor at this moment.

The short stick... disappeared in an instant! ?

Even the hands with Mu Fan disappeared! ?

No, it is not.

It was not that they disappeared, but that Mu Fan's hands were constantly crossing the short sticks at this moment at an absolute speed in a rhythm of one thousandth of a second!

If you use a federal high-speed camera to take this scene.

List thousands of pictures within one second.

That picture will definitely shock everyone's eyes.

That is……

A whole wall of despair is instantly woven with dense short sticks!

And Lu Qingxue, who has been so cold and silent as icy, has an unstoppable surprise in her eyes at this in her tone.

"This is... Inheriting combat skills!!"

ps: Thanks to book friends "Autumn Beauty" and "Feng Ning Ye" for a reward of 1,000 coins!

Thank you book friend "谩谩の晥陥" for a reward of 600 coins! Thanks to the book friend "Chief of Different Tribes" for rewarding 588 coins!

Thanks to book friends "Twilight in the Rain", "Large Poisonous Mushroom 1986", "Dawn at the Top of Dawn", "Gentleman, Cannon", "No Wind", "Ranjiaba", "ly12138", "guoweier", "Foreign Car Ziyou" "Hear anecdotes" 100 coins reward!

Thanks to book friends "Pingping (1, "Water One" for 20 coins, "Biluo Cangwu", "Yin Xidian", "Cloud Po", "Split Pao" and "Autumn Zero Demon" for 10 coins for rewards!

(To be continued.)

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