Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 65: Which master is this?

A genius remembers "Love♂Go÷Xiao?Speak→Net" in one second, and provides you with wonderful novel reading.

(Congratulations to the new rudder master "Bao Lao Ba"! Congratulations to the new elder "Ranjiaba"!)

"Talk about a deal."

The person's eyes did not fluctuate, and the voice did not fluctuate.


"2 million, give me your auction item."

Mu Fan squinted, buyer No. 26!

It seemed that he had already waited for himself at the exit, and compared to his offer at the auction, it was directly reduced by half.

Hearing the words of the masked person, Bai Guyue, who was hiding behind Mu Fan, tightened the thermostat beside her. This was her hope of promotion and she must not hand it over.

"2 interest."

After a pause in Mu Fan's tone, he uttered three words.

"2 million, what you have gained is my friendship."

After speaking, the masked man turned his head and glanced at the monitor above the left side of his head.

An extremely dim pattern mark appeared on the side of the mask.

"No need."

Mu Fan frowned, his tone even sharper than the opposite.

Upon hearing these words, Bai Guyue's hanging heart finally fell.

No one can take away his own herbs.

After seeing the dark golden masked man on the opposite side staring at him carefully for a few seconds, Mu Fan suddenly said, "That's really a pity."

The indifference and coldness in the tone can be heard by anyone.

Mu Fan looked at the opposite with calm eyes, "No regrets or regrets. Trouble gives way."

The mask man stared at Mu Fan again, did not speak, and turned around.

"Tsk, let me see who is here? Sure enough, I came in time, eh? Girl?"

Two rows of men in black entered retrogradely at the exit. The security personnel of the Star Curtain Auction House looked at this man with a tall horse and a uniform movement, and then came forward and was casually pushed aside.

A young man with a slightly pale face came and laughed.

Beside him was a man with a strong build and wearing a combat uniform. Apart from the more than 20 people on both sides of the separation, there were four people in black with light isolation masks behind him.

What kind of battle is this?

People walking out of the suspended ladders on both sides saw this scene and hurriedly walked away.

People from Star Curtain also notified senior staff in time.

Those who come are rich or expensive. In this case, the senior people in the bank must act.

Hearing this voice, Bai Gu Yue behind Mu Fan trembled, she knew who this person was.

This is the young man in the auction house who was defended by her with the green mist.

But in the end, Lu Minghua Wu was blocked by the opponent's bodyguard, and the things he had been worried about came.

Unexpectedly, there was such a big battle, and it was obviously unkind!

"Huh, it looks like it's a group of people. Surround me, the four-filter chemical protective suits installed in the Federal Ministry's queue. I see what other waves you can make."

Seeing the panic in the girl's eyes, Gao Lingze waved his palm and four men in black wearing isolation masks stepped forward.

At this moment, a young man with an indifferent manner and five people accompanying him came out, and the battle in the hall attracted his attention.

"Gao Lingze? What's wrong in the hall?"

The voice of the youth attracted Gao Lingze's sight.

"Master Tang, a small matter, a woman here has scrapped my bodyguard's hand. Let me ask for an explanation."

"Oh? Do you need my help? My people are outside."

Without any unnecessary questioning, Donald Xiu naturally stood on the side of Gaolingze.

In the federation, parliamentarians are either spokespersons or puppets of large families.

The high-ranking congressman who was born as a poor man only exists in fairy tales. [Love ↑Go to △Small↓Speak △Net WwW.AiQu]

Truth has always been a manifestation of power and money.

Therefore, even if they don't deal with the wealthy children of the blue stars, they will still stand in line when they encounter problems.

The noble mind should be more rational than morale.

"Thank Shao Tang for his kindness. Just watch the show. I will ask for justice this time."

Mu Fan heard a slight side of his head, "What's the matter?"

Fear flashed in Bai Guyue's eyes, but she still mustered up the courage to tell Mu Fan: "He would have to shoot me and was defended by me. As a result, his bodyguard was recruited, but he would definitely not be disabled. I dare Guarantee."

After speaking, the girl's eyes gradually became determined, "This happened because of me, you should go."

When she heard these words, Mu Fan motioned to her not to move, "You stand still."

Today, he will not sit back and watch. Hei Du has reminded several times that this is an extremely rare pharmacist, not to mention a pharmacist who is expected to be promoted to a senior level.

One-third of his personal mecha hopes are on this girl.

As for who is right and who is wrong, he is not interested.

As long as Mu Fan thinks it is right, it must be right.

"Hey, how long have you two been out, why are you still stuck at the door? Hahaha, I'm sorry, this handsome is late, and there is a lot of scrutiny, and I need to confirm. But the superb female auctioneer didn’t see her life. Sorry."

A loud laugh came from behind the two of them. Because of Mu Fan’s body shape and the angle of light, Yin Shuai, who walked out of the floating ladder, straightened his white hair and saw the figures of Mu Fan and Bai Guyue in front of him. Haha laughed and came over.


The atmosphere doesn't seem right?

One step, two steps, three steps...

Then the two rows of ordinary men in black and the four advanced version men in black with isolation masks all appeared in front of them.

My throat is a bit dry.

Baimao waved his hands awkwardly, seeing many eyes in the hall looking at him.

"Hi~ you continue."

"Huh? It's a coincidence that it turned out to be your kid. It looks like you are all in the same group! Then today I can only blame the wonderful arrangement of fate."

Gao Lingze noticed this coquettish white hair at a glance, so he became angry.

It was this kid who said in front of thousands of people-"Don't compare if you have no money"!

He probably won't forget this sentence in his life!

As a representative of the younger generation of the Gaoling family, if his Gao Lingze was ridiculed for having no money, he would really lose face in this circle.

That’s great, I deserve to clean up you!

Everything is ready!

"Ha~ We are really a group, how did you see it?" The white hair, whose eyes were suddenly round, clearly recognized Gao Lingze, and replied in a serious manner.

There were a few people in black in the second row who wanted to laugh, but tried to restrain themselves.

"The dead duck has a hard beak, it seems you remember who I am."

"Of course I can't remember! I can't remember without money!"

"Huh, Liangzi is knotted, and it's useless for you to move out for a while. The Gaoling family is doing business and no one is leaving." With an order, the atmosphere in the exit hall began to drop instantly.

Except for a few young people who belonged to the aristocratic circle of Zhongjing City who did not leave, most of them were diverted from the side door by the temporary guards of the star screen.

Beishan Xinyue was originally on the top floor, but now she is hurriedly coming. She dared to make trouble at the Star Curtain Auction House. She wanted to see who it was! ?

As Gao Lingze spoke, a row of people in black began to press on.

Mu Fan, Bai Guyue, Yin Shuai, and...the dark golden masked man.

The man with the dark golden mask standing at the forefront has not said a word, but at this moment the coldness in his eyes has quickly turned into substance.

Looking at the people in black surrounded by bad faces, the dark golden mask finally lifted.

The tone was cold and bloody.

"Go away... away."

The white hair who had been shrunken behind Bai Guyue with no ethics was surprised, what's the situation!

Who is this guy in front? I dare to stand out for my brother in this situation.

Which master is this?


PS: Thanks to the book friends for "playing old baa" for a reward of 10,000 coins! (Congratulations to the new rudder master!)

Thanks to the book friend "Ranjiaba" for a reward of 10,000 coins! (Congratulations to the new elders!)

Thank you book friend "Tadashi" for 588+200 coins for rewards! Thanks to the book friends for "Come on", "Follow the wind", "Qiuyu", "Zhejiang C??" 500 coins reward!

Thanks to the book friends "Hourglass of Vision" and "Yesterday's Beauty" 200 coins reward! Thanks to book friends "Purple Heart Qing Meng", "Fu Ye Fu", "Speed? Snail", "Forget Memories? Time" "" "Book fans bitter haha", "Qingxuan stagnation", "Life is like a play, life is like a dream i", "I am an analysis "Teacher", "Eternal Observer", "Drunk Mingshang", "Border Town Youth I", "Time Burial & Love", "zj1234567" "hlblg", "Xiashan Book Boy", "Feng Zhutiandi", "Silent Sorrow", "Eternal Heaven and Solitude" "Guoweier", "How sad is this happiness", "Waiting for the fall of the apricot", "Yanlong soul", "Mo Weiqing", "Poetry and painting, Ren Xiaowei" and "Chenguangsa" 100 coins rewards!

Thanks to the book friend "Pingping (1 for a reward of 20 coins!

(To be continued. UU Reading For mobile phone users, please browse and read for a better reading experience.

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