Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 67: Things are going up

"You three, don't have to go today."

Seeing the pilot in Solomon's gray robe who had just taken the photo go away, Gao Lingze's words became unscrupulous again.

Things that can be solved with money are not called troubles, but that girl and that **** white hair, put the young master together in the auction room and want to leave safely?

think too much.

Gao Lingze, with a slightly penetrating smile, paced slowly, and the master of fighting beside him kept walking.

It's still five meters away from Mu Fan and others.

"What about your two opinions...hehe, girl, disgusting white hair."

"You were born with your mouth on the ground first? Brother is so much handsomer than you, do you even need to point your face?"

Before Bai Guyue, whose face was flushed over there, could speak, Yin Shuai on the side was unhappy first.

"I can lose... money, that would be really sorry."

Bai Guyue finally plucked up the courage to speak, she didn't want to hurt others because of herself.

After all, he hurt others first.

Seeing the girl's performance, Donald Siu couldn't help but laugh.

No wonder Gao Lingze was so aggressive. He hadn't seen such a pure girl in many years. If it weren't for this kind of occasion, he would be moved.

Looking at today's posture, this girl probably can't escape her palm.

Gao Lingze licked his lips, the girl's pure energy really made her heart tickled.

"Apologize? Yes, come and have dinner with me."

"Let go of that girl, let me come, I'll go with you!" The white hair behind rushed to the front and said with a straight face.

At this kind of moment, when the handsome can't get out of the way, when will you wait?

Bai Guyue's pitiful eyes swept across Bai Mao's back, and she shook her head and said in a low voice, "You go back, I'll go."

"You disgusting white hair, it seems that your roots are not in Lan Duxing. I have a lot less worry about cleaning you. As for you kid, you just didn't leave anyway, and now you don't have to leave."

Although Mu Fan was obviously a very valuable costume at first glance, in his own memory, there was no such number one in the aristocratic circle of Landu.

Moreover, if it is really the young master of a certain family, how could it be possible that there is no entourage when going out.

Gao Lingze raised his palm and swayed gently.

A group of people in black pulled out the same half-meter-long spring sticks from their sleeves.

Now the three of them are a seemingly wealthy boy, a rich and virtuous like an extraterrestrial beast, and a girl who is very watery.

There is no threat.

Biting her lip, Bai Guyue was about to step forward.

At this moment, a hand stretched out and stopped her behind.

"Just stand up."

"Yeah, are you going to be a hero to save the United States? If you beat you into a pig's head in a while, do you think this girl will look at you more?"

Mu Fan looked calmly at Gao Lingze in front of him, his pale face and vain footsteps did not threaten him.

It's just that the majestic man next to him threatens him.

There are also a few mechas outside. If the other side really uses mechas in the end...

No, I can't give him a chance to Motivate A!

Mu Fan's eyes had already made a decision.

Dozens of bodyguards swung their sticks around at the same time.

Mu Fan squeezed his wrist, his eyes locked on Gao Lingze.

At this time, there was a woman's stern shout, her voice soft but with a stern anger, "Who is making trouble at the Star Curtain Auction House?"

The voice was not loud, but with an unspeakable momentum, people looked at it.

When the white hairs on the sleeves were already ready to roll up, the saliva flowed from the corners of the mouth.

Hastily sucked back the saliva and wiped his mouth.

The indifferent Donald Xiu and several aristocratic youths also showed interest, with a smile on their faces.

As for Gao Lingze, who had a fierce face, at this time also changed his face to show harmless humans and animals.

Over there is wearing high-heeled shoes and high-forked cheongsam, Beishan Xinyue, who has a face of evil at the moment!

She went to the upper floor to do statistics, and before she had time to change her clothes, she heard that there was a disturbance at the exit of the hall.

And can't persuade!

After hearing this, Beishan Xinyue hurried over and rushed to make trouble at the Star Curtain Auction House. Did they really know the background of the Star Curtain?

But when the people present turned their heads, Beishan Xinyue gave a thump in his heart, which was broken.

Donnaxiu and Gao Lingze stood together, and there were a few young people beside them.

A black bodyguard holding a pogo stick.

On the other side, there are two men and one woman, who seem to be young, not more than twenty years old.


She has impressions of both men.

Beishan Xinyue's memory has always been very good.

Standing at the forefront, the young man wearing a hand-made suit expressionlessly, this is the last guest who participated in the charity auction and won the bid.

The explorer's relics were auctioned for 5 million.

As for the white hair around him whose eyes were about to stare at the moment, Beishan Xinyue couldn't forget it. For so many years, he had never seen a second one in such a superb dress.


At this moment Yin Shuai was taking a long breath.

These long legs... are plump and not bloated. The high forks of the cheongsam on both sides reveal a looming luster, and wearing high heels makes the figure taller, almost as tall as Mu Fan.

No, this handsome can't stand it!

Turning his head back, Bai Mao took out a cotton swab from his pocket to block his nose, and the cotton swab instantly turned red.

Beishan Xinyue, who was originally frowning, didn't know whether to be angry or to laugh when she saw this scene, so she walked into the crowd, not paying attention to the fiery eyes on both sides.

"Master Gaoling, should you give me an explanation?"

At this moment, Beishan's joyous and enchanting voice disappeared, and his eyes looked directly at Gao Lingze.

Gao Lingze greedily retracted his gaze from the opposite person, and sneered, "I also think, but unfortunately there must be a conclusion about today's matter, otherwise my Gao Lingze's face will be swept away at your Star Screen auction house today. What will I do in the future? Mix in the circle of Zhongjing City?"

"Miss, Young Master Gaoling wants to take these three people away." A steward attached to him whispered quietly.

Beishan Xinyue's charming Phoenix eyes blinked and then turned to the three people over there.

Then he turned around and asked, "What's the situation with the few?"

But this time it was not Baimao's turn and the girl's turn to speak. Mu Fan said flatly: "Nothing, I was blocked when I went out."

"Oh, I found it by myself, I can't help it. Go and hold the two men, the four of you go and hold the girl!"

"Dare you!" Beishan Xinyue's pretty face was angry.

"There is nothing to dare to dare to, Tang Shao is here, and no one can pick me up on the matter of today. Beishan Xinyue sees your father's face. I don't embarrass you. Let me go."

Two bodyguards in black clothes came over directly, ignoring the enchanting woman's anger, and surrounded her.

As for there, there is not much nonsense at all.

Several bodyguards directly held spring sticks and drew them fiercely.

"Grass, a bunch of scums dare to provoke the most handsome man in history!"

The white hair with a look of suffocation there stretched out his hands like lightning, and before the two bodyguards hadn't reacted, they backhanded the spring baton, and then slammed it!


Two bodyguards with a height of horses instantly covered their faces and fell to the ground.

"A bunch of trash."

Throwing away the two spring sticks, Bai Mao spit on the ground.

In terms of hand-to-hand strength, he is definitely the countdown in Dingchuan Academy, but the 18th-level physique standard is completely crushing for these people at least 11th-level.

It's been a long time since I played so enjoyable, Bai Mao looked at Beishan who was being stopped over there with a wicked smile, and licked his lips.


And there were a total of seven or eight people surrounding Mu Fan, and now the sound of the spring sticks smashed toward Mu Fan without any hesitation, and Bai Gu Yue shouted out from behind, two green **** appeared in his hands. The velvet ball is ready to be thrown out.

But at this time, Mu Fan stretched out his hands flat, palms up.

Just like that, he greeted the spring sticks that were drawn so hard.

Snapped! Snapped!

One hand.

The first two spring sticks fell directly into his hands, but there was only a muffled sound and no other reaction. Mu Fan looked at the two bodyguards in shock with expressionless expression.

The palm of the hand was held, and under a tremendous force, the two of them couldn't hold the spring stick in their hands at all, and they watched the young man slowly withdraw from their hands.

Both arms shook suddenly, and the two spring sticks that had just been pulled out disappeared in Mu Fan's hands.

Then two afterimages appeared before him.


A whole eight people were taken away instantly!

The suits of the eight people were completely A deep blood stain on the chest and abdomen, gurgling with blood, fell heavily to a place five meters away.

He fell heavily at the feet of Gao Lingze.

The majestic man next to Gao Lingze's eyes shone brightly at this moment, and the white wristband suddenly burst open with his fists.

"The opposite is a master!"

Then Gao Lingze, who had just reacted, saw the fighting master around him rushing out into an afterimage.

Beishan Xinyue, who saw this moment of violence in the distance, opened her red lips involuntarily.

This time it was a big mess.

ps: The list of thanks is in the free chapter of the next chapter.

At the same time recommend a friend's cigarette work-"Feng Shui Master", a high-quality work of 2 million words! ! At the same time, there is his new book "The Big Star Is Me", which just hit the shelves today! Everyone can go and take a look. (To be continued.) ()

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