Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 89: His name is Mu Fan

(Congratulations to the new rudder master "dm2356")

Wang Nuonuo, who quietly frowned, looked at Chu Chu's words and deeds, not because of her self-assertion, but because this little Nizi really had too many eyes. A novel<<<<<≦﹤﹤≦﹤﹤≤﹤

Sure enough, when the three of them walked through the long VIP passage, it was always Chu Chu talking with Lin Wu. Wang Nuonuo said nothing. During Lin Wu's several attempts to talk with Wang Nuonuo, Chu Chu cleverly hit the topic. Off.

When the three people arrived at the exit in the automatic suspension vehicle and saw the wide taxi platform, Chu Chu gracefully turned and smiled and said, "Thank you, handsome gentleman, let's separate here."

Lin Wu raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Beautiful lady, meeting is fate. I am quite familiar with Zhongjing City. If you are playing, you can provide a free guide. I wonder if you are honored to get your Tianxun number?"

After speaking, put on a humble pose.

Chu Chu over there smiled and wanted to pass Lin Wu's news, but Lin Wu's eyes were aimed at Wang Nuonuo over there, trying to catch the conversation first, and suddenly his heart moved.

Nuonuo caught the flashing eyes, and she was extremely displeased in her heart. This kind of people who changed their ways to strike up conversations have seen a lot of people, and they have to deal with it wisely.

"My levitating car happened to be parked in the exclusive area of ​​the Spaceport. It only takes less than a minute to drive out of it. I can see you where you go." After saying that Lin Wu seemed to shake it casually, hanging on his index finger. The floating car key swayed slowly and clearly.

An "n" mark is engraved on the diamond-rimmed metal button.

neo suspension sports car!

Representative of nobility!

This means that the starting price of this car will not be less than 80 million stars!

This is just a preliminary test by Lin Wu, and he will rate the two girls based on the feedback results.

Most of the moments in front of him change their tone immediately, in his heart he will never pass 7o.

This means being beautiful and worshipping money. If you are too easy to obtain, you can basically play for a night. If you are particularly beautiful, you can consider being a special friend of the opposite **** with short-term physical communication.

If you are not moved, it will be challenging.

Hey, a smile hangs.

But he only saw Chu Chu's beautiful eyes stretched for a while, and there was no other reaction, and over there...

Wang Nuonuo didn't look at Lin Wu at all, but carefully redialed the number just now.



Now her heart is very depressed. She even asked her beautiful girl Xiao Nuo Nuo to dial the number twice in a row, wouldn't she still be able to answer it?

At the third sound, Nuo's psychology began to wonder if Mu Fan hadn't returned to the dormitory because he was too busy in training?

When the fourth sound was heard, Lin Wu over there had already received the Heavenly News from Chu Chu, and Nuo Nuo began to feel wronged in her heart.

Barbarian Bear, why don't you pick me up from Heaven's News? You are the first person to call this girl when she arrives at Lan Duxing!

So Chu Chu and Lin Wu saw Wang Nuonuo's face change together.

When Chu Chu was about to speak, the Tianxun in Wang Nuonuo's hand was shaken.

It's connected!

So Chu Chu and Lin Wu once again saw what it means to change their faces. The loss that was written on Wang Nuonuo's delicate little face was wiped out in an instant, and the kind of surprise that a blind man could see was hanging on his faces.


A familiar tone came from Tianxun.

Then the two saw the elf-like girl carefully holding up the Tianxun, and using her unique sweet and waxy voice to say into the microphone: "Ahem, savage bear, guess who I am? "

A surprise voice came from Tianxun: "Little Fat Girl!"

Then Chu Chu saw Wang Nuonuo's mouth suddenly pouted, and he completed the third transformation in an instant: "Big Bear! What are you calling me!"

After more than a minute, Wang Nuonuo finally hung up the Tianxun reluctantly, and then walked over to return it to Chu Chu.

"Let's go, Chuchu! Let's eat first, hahaha! Take you to meet a friend."

Then he turned his head and put on a smiling face that turned away thousands of miles away: "Thank you, we have an appointment with a friend, so let's go."

After Chu Chu smiled, the two left freely.

The smiles on their faces disappeared after seeing the two women getting into a taxi with the license plate number ZL584ap.

Lin Wu took out another Tianxun dial-up number.

"Check me the Tianxun number."

"Fake?...Interesting, contact the Zhongjing City Police Department to help me lock a ZL584ap taxi. No need to intercept, just report the location to me."

When he hung up the phone, Lin Wu showed an expression of excitement on his face when a hunter saw the prey, his tongue licked the corner of his mouth.

"You can't run."


In the Dingchuan special training base, Mu Fan hung up on Tianxun with a happy face.

What did he hear just now?

Wang Nuonuo actually arrived in Zhongjing City.

And the most important thing is that the little fat girl told him--

Want, please, him, eat, eat!

There was a grunting sound in his stomach, and Mu Fan, who was almost starving to death, threw Tianxun away and rushed into the bathroom as an afterimage.

Wash and dress neatly, then go to eat, eat, and eat!


There was a creepy laughter.

Fortunately, the white hair had disappeared again, otherwise he would definitely rush into the bathroom to give Mu Fan medicine.

When forty minutes later, Wang Nuonuo and Chuchu had already checked in at Jingwei Hotel.

Changed to a cute pink T-shirt and denim shorts, matched with a feminine princess, Wang Nuonuo, who took off his wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses, looked like a vigorous and beautiful girl. And Chu Chu next to him put on light makeup, matched with a sapphire blue daisy dress, and they both became homely beautiful girls.

Jingwei Hotel is a five-star luxury hotel in Zhongjing City. It is located in District C6, next to high-end shopping malls and luxurious restaurants. This is a veritable consumption area for the rich.

Wang Nuonuo and Chu Chu entered a special restaurant not far away-Ultraviolet Light.

Only 8o tables are served every day, the largest open kitchen in all the restaurants of Blue Star, and the top ten chef of the Interstellar Gourmet Cooking Club-Mr. Mai Luo.

The ingredients used in its daily cooking are definitely less than 18 hours from picking, production to serving.

But the UV restaurant has a feature, that is, the price is unparalleled, the simple seat fee, 2oo stars per person, non-refundable.

The price of a dish starts in the thousands.

Wang Nuonuo, who knows Mu Fan likes to eat, booked this restaurant a long time ago.

Few people can let Miss Ben treat guests!

Wang Nunuo wrinkled her beautiful nose and thought triumphantly.

Under the guidance of the waiter, the two women sat down in the window area on the second floor.

Leaning gracefully on the seat, Chu Chu had a sly look in her eyes: "It's so Nuonuo, tell me what the coming person is, is it tall, rich and handsome? I guess it must be, is it a high-class cow? Kind of? This girl has never seen you talk so softly and softly. In that scene, the hair on my body rose up. Oh, you are not allowed to beat me, what are you doing!"

The blushing Wang Nuo Nuo retracted her hands in annoyance, gave Chu Chu a demonstrative look, and then said with a proud expression: "He is a good friend of mine, very powerful! He belongs to that level of master! I am not. Will care about what family background."


Chu Chu, nodding his head, understood that Nuo Nuo's illocutionary meaning is that this person is in the same family.

"How would you call him at that time? Which young master should you call?"

We must take a good look at it in a while, but we can't be the one who cheats money and sex, we are still too simple.

Chu Chu, who had already determined that this person was not like a good person, calmed down.

"His name is Mu Fan. No need to call others."

Nuo Nuo's tone is full of joy, and Da Man Xiong can only shout by himself! Then he pointed to the menu and ordered more than 20 dishes, and finally saw the waiter's admonishing eyes, and finally put away his fingers.

With so many dishes, Daman Xiong must be full, and it must be very tired after so many days of training.

"Hello, There is a gentleman downstairs who said that it is the guest of your appointment."

Only a moment later, the voice of the waitress suddenly sounded nearby.


ps: Thanks to the book friend "dm2356" 1oooo coin reward! (Congratulations to the new rudder master!)

Thank you book friend "Tadashi" for 588 coins reward! Thanks to the book friends "Continued Dian Floating Life", "Xin Xi Xi X X X Sun Is gone", "Departing de Heroes" 5oo coins rewards!

Thanks to book friends "Remembering Wu Yaotong", "dgcyc", "Who can understand that sadness", "Yesterday's beauty", "Dan vvv", "ngcea1", "Poetic and picturesque style, Ren Xiaowei", "Ranjiaba", "Tianxingye", "Bookworm" Take a look at Book 111 ""谩谩の晥陥" 1oo coin reward!

Thanks to the book friend "Pingping (1 for the 2o coin reward!

(In addition to the grapevine, Dangdang decided to explode once on Friday, there is a surprise~~)

(To be continued.)

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