Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 110: Two-person team frantically preparing for battle

Yin Shuai was pinching his nose, for fear that a nosebleed would spurt out inadvertently.

Both eyes looked at the sky but looked down from time to time.

No way, he really didn't expect that when he stood behind this thin but fierce man, he suddenly discovered that the beautiful warrior with a fierce body that he had seen in the fighting arena was behind him.

When he looked over, he also cast a seductive look.

It's getting old!

This figure is too good, do you usually drink milk every day?

The wheat-colored skin is so handsome that he can't resist it. When it's over, my brother's heart has fallen again.

No, take another look, the waves are rough...

"Little brother, is it good-looking?"

There was a sharp spirit all over, and Bai Mao's face showed an awkward smile, but his mouth was full of flattery: "It's so beautiful, I can't help it, I can't help it, haha."

The smiley Tracey glanced from top to bottom, and the thought-provoking eyes finally made Yin Shuai unable to resist, and turned her head back.

"36D! Don't talk about it! It's unreasonable to be in a team with this handsome. By the way, why Mu Fan hasn't come here yet, just heard calling him. Come here quickly, this girl looks very poisonous. Ah, I'm afraid I can't handle it myself."

Yin Shuai, who was chattering there, heard Mu Fan's voice before long.

"I want to introduce you, Mu Fan, you all know."

"Old deer, old wolf, Tracy."

"Captain, you are really fast."

"Hehe, Ruan Xiongfeng who just asked me specially." Although he is burly, he looks like a good old man.

Now Ruan Xiongfeng brought Mu Fan over, and Mu Fan of course also ran into Bai Mao.

"Are we in a group?"

"Of course, although this commander thinks he is not as good as you in combat, you have to believe in my firearms and survivability in the wild."

"Little brother, don't be scratched by bugs during your little skin and tenderness."

With a slightly hoarse but rather magnetic voice, Tracey smiled at Bai Mao, but the smile made Bai Mao shiver.

Wei Mao always feels something is wrong!

"Okay, stop molesting the kids with the black widow. From now on we will be teammates. I will first introduce the division of the team."

"I'm Luo Jianjin, the captain of the tiger hunting squad, a heavy fireman. Old deer, driver and engineer. Old wolf, scout. Tracy, sniper, three consecutive years of special forces gold medal sniper, nicknamed Black Widow."

"It's really annoying. My nickname is Chimpanzee on the premise of Little Fresh Meat Noodles. You did it on purpose." Tracey's **** red lips made a dissatisfaction. When the upper body twisted, the perfect curve wrapped in the tights once again caught Yin Shuai's sight. Hooked over.

"Talk about the strengths of the two of you, I will distinguish your positioning based on the situation."

"Mu Fan, you come first."

Hearing his own name, Mu Fan said decisively: "Mu Fan, the jungle survivability is strong. He is good at jungle guerrilla and specializes in melee assault."

Hearing Mu Fan's introduction, except for Luo Jianjin, the other three laughed.

In front of their special forces, they said that they have strong jungle survivability, and then are good at jungle warfare. The most important thing is that they specialize in melee assault!

The old wolf almost burst into tears. He looked at the serious boy and said, "Boy, do you know what it means to be good at jungle combat? Then you dare to say that you specialize in melee combat."

The old deer, who has always had a vicious mouth, couldn't help but smile and said, "Black Widow, this time even you have missed you. The little brother is very confident."

Tracy shook her head helplessly, and a hoarse and magnetic voice sounded: "Little brother, when you are on the battlefield, my sister will cover you. Don't listen to these two scumbags."

Mu Fan nodded with a smile.

But besides the three of them, two others did not laugh.

The first was Captain Luo Jianjin. He looked at a few people seriously and said, "I played against Mu Fan in the intranet before. He died and I was fractured."

The laughing old wolf and old deer got stuck at the same time. They heard that right, the gorilla said that they had broken bones! ?

"Are you sure you didn't fall by yourself?"

"This kid kicked it."


This time, the eyes of the three people including Tracy changed, and they even broke Luo Jianjin. This kid is at least level 21 or above, no, above level 22 is even stronger!

I took the exam, what this kid said is true?

No wonder you dare to say that you specialize in melee combat, and you can definitely walk sideways with such a skill.

But as for the jungle operations that were not mentioned, several people selectively ignored them. In their minds, it is estimated that these new students have not even touched the real alien jungles.

"What about you, the white hair over there, don't say you are the same, it seems that you have never played a lot in the past few days."

The old deer pointed at Yin Shuai Nunu.

"Me? Hello boss, Yin Shuai, good at shooting, proficient in mechatronics, no, I am extremely proficient in mechatronics, and at the same time nicknamed a half-star car **** in our hometown. You can put me and this beautiful sister together, I believe the power of our sniper will make the team fight without any worries!"

After speaking, the white hair waiting for the applause saw the old wolf and old deer looking at him with idiot eyes, and immediately became angry, and the white hair on top of his head stood up high.

"Extremely proficient?! Interesting, Lao Lu, this kid seems to be trying to grab your job. He is proficient in machinery and is also good at shooting, which is more useful than you." The old wolf smiled maliciously.

"Boy, don't talk to Tracy this girl anymore, I'll practice you for two days first, and see if you are pouring water."

"Have you heard of a thunderstorm amphibious tank? Three generations of military mechanical thunder-firebats. I will teach you to play these two things before you can play them."

"Okay, give me two days. I can increase the power of the thunderstorm tank by at least 20%. As for the firebat mechanical thunder brother, forget it. The blasting range of that thing is too small, and the automatic tracking system is cold-blooded. Animals are difficult to work. Do we have five generations of sonic bombs in our team? I'm relatively slippery with this."

What is the situation with this white hair, he really understands?

This time even Luo Jianjin looked at him with admiration. Before, he was a little dissatisfied with Lin Hao's arrangement of a strange white hair in. Now it seems that he has found an expert.

This time it was his turn to grin, "Our tiger hunting team seems to have hope to compete for the top three this time. Let's do this first, gather and set off tomorrow! Disband!"


Mu Fan and Bai Mao returned to the dormitory and began to pack their luggage nervously.

Don't bring this one. Put down the clothes Nuonuo gave.

Solomon's hand armor was put into the backpack first, and the hexagonal sign was also thrown in by Mu Fan casually.

Then bring an invisible headset and a special black watch.

No need to bring the dagger, the military will provide weapons.

Get it done!

Mu Fan nodded in satisfaction after packing up his luggage.

Then he turned his head and looked at the white hair over there, stunned.

What is this kid pretending?

The most important thing is that Mu Fan can still hear Yin Shuai’s self-talking voice: "KVB electronic unlocker, my self-made 11.2mm air-burst bomb, portable nitrifier, alloy powder proportioner, 37 general electronic chips, microelectronics Welding gun, and by the way, brother’s exclusive baby..."

Hearing this, Mu Fan couldn't help asking: "Yin are you going to do?"

Baimao raised his head and met Mu Fan's eyes when he heard it, "Of course I will go to fight. I'm not going to go all the way to the far door and just play off if the handsome guy loses his life."

"Then what did you bring just now? I didn't quite understand."

"Oh, the simple understanding is the mechanical modification device, the manufacturing device, and some unique weapon modification component tools. Finally, I had the opportunity to contact the expeditionary army's weapons. If it is not fun, I am worthy of Dingchuan!?"

The upright and awe-inspiring appearance suddenly made Mu Fan feel ashamed. Did he prepare too little?

How about going to the cafeteria to decorate compressed biscuits...

Yes, I'm such a genius!

Mu Fan's eyes gradually rounded, turned around and picked up the 130-liter backpack and walked out!

(Today I took my child to the hospital for an MRI. After a long day of tossing, I came back at night. I just started writing until 11 o'clock when I slept. Chapter 2 will be served later.)

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