Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 128: The white foam

Mu Fan did not choose the laser spear, because there are too many Zegers now, he must use the huge attack range and heavy mass of the alloy broadsword to ensure that the battle area is not compressed.

The effect of this blow was also proved.

The tiger worm that had been leaping up in the air had already raised its sharp jawbone, and pierced towards Mu Fan severely.


Mu Fan's arms shook, and a dark shadow flashed diagonally across the air.


A shrill cry stopped halfway through.

When Mu Fan fell on the ground, the pair of jaw bones and forelegs of the tiger insect were directly smashed, and after landing, it was planted on the ground.

The mechanical arm behind it fired three bursts of light, directly into the soft tissue in the jawbone.

The tiger worm died.

With the blessing of exoskeleton armor, Mu Fan is simply a humanoid mecha. Every time the broadsword slashes, it can always knock a rushing Zege into the air.

It was just a simple hack and sweep, and for a while, those ferocious tiger insects were forced back several meters under Mu Fan's fierce offensive.

The mechanical arm rapid-fire machine gun is under the extraordinary control of the black, and it shoots and fills the gun accurately. Every weak point shot can always make these Zeger more traumatic and even kill directly.

"Mu Fan, the upper left is 30°, the lower right is 13° away..."

Using simple biological detectors and battlefield recorders, Hei unexpectedly gave an early warning of the direction of these Zeger attacks.

Then, coupled with Mu Fan's terrifying battle instinct, a humanoid mecha armed with a huge sword launched a **** killing in the low-lying land.

The voices of Luo Jianjin and others kept ringing in the communication channel, but at this moment, neither of the two could answer, and even a moment later they were silent.

Now even if there is one distraction, it is a fatal danger.

In five minutes, the Zeger corpse on the ground had already been paved for half of the time, but the subsequent Zeger troops were still pouring in continuously, seeing that the trend is endless!

"Mu Fan, my exoskeleton is almost out of power!!"

After accurately exploding a guard again, Bai Mao found that his exoskeleton armor had entered the energy warning mode, and there was still 5% of the battery power, which would not be enough for the bomb to drive after twenty seconds!

A sword slashed the two guards volleyed into the air, and Mu Fan also heard the black report to him: "7%!"

Under such a high-intensity battle, the power of the exoskeleton armor is drastically reduced.

"I'm out of power, Mu Fan, help me cover for ten seconds, wait for me to match the pulse rifle!"

Match... Pulse rifle?

Mu Fan didn't understand the meaning of this sentence, but it didn't prevent him from understanding Baimao's meaning, which was to resist the attacks on both sides at the same time!

Without the firepower of Baimao, the pressure increased instantly.

When Mu Fan swung his broad sword across the carapace of a tiger insect, he finally received a black reminder: "Exhausted energy!"

Mu Fan's eyes reddened, his heartbeat surged, and Scarlet Vision instantly activated.

"Mu Fan, breathe in darkness! Use the combat skills that the old thing gave you!" The black reminder was like pouring cold water on Mu Fan's head, the blood in his eyes faded.

Yes, he also has a laser spear.

The mechanical locks bounced open at the same time, and Mu Fan turned into an afterimage and escaped from the exoskeleton armor. At the same time, a faint black breath appeared in his eyes.

His eyes went from extreme fiery to extreme calm.

The dark breath of the fourth layer maximized Mu Fan's mental perception at this moment.

The light spear in his hand was excited and moved with one of his fingers.

A large blue light wheel appeared beside Mu Fan.

The white hair who had just removed the ow76 pulse rifle behind the exoskeleton saw this scene and couldn't help but break out again: "Mu Fan, is this trick called a big windmill?!"

The arm was sent out, and a guard was unimpeded by the knife wheel formed by the light spear. Hearing Baimao's spit, Mu Fan's wrist almost flicked. When is the time, can you take a snack!

Compared with the huge attack range of the Broadsword, although the cutting effect formed by the redemption technique is significant, it can't support such a large defense area.

Mu Fan looked forward and stepped back. In front of them, the corpse of Zege who had been cut in half had been piled over a meter high. Now Mu Fan's body was all covered with the green slime that Zeger had splashed when he died.

The overwhelming bugs even directly attack in all directions.

"I need fire support, how long will I have!"

Mu Fan retreated, his arms raised high, and the tip of his spear pointed at the front, his tone cold.

"Three seconds! The last three seconds!"

Bai Mao is desperately stuffing dozens of magazines into the tactical receiver of his combat uniform.

"it is good!"

Mu Fan took a deep breath, and at the same time, the dark breath spread from his palm to the whole body, and the white hair who was trying his life to plug the magazine did not notice this scene.

"Salvation Two-Qian, Lie, Rain!"

From the palm to the arm to the shoulder, and then to the whole body, the muscles vibrate at high frequency at this moment, and the bones make an explosive sound like fried beans at this moment.

The blue light rain was densely packed, far surpassing any previous time, and directly covering the space in front of Mu Fan.

The real breaking technique, the inherited combat technique from different time and space, the second stage of redemption-Qian Lieyu, was truly used by Mu Fan under the pressure of life and death at this moment.

Using the sharp defensive effect of ion beams, the number of geometric doublings will be amazing.

Drops of blue light rain carrying a strange sense of danger floated in front of Mu Fan.

At this time, Baimao had just pressed the last magazine into the ow76 pulse rifle. He happened to see this scene, and the beautiful scene almost made him intoxicated.

"Wei Mao always looks so good..."

As the voice of Baimao's complaint ended, Mu Fan felt that his muscles had trembled to the limit, and the light and rain in his hand was finally sent out.

Baimao's eyes couldn't lock Mu Fan's arms.

As both arms turned into afterimages and disappeared, three waves of blue light rain unexpectedly appeared.

Waves gush out one after another!

In the next scene, Bai Mao, who raised his gun and forgot to fire, stared at the grand scenery in the sky.

The Zeger who threw up one after another, whether the guards or the tiger worms, fell like raindrops after jumping into the air.

A body that had completely inactivated fell on the ground.

When the third wave of light flashed, a vacuum area appeared in front of Mu Fan, without a living thing.

"Night... Forced!"

White hair spit out these two words dryly.

But the voice fell, and a denser rustle came.

Beetles that covered the entire line of sight crawled all over the sky from trees, rocks, and soil.

Mu Fan gasped and looked at Baimao: "As many as we can kill this time."

If it didn't work, Mu Fan looked at the paved corpses, thinking that the last way out was to run away with the white hair on his back.

Because it was almost a moment of massacre, blood came to mind again, which was different from the **** vision, it was the sound that resounded deep in the heart.

Mu Fan immediately remembered the four words---blessed liberation!

But at this time, Baimao showed joy after seeing these Zege groups appearing to be

"Mu Fan, step back behind me!"


Without thinking too much, Mu Fan chose to trust his teammates.

When Bai Mao gritted his teeth, his face was cruel at this moment, his muscles were trembling, and his palm gently pressed the edge of his eyepiece.

The orange light in the eyepiece suddenly magnified at this moment, projecting a large light curtain directly in front of him!

"I... saw you!"

With a low voice, Bai Mao directly pulled the trigger!

Then, behind Mu Fan, he saw a scene that shocked him. The pulse rifle in Baimao's hand seemed to be equipped with an extremely accurate automatic correction device. The muzzle moved in the orange light curtain. The magazine was completed in only a few tenths of a second.

And those beetles in front of them died and burst into pieces!

He didn't even see a bullet miss!

But soon Mu Fan discovered that something was wrong, why did his teammates start to spit out foam?

And with the passage of time, the foam became more and more, flying all over the sky...


ps: Thanks to the book friend "tadashi" for the three rewards of 2000+2000+1000 coins! (The guardian's Jia will have to wait the day after tomorrow. Tomorrow Dangdang will take the child to the hospital for a pyelogram.)

Thanks to the book friend "dm2356" for a reward of 1,000 coins!

Thanks to the book friend "dgcyc" for 200 coins reward! Thanks to the book friends "Chen Guangsa", "ngceal", "Vansu wishing to flow to the other side", "Purple de Sky ~ Yutian", "Yaoyou Morning Star", "liumin7715", "0 Lin 0 Lin 0", "Cloud Break", "谩谩の晥陥" "The most adorable island style sauce" 100 coins reward!

Thanks to the book friend "Pingping (1 for a reward of 20 coins!

(To be continued.)

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