Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Chapter 36: Hard shake (2)

   There was a short silence in the training ground!

   The boy in front of him didn't fall down as he expected, but actually blocked his own punch to enhance his strength.

   Cheek twitched! Wen Zheming's face is even more evil!

sure! Let's do another blow. There is no more pause or more time for Mu Fan to react. Wen Zheming stepped on the ground with his left leg and volleyed with his right foot, changing from fist to leg! The big man who was injured just now was directly stunned by this blow.


   Wen Zheming wants to pour out all the anger that has been filled recently.

   Mu Fan this time bends his elbow with his left hand and puts up the heavy leg facing the breaking wind, with his right hand between his shoulder and the back of his hand, he dives.

   Hum, his body returned to its original position after a pause, and Mu Fan doubled the cushion to withstand the heavy blow.

   Wen Zheming stood up, looking at the thin boy in front of him, gently spit out two words: "Trash."

   Mu Fan's slightly lowered eyes did not even lift his eyelids. No one could see a deep red flash suddenly flashed in his eyes at this time, his eyes were as cold as a blade.

   Wen Zheming likes to destroy his opponent’s beliefs in language and spirit when fighting, and then uses his brutal fists to severely maimed or even kill his opponent!

   The boy in front of him is like a piece of brown candy. After severely insulting the opponent, Wen Zheming, who had not achieved the expected effect, burned with evil fire in his chest when he saw the low eyebrows of the opponent!

   Then come again, a more violent whip kick violently!

   Mu Fan’s teeth were bitten together, "Huh!" The whole person rushed forward in a horned horn, and sent himself over with a more violent attitude!


Mu Fan resisted again, and today is to endure. The words of the fighter instructor linger in his ears: "Of course, if you really can't hold it, you will fight back. If you can't fight back, then you really disappoint me. ..."

  Can't hold it? Hehe, after Mu Fan lowered his head again to withstand the tyrannical collision on the opposite side, he lowered his head, his teeth creaking.

   I will show you today! !

   I'm going to stick to it! !

   You are rubbish! You come to me!

   Like an explosive barrel being lit, Mu Fan burst instantly!


   After all, the paper can't keep the fire down. Chanison sent someone to send Jeff away quietly, but once someone heard about it and opened his mouth, the matter spread word by mouth.

   No matter how big the martial arts hall is, it is relative. Today, when people in training ground No. 5 are chatting with each other, one or two sentences pop out from it from time to time.

   "You came early today, did you see Jeff?"

   "What a coincidence, do you know this too?"

   "Shhh, who doesn't know, Chanison, he wants to hide it."

   "Jerf was very miserable yesterday, today, tusk..."

   "Don't be gloating, anyone in this industry didn't think about this day when he entered the industry." One person couldn't read it.

   Someone next to him immediately agreed, "Big David, you are far from Jeff, don't talk coldly, you probably carried it out in 20 minutes, maybe you will die inside."

   The person who said bluntly before will have a flare up when he raises his eyebrows.

   "Shhh, stop making noise, look, Charney is down."


   With a sharp eye, I saw the middle-level steward of the martial arts hall not far away-Channison walked over with his hands behind his back and a gloomy face. After a low whisper, everyone immediately shut up, and then practiced hard.

"A bunch of slackers! Who don't want to do it here! Get out of here! There is no more than you, no more than you, a lot less. If your mouth is broken, get out of here!" Chanison blushed and walked to the sidelines with pain. curse.

   Mr. Charney is very angry.

   No one answered at the scene. Who would dare to touch this mold? As long as you don't run into a host who is too cruel, the job income is still very objective.

   No one wants to receive disability payments, but no one wants to be swept out.

   Chani was uneasy after Mu Fan left. Anxiety and worries were almost filling his chest. After two sips of the delicious cigar, he pressed it out.

   He is a little gaffe. When did the noble son of the first city come to 22 city? Not once, this time is an opportunity for him. He can catch the opportunity. He can jump out, but he can't catch it. Not only can he not jump, but it is probably even difficult to stand.

   Wen Zheming this moody, blemish must be reported, who is not afraid! ?

   I felt extremely irritable when I thought about it. I walked downstairs and saw this group of people who were afraid of the chaos of the world gathering together and whispering, thinking with their butts to know what they were talking about.

   "Let me see who is talking here, immediately, get out!" The short stature of Channison silenced everyone, with a cold face, Channison returned to the floating ladder angrily.

   One second, two seconds, three seconds...

  Hua, suddenly the same as the dam that broke the embankment, everyone burst into laughter almost at the same time.

   "Looking at Zhani's face, it looks like an orange peel is wrinkled, it makes me laugh so hard, hahaha"

   "To scare anyone, also scare the newcomer"

"Hey, yes, big stomach king, ten boxes of men, why didn't the domineering boy come?" Suddenly, a person mentioned it after hearing it. So many stage names must be referring to Mu Fan, who was gluttonous and almost broke out yesterday. Two days of troubles are getting bigger and bigger, you can't even know it.

   "By the way, I seem to see him go to the third floor."

   "Isn't he that yesterday?"

   "No, he went up, then came out, and then went up again...Could it be..."

   "Did he go!!" the sparring members in a circle said in unison.

   Everyone was sluggish, and then the voices of the people around them merged into two words at the same time———



  In the room on the third floor that has been isolated from the world, two figures are colliding wildly!

   Mu Fan has been completely outraged!

   I let you fight!

   The two arms erected in front of him are just like the two iron pillars that linger in Wen Zheming's eyes, appearing wherever he hits, and then accurately sealing his moves.

   Give me death! ! Wen Zheming is no longer a sparring style of play, but a completely deadly killer move.

   Sweep the legs! After the uppercut attack, the line of sight between the two was blocked by Mu Fan's boxing target. With a good chance, Wen Zheming squatted and swept his leg. The burst of violent power was enough to break the stake.

   Mu Fan's eyes jumped, he was about to kick his legs, but his teeth were creaking, his face was cruel, his right leg was stretched straight, and the abdomen of his thighs met, and the dragon plunged into the ground like a battle flag!

   I'll stand here, I will let you kick! During this stormy attack, Mu Fan felt that his brain's thinking became clearer and clearer, as if there was an invisible thread connecting everything together and then feeding it back to his brain. What is this?

Humph! !

   Passively withstanding Wen Zheming's explosive force over 14th level, Mu Fan let out a muffled hum! The right leg did not bend the knee to cushion, and all the power of the attack was eaten.

   I will let you kick it!

   Wen Zheming didn't see Mu Fan's leg being swept off and kicked off, but he was forced to stop by huge inertia as if he hit a wall while swiftly advancing.

   Bang, Wen Zheming's leg was blocked by Mu Fan's standing right leg, but his whole body was shaken by the upper body of the remaining kinetic energy, and he quickly supported the ground with one arm.

   Huh, Wen Zheming stood up in rough clothes, his sweat shattered in the air and soaked on the ground.

   Seeing that Mu Fan still didn't resist, he just stood there as a training partner. Hehe, Wen Zheming's mouth was full of evil intentions. He saw Mu Fan's right leg twitching slightly!

  Since you still don’t resist, then you are really dead!

   There was a touch of madness in his eyes, and his entire popularity instantly rose. Wen Zheming took a deep breath and took a small step back, putting his hands in a strange posture, opening and closing with momentum!

   This is an invisible feeling, and Mu Fan can feel that the sense of danger from Master Wen on the opposite side is getting stronger and stronger.

How is this going?

The    posture is just a light swing, in the blink of an eye, but it seems that the rubber is tightened to the limit, a huge rebound!

   Bundled into a row, stretched out, Wen Zheming's right fist is like a ignited cannonball, which is shot out instantly! Without any muddle-headedness,

   Great progress! What a standard B+ level fighting action!

Wen Zheming used his shoulder straps and his upper body muscles broke out in half a second. He could feel his muscles tearing apart, but Wen Zheming was like a mad tiger, completely ignored, I want this punch to blow you Break through! Ha... Ha... Ha... Haha... Ah! !

   Ah! ! what!

   The instantaneous punch strength of over 2500KG! ! With the nearly 50% increase in the power of the Big Progress Cannon Fist, the cannonball with a force exceeding the level of 17 in a short instant hits straight!

   A huge sense of danger struck, Mu Fan's eyes instantly turned red!

   Boy, just want to fight under this sky!

   I just want to stand here and not fall down! !


The blood flowed in the fundus of the eyes, and the muscles of both arms suddenly entered the gravitational chamber to tighten and blue veins on the arms burst out, Mu Fan sighed, looked fierce in his eyes, and the whole action went smoothly in one go. ,

The right arm was clamped, and suddenly the left hand held the right arm to lock it tightly. Once twisted, the body was leaning forward, the left leg half-kneeled, the right leg leaning behind, the whole figure looked like a bull with the top corner diagonally rushing upwards, and the right elbow Swirl to mid-air and suddenly freeze! The strength of the waist runs through, and the whole body strength is concentrated at one point.

   The elbow began to rush down his forearm, and a perfect straight line stood in the air!

   Half-arm guard!

   Mu Fan didn't know that his subconscious behavior made one of the federally regulated B-level actions, and he didn't even know that he just subconsciously wanted to tilt his elbow forward, called an arm hit! B+ class defensive counterattack action.

   There is a prerequisite for these actions. In addition to the instantaneous punch strength above 18, the muscle endurance must be above 18! !

These ones……

   Mu Fan, he is satisfied! !

  -Eighteenth level of constitution! !


(The first recommendation in Lige’s life was opened at 14:00 today. The new book category selection, the data increase in the afternoon made me dazzled! Thanks to the readers who support me, it is really hard to express any more words. So, Three shifts will be opened after midnight tonight, and three shifts will continue after midnight tomorrow!! Please vote for your valuable recommendation votes, this is the first recommendation of Lige, and it is very important. Lige would like to try the impact next week List!

   After midnight tonight, the chapter of the **** galaxy era will be torn apart! Please let Li Ge and you all be together! ! ! Lige hopes to see the support of all the book friends, I will burn everything I have for Book friends are welcome to visit and read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all at ~www.mtlnovel .com~For mobile phone users, please go to read.

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