Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 131: Prepare for the battle with all your strength (He protector Tadashi)

(Congratulations to the new guardian "tadashi", plus more!)

The squeaky spider car finally drove back to the No. 3 base. When they saw the car body whose anti-collision beams had become crooked, the trainees who were undergoing daily training looked sideways.

"This is Mu Fan's team?"

"Why look so miserable this time? You see Mu Fan's hair is all stuck together."

"White hair...puff, forgive me for not smiling, this is car motion sickness and foaming?" Obviously someone saw Yin Shuai sitting on his back in the chariot and still in a coma. The foam at the corner of his mouth was very windy. .

"Remember that they encountered a large swarm of insects when they went out on a mission last time. This time it won't be a bit of a backlash?"

Looking at the solemn faces of Mu Fan and others, Nishizawa couldn't help showing a smile, "Ambushed by bugs again? Actually, actual combat is the best test."

Teams 1 and 2 set off at the same time, and now Mu Fan's team has retreated early, but Zhang Shaotang's team has not yet returned.

If you analyze it from this perspective, Zhang Shaotang's team is full of combat effectiveness.

When the spider car stopped steadily inside the base, Luo Jianjin looked at the white hair who was still unconscious, and said to Mu Fan: "Mu Fan, you send him into the bioremediation cabin first, and wait for me to inform you later. , Today’s situation is estimated to require you to report in detail."

"Yes, Team Luo."

Looking at the approaching automated robot, Mu Fan carried Baimao on it to follow up in the medical room, and saw that Baimao was soaked in the cell repair solution.

The accompanying military medical officer said to Mu Fan: "Analysis of the biological signs showed that there is no major problem, and the nerve fluctuations are abnormal. Has he been stimulated before?"

After thinking about Bai Mao's expression on seeing the worms all over the sky, Mu Fan nodded with certainty, "We have encountered a large swarm of insects, he..."

"It's no wonder that this psychological endurance is not good enough. If you see Zege, you will panic and fight." With a commentary tone, the military medical officer came to a conclusion without giving Mu Fan the opportunity to continue.

Touched his nose, Mu Fan looked at the white hair whose eyelids were beginning to shake, and said in his heart apologetic, really not giving himself a chance to explain.

"I guess you'll wake up in a while, don't you go back and take a rest?" The military medical officer asked watching Mu Fan still standing here.

"I'll wait."

He disappeared after entering the base from Mufan, only to tell Mufan that it was going to re-form the development plan of the shadow base, because the insect nest that was suddenly discovered had a great influence on Hei's plan.

After waiting for two minutes, I saw a string of bubbles suddenly appeared in the amber liquid in the glass tube in front of him, and the white hair's eyes opened.

The military medical officer looked at the various values ​​that had returned to stability, and said to Mu Fan: "This kid is okay. It's really speechless to be scared by bugs. Okay, let's chat."

After speaking, press the button to close the biological cabin, the cell repair solution was recovered, and the white hair crawled out of it coughing.

"Ahem, this is the first time this handsome guy has soaked this thing in all directions. How long have I been a specimen in it?" He wiped his wet hair with his hand and looked at Mu Fan and asked.

"Two minutes."

"Ahahaha, this coach's resilience is amazing!" Seeing this teammate who started to bluff, Mu Fan felt relieved.

Baimao's ability to do this shows that it is indeed all right.

"What's going on with you?"

"Did you say I was suddenly in a coma?" Bai Mao wiped his face.

"Well, and the foaming at the mouth later..." Mu Fan said honestly.

"What! This handsome foaming? Others didn't see it." Bai Mao was taken aback, begging in his eyes.

"Um, I saw it." Mu Fan has always told the truth.

"Brother's image... wise and martial, it was destroyed."

Feeling that the dialogue was going to be crooked again, Mu Fan asked again: "What is going on with you?"

Baimao’s face stretched out, and he replied unwillingly: “I’ve used a big move, what else can I do. I have implanted a chip of my own design under the skin of my brain, which can be carried out without a separate energy source by using biological weak electricity. The supplied high-speed computing, combined with my special tactical eyepiece and the powerful ow76 modified pulse gun, can achieve uninterrupted ultra-accurate target locking and shooting."

Really worthy of being a genius in mechanics and electronics!

Mu Fan admired his thumbs up, "Cow!"

He waved his hand with a sad face, and Bai Mao sighed: "Bullshit, the voltage design of the broken chip is high. I feel twitching and thinking out of control when I open the gun, but I really didn't expect it. It's actually foaming. This is the coolest trick of this handsome guy. He wanted to pretend to be a force, but now his image is completely ruined..."

While talking, Mu Fan's military Tianxun suddenly began to vibrate, and hung up after connecting.

"Major Lin asked me to go over, saying that if you wake up, go with you."

"Let's go."

Mu Fan was covered in dry green mucus, and Bai Mao was covered in wet amber repair liquid, and the two of them walked towards the headquarters in such an unusual manner.

When the two entered the headquarters, there were already more than a dozen officers, represented by Lin Hao, waiting.

"Mu Fan, talk about your situation at that time."

Mu Fan spoke out the language he had designed, and erased the analysis of the secrets of the Zege tribe such as the black pair fungus blanket.

The white hair next to him nodded affirmatively, indicating that Mu Fan was right.

"Oh by the way, I have a video record here."

Baimao said suddenly, took off his goggles, and a few seconds after docking with the tactical prototype, handed it to Lin Hao and others.

When a group of officers looked at each other after watching the absolutely incredible discovery process of the two teenagers and the thrilling wormhole exploration.

When the screen progressed to the point where the two of them were in desperation and counterattacked against countless swarms of insects, some even exclaimed.

Preliminary statistics... The two killed more than 600 bugs during this period! Among them, Baimao shot more than four hundred.


The subsequent picture is after the white hair is faint, there is only sound, the angle of view is either facing the ground or facing the sky.

After closing the video, everyone's faces were heavy.

Lin Hao cleared his throat: "I think we should unite with the expeditionary force to conduct a centralized cleanup ~ When Mu Fan came out of the headquarters, the sky was already dark.

Back to the team dormitory, Mu Fan sat on the bed with a solemn expression on his face and took out the compressed biscuits from the backpack, unpacking them and stuffing them into his mouth while thinking.

Just after Lin Hao directly communicated with the expeditionary force in the command center, the answer he got was that they did not need the cooperation of their Dingchuan Academy troops.

However, the coordinates of the Worm's Nest were passed.

In the end, Lin Hao and others decided to enter a large-scale reorganization of operations starting tomorrow.

The recently manufactured exoskeleton armor, individual firearms and two aa5 "heavy hammer" siege tanks will all be put into use, and the development direction will be concentrated in the Worm Nest area tomorrow.

According to Lin Hao's introduction, two machining workshops have been established in the No. 3 base, and the small smelting plant has also expanded its production capacity, and the newly built heavy plant will be fully engaged in production.

From the moment Mu Fan left the headquarters, an invisible tension began to spread, and the entire base began to move at full speed like a winding clockwork.

Now I need to confirm the current situation with Hei, because in the next few days, I am afraid that he will continue to enter the combat state.

Silently eating the thirty-second bag of compressed biscuits, Mu Fan felt that there was no saliva in his mouth, ready to get up to drink water.

"The food is now available in limited quantities. I'm not full."

At this time, Bai Mao walked into the room and muttered to himself.

When he saw a pile of food packages on the table in front of Mu Fan, his eyes flashed green.

"Wow, you have hidden goods here!"

ps: Ask "What do you hope will be the first batch of items produced by the shadow base in the future?" You can speak freely, or design a small plot you want. After adopting, add fine +100 coins for reward. (To be continued.)

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