Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 150: Broken axe, broken sword

(Congratulations to the newly appointed elders for "following the wind"!)

And the deeper purpose-is to control this warship!

So when Mu Fan said his thoughts on the spaceship, even Hei was shocked.

"Mu Fan, you look like a lunatic at this moment."

Hei sighed, and directly synchronized the line to Mu Fan's watch.

At the same time, the lights inside the ship turned on one after another.

However, the two hundred people left in the ship were plunged into chaos.

Because they had just experienced the same darkness, the star thief in the room was trapped, and the star thief in the corridor were all on guard carefully.

Some people even started to cling together.

Mu Fan swiftly proceeded along the line planned in the dark.

In the three-dimensional view now presented, the green representing the controlled area almost covers the entire battleship, except for the command room near the tip of the battleship.

"After the invasion, you must touch their ship-borne optical brain in the command room for ten minutes before I can really gain permission!"

Two star thief appeared in the passage ahead, and the two were cautiously patrolling one after the other.

Mu Fan raised his hand armor as he stepped into this passage.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The powerful crossbow arrows shot through the throats of the two.

After stepping on the bodies of the two, Mu Fan continued on.

Time passed by every minute.

When Mu Fan approached a passage, the valve there would automatically open.

When Mu Fan walked through that passage, some star thief's corpses would be left on the ground.

With the blind spot monitoring provided by Hei, Mu Fan only needs to approach silently and then kill!

For Mu Fan, who had entered a state of dark breathing, it was a breeze.


On the Starship No. 1 of Dingchuan Academy)," Lin Hao returned to the command room after Mu Fan left with the mecha, and the officers quietly watched the major returning from home.

"Major, please indicate the next step."

The Captain Chu, who had changed his casual clothes, asked solemnly.

His clothes were taken away by Major Lin, which was obviously a special plan.

These officers were shocked and speechless when they saw the screen where Mu Fan rushed into the back of the mecha like a monkey and then entered quietly.

This student named Mu Fan has such a high level of operation on mecha!

"Don't start the engine, monitor the state of the opposing battleship."

"Yes, Major!"

So the officers suppressed their curiosity and watched the surveillance screen with Lin Hao.

Compared to the officers who knew a little bit of inside information, the students seemed a little restless.

Because after they were ordered to sit here, they were silent.

How did Major Lin Hao arrange it?

Someone saw the white hair sitting there calmly and thought for a while and quietly leaned over and asked: "Yin Shuai, you are more familiar with Mu Fan, do you know what he did?"

Bai Mao shook his head, spreading his hands, "This handsome is also curious."

"Then you look out the window so attentively?"

"I'm thinking about the wonders of the universe."


This person turned and left without saying a word, screaming stupid in his heart, and don't even think about communicating with this kind of mentally abnormal person.

Seeing that another person was sent away, Bai Mao leaned melancholy on the porthole, and said to himself in a worried tone: "You guys are playing so big without being handsome, you have to come back alive..."

When Mu Fan attacked Maxi and his party, Hei stopped the engine group of the icebreaker battleship.

This action made the light blue of the huge flame mouth at the tail of the entire battleship fade instantly.

And this scene is also faithfully presented in the monitoring screen of the command room.

Lin Haoyou stood up, his expression full of excitement!

"Mu Fan, he succeeded!"

With both fists slammed on the podium, Lin Hao just wanted to shout out excitedly.

"Contact Mu Fan."

"Report to the major that the electromagnetic shielding has not been lifted."

These words made Lin Hao calm down in an instant, his agreement with Mu Fan was to wait for Mu Fan to contact him actively.

The current situation has shown that Mu Fan's plan is more than half successful!

Mu Fan, what are you kid doing now? But be sure to come back to me alive!

But if Ren Linhao wants to break his head, I'm afraid he doesn't know what Mu Fan is doing now.

Mu Fan was pushing towards the command room all the way. If the threat of artillery fire was resolved, he could send a signal just now, but Mu Fan did not.

His own plan really began.

Pulling the snake blade from the throat of a star thief, and turning it around, all the blood stained on it was thrown away.

The sharpness of the two snake blades made Mu Fan put it down.

The effectiveness of this Solomon's gauntlets constantly exceeded Mu Fan's expectations.

The snake blade slowly inserted back into the hand armor.

Mu Fan looked up at this huge metal revolving door.

Behind the swing gate is the command room!

"Mu Fan, there is no surveillance screen in the command room, and I haven't really invaded, so I can't tell what is there now."

"Well, open the door."

Mu Fan took a deep breath, and the dagger spun lightly in his palm.


With the sound of airflow, the first revolving door opened to reveal the second grating door inside, the laser was retracted, and the third heavy metal hydraulic door was lifted!

The muscles on Mu Fan's arm have violently violently, if there is anyone inside...

Will be killed by himself the first time!



When the hydraulic door was halfway up, an excited voice sounded, but before the word "big" was uttered, a dagger had been inserted in his throat.

Mu Fan opened his eyes, and there was no biological aura in his mental perception.

The hydraulic door reached the top, and the triple-protected command room finally opened.

Mu Fan, wearing a combat uniform, walked into it quietly and looked at the room, which was about less than a hundred square meters in size, with various screens flashing around.

This is the core command room where he actually entered the battleship.

Instead of the outer command room similar to the conference room in the spacecraft.

Across his feet is a muscular man who is not much smaller than Maxi. He does not have any weapons in his hands.

I am afraid that in his mind, the only person who can open the command room door is the leader.

But I didn't expect that the figure had not been seen yet, and a dagger was inserted into his throat first.

Mu Fan leaned down and pulled out the dagger, then wiped the blood off the brawny man's clothes and got up again.

"I have entered the command room, how can I invade the main light brain?" Mu Fan looked at the holographic projection ahead, which was the starship of Dingchuan Academy).

Maxi, who was already dead, could not have imagined that there was a demon like Mu Fan on it!

"You can find the largest platform, then put the watch on it and leave it alone, and then wait for me to notify you." He did not carry video capture equipment, and there was no surveillance camera in the command room. Hei was unable to provide Mu Fan with a detailed description.

Mu Fan gave a hum, glanced around and found that there was a place under the holographic light curtain with the most buttons.

So Mu Fan walked over and gently pressed his left hand onto it.

"Yes, 320 seconds to crack."

Next is the boring waiting time. Hei has closed all passages, and star thief in other areas cannot enter here at all.

So now Mu Fan is pressing the platform with his left hand, looking around boredly.

When she inadvertently scanned a pattern next to the console, Mu Fan's eyes suddenly tightened.

There is a broken axe and a broken sword in the pattern. The two weapons are crossed together and printed next to the console.

Mu Fan didn't know what this pattern meant, but the broken axe was very familiar to him!

Broken axe, broken axe!

Mu Fan's eyes widened.

He can conclude that this is definitely not similar, it is clearly the pattern of Broken Axe Star Pirates!

Planet Loga, Broken Axe Star Pirates Group!

The thunder sacrifice that cut through the sky surged with cannons, and the star thief group that killed their adoptive parents.

Scenes flashed in my mind...

How could he read this familiar mark wrong?

ps: Thank you book friends for "following the wind" for a reward of 10,000 coins! (Congratulations to the new elders!)

Thanks to the book friend "tadashi" for a reward of 1200 coins!

Thanks to the book friend "kira2003" for the reward of 588 coins!

Thanks to book friends for "giving up treatment," "jeffplay123" for 500 coins reward!

Thanks to the book friends "Haihaichao Chaoyin", "Random "Lone Wolf"", "Drive a BMW and sit on a Mercedes-Benz, sway Porsche", "谩谩の晥陥" "100001 Book Fan", "Corn has no dreams", "ngceal", "Human monsters" "Voyage Voyage" "Interstellar Sniper 17" 100 coins reward! (To be continued.)

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