Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 158: Glory plus body (the head of He goes down with the wind)

(Congratulations to the new head of "Going down with the wind", plus even more first!)

The low, vague, "roll" word in Mu Fan's throat made several students nearby couldn't help but look sideways.

But I didn't see any other movement from Mu Fan, so I didn't pay any more attention.

"What are we doing now?"

"I don't know, these people are sick. They brought us here to sign a document."

"Hey, school starts tomorrow, I haven't prepared for it yet."

"We are all back to Landuxing, so we can't let us relax quietly."

"Wait for the major to come, this hall is still quite depressing."


The discussion in the ears gradually increased, and it was obvious that batches of students came out after signing the password.

"Have you found Gu Qing's background?" Mu Fan interrupted Hei Depth YY with one mouthful.

"No, the information found through the Internet is extremely limited. People in the military have a much stronger sense of secrecy than ordinary people. Their calls are encrypted and they do not leave call records. At present, I only know that Gu Qing’s boss is Li Shen, Colonel of the Operation Department. , And Li Shen is obviously not a pleasing person based on the information recorded secretly by some people. Your human relationship is complicated and it is too difficult to quantify data. At least now, all information is normal."

"Next, you will focus on following up with Li Shen and Gu Qing. I want to see who has noticed me."

"Okay, let's continue to talk about the mechanical legion. You said I would not have an adjutant? The idea of ​​having adjutants and secretaries sounds pretty awesome, right?"

Mu Fan's brain automatically shielded all noises, staring at the ceiling intently and staring blankly.

In the corridor tens of meters away, with rhythmic footsteps, when the two appeared, some soldiers saluted one after another.



"Isn't this the instructor of our school? Why did Major Lin follow him and deliberately give up a step?"

Someone noticed this detail immediately after seeing the two.

Seeing the students lively and vigorously, there is no sign of depression on their faces. The young people's minds are as full of vigor as their age.

So Ruan Xiongfeng laughed in satisfaction, but his face was as permeating as a sunflower that exploded.

"Yes, Lin Hao, you have been leading the team hard this month. These kids are really good."

Two in a row are not bad, and a fool can also hear the satisfaction in the words of Ruan Da's bald head.

"These students are all excellent, and it is my honor to be able to lead the team. Especially Mu Fan, I have to feel your insight is like a torch, he feels worthy of the title of God of War Seed."

"Hahahahahaha~~" The laughter shook the sky, and Ruan Xiongfeng's big mouth almost reached the back of his head. Lin Hao, the boy, scratched his itchy point directly.

Now someone Mu Fan is happier than boasting himself.

God of War instructor, when Boy Mu Fan grows up, he will enjoy this title, it sounds very domineering.

Ruan Xiongfeng's laughter didn't mean to lower his voice at all, so when he laughed, Mu Fanyou, who was sitting in the distance, opened his eyes.

Is this the voice of Ruan Bald?

So when Mu Fan's gaze turned, it happened to match the veteran riffraff's gaze.

Then Mu Fan saw the fire bursting out of the bald man's eyes.

It is difficult to describe Ruan Xiongfeng's gaze at this time, surprised, excited, and happy with words.

"Boy Mu Fan!" It was still the bold voice, and instantly attracted the eyes of everyone around him.

"Instructor Ruan is good." Mu Fan frankly got up and walked over to say hello.

After all, this bald head seemed to be his nominal mentor in this college.

"Okay, okay! I've heard everything about you. I really deserve to be my disciple of Ruan Xiongfeng. I'm here to give you a small gift this time."

small gift?

Seeing Mu Fan's curious expression, Lin Hao smiled and stood up and said: "This gift is not small. Instructor Ruan almost dismantled the combat team."


Major Lin Hao said that the gift is not small, what could it be?

Soon he saw the crystal box that Ruan Xiongfeng had taken out of his tactical pockets. The crystal clear luster firmly attracted Mu Fan's attention.

Because he had already seen the items inside, it was a medal shining with silver light!

"The Medal of Meritorious Merit-Centurion Medal, this is the honor you deserve."

Seeing that there was only a sluggish smile on Mu Fan’s face, I didn’t know that this kid didn’t know the special merit of the Medal of War and the importance of the Centurion Medal. However, Ruan Xiongfeng didn’t explain, he just stuffed the box into Mu Fan’s hands and laughed Patted him on the shoulder.

At this time, the students almost all spontaneously gathered around, and they also saw the medal.

Many people also showed blank expressions on their faces. In their opinion, this is just a medal for praise.

But a few people showed solemn and envious expressions on their faces.

Like Ishimori!

As a child from a military family, he is more familiar with various military medals than others. When he saw the pattern of the medal clearly, his heart trembled.

It turned out to be a medal for military exploits!

Centurion Medal!

First of all, the Medal of Meritorious Service means that it cannot be obtained by civilians who have not participated in the battle. This must be strictly verified, have an exact killing record and meet certain conditions, such as destroying a certain enemy unit or achieving brilliant results. Will grant.

Awarded to: Official soldiers.

The second is the Centurion Medal. This kind of military merit medal named after ten, one hundred, and one thousand has a higher status because the awarding conditions are more demanding!

The lowest ten captain medal in the eyes of real soldiers also represents a higher status than the more obscure medals such as olive finches and hunter medals. The Centurion Medal also enjoys some real privileges: the soldier enjoys the courtesy of a lieutenant when wearing it, and officers or soldiers below the lieutenant must salute when they see it! Freedom from death once! Priority for rank promotion!

Awarded to: Official soldiers who fight on the front line (true warriors of a hundred wars).

"Shi Sen, looking at your face so dignified, can you tell me what is special about this medal?"

The sturdy boy nodded and said with admiration in his eyes: "This medal must be awarded to active soldiers in principle. The holders I have seen are all ace fighters in various units. The key to the problem is... Mu Fan, like us, is just a reserve officer, a recruit who has just calculated his military age. And now that he has this medal, it means that he has the courtesy of a lieutenant before he is an adult. After four years, he will officially enter the army... The scene is scary when you think about it!"

The companion who heard it looked shocked at Mu Fan who was holding the crystal box and looked silly.

Shi Sen looked at Mu Fan over there with a bright light in his eyes, and muttered in his heart: "It's not just horror, but the other meaning behind this medal is... a real hundred people cut!"

He is the same age as himself, has completed a single battle of 100 people in the formal combat!

It can be said that when Mu Fan took over this medal, in the eyes of Shi Sen who came from Jungui's family, he was no longer the civilian teenager, nor was he an ordinary classmate.

Now, the young man who had restrained his breath and looked a little thin, he himself... is the real nobleman in the army a few years later!

Some students from aristocratic background also recognized this medal, but no one knew it as deeply as Shi Sen.

So when they were still weighing their way of getting along with Mu Fan in the future, Shi Sen had already walked straight over.

A military salute stretched out his right hand.

"Shi Sen, you are a role model for my generation, and I hope to become true friends with you!"

The boy had a serious tone, his eyes full of sincerity.

Mu Fan had always known Shi Sen, but it was the first time he saw this classmate from a military family show his kindness so solemnly.

The sincerity and admiration in those eyes cannot be faked.

So Mu Fan also stretched out his right hand happily, "Mu Fan, I hope I can fight together in the future."

Some aristocratic students in the distance, such as Zhang Shaotang, Nishizawa and others, did not understand and disdain Shi Sen's behavior, but more teenagers were infected by this scene.

If there is an example to move forward, why not work hard?

"Hahahaha! What should I do if I am in a particularly good mood today?" Ruan Xiongfeng, who saw this scene, laughed happily, looked around and looked at the bright eyes around him, his heroic voice resounded throughout the hall: "Student of Dingchuan Guys, go, we are home!"

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