Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 164: Pride in the bones of a teenager

(The baby suddenly had diarrhea during the day, and went to the hospital for leave from work. It was a few hours late for the update, sorry everyone.)

Several people looked at the scene with dazzling voices, almost all of them lost consciousness for a moment.

Such a lively scene is what they imagined.

There are intelligent robots to guide the road, and many professions are highlighted in their own unique ways.

Such as the one that rushed towards them... the mecha covered with thorns!

"It turned out to be a real mecha!" Fatty's eyes straightened.

This mech's domineering and windy outer armor has many guide wings, and the raised hand seems to be equipped with a weapon.

"Light modular armor, this degree of flight enhancement components must be firepower mechas for long-distance and air combat, but they are not equipped with weapons yet, so the academy should not allow them. Tsk tsk." White Mao's eyes shined brightly. Watching, muttered.

Then his eyes looked back along the mecha.

【Mecha Academy】

"... Mu Fan, you can go to sign up, I suggest you ask why we are all departments, yours is the college."

Baimao said with a grimace.

"Yes, sir, go quickly, we will accompany you." Wang Nuonuo said excitedly.

Mu Fan scratched his head awkwardly and had no choice but to walk over there first.

Someone over there has already noticed the effort of this pedestrian.

I have to say that the Mecha Academy recruiting new seniors is not very thin, and the number of seniors is relatively rare.

A young man wearing a blue streamlined armband and shaking his hands back and forth for the experiment just saw this group of people.

Although Bai Mao was very eye-catching, his gaze couldn't move since he saw the girl with elven eyes.

"Yi Jin, why are you in a daze? How about this latest hand synergy? But the masters are asked to optimize a total of 36 lines."

"Ah? Oh, very good, very good. The feedback is much more accurate than the original version. I just waved it very lightly."

At this time, Mu Fan and others were getting closer and closer to the report area of ​​Mecha Academy. Seeing that someone was about to meet him, the young man named Yi Jin quickly walked over and squeezed in front of his classmates, smiling at Mu Fan... ...Wang Nuonuo behind him smiled and said, "Are you here to report to the Mecha Academy?"

But he didn't wait for the girl who was as beautiful as an elf to answer. Instead, he heard an honest voice beside him: "Yeah."

Wang Nuonuo chuckled and covered her mouth, pointing to Mu Fan and said, "It's not us, it's him."

"Hahaha~" There was a burst of laughter around, which made Yi Jin's face instantly embarrassed, and when she looked at Mu Fan again, she was not so kind.

"Please show me your admission notice."

Mu Fan directly handed over the identity card of the special training base, "Hello senior, the admission notice was taken away by the instructor in advance."


As a result, Yi Jin gently touched the heavy metal card to the instrument.

The personal information belonging to Mu Fan is displayed instantly:

[Cadet-Mu Fan, 17 years old, special recruit student for the Army Reserve, assigned major: Mecha Academy. 】

A tall elder sister inadvertently walked over, and then said in surprise: "It turned out to be a reserve special recruit student?"

The sound was not loud, but it did make the people around him look sideways at the same time. Several teenagers who were queuing up looked over curiously.

For them, the reserve special recruits only exist in the story, and they did not expect to actually see a special recruit freshman who was kindly reported here.

"Unexpectedly, a specially recruited student came to report at the beginning."

"Where, where, let me see."

Several boys and girls looked at this place and went into chaos.

"Mu Fan, your identity is so powerful?" The fat man sighed in surprise.

"Mu Fan is even more awesome..." Bai Mao added quietly.

At this time, a cold hum of dissatisfaction came out from the backstage, and after this sound came out, the panic-stricken students in the registration area did not dare to say anything.

"A special recruit student has excited you like this? How did the Dingchuan Mecha Series lose their prestige over the years? It's really shameful to see your positive appearance."

A cold and proud voice came from behind, and Mu Fan and others also looked up.

A straight young man in a gray uniform walked out of a passage, with an aloof eyes under his short black hair.

When his gaze swept over the senior elder sisters, several students who had leaned in front of Mu Fan bowed their heads at the same time.

"Who is he?" Mu Fan glanced at the man before turning to ask.

"This time the Mecha Academy recruited a new person in charge, a third-year student, the vice president of the Dingchuan Mecha Club, who is known as the ghost and tiger-Kroc." Yi Jin explained to Mu Fan in a low voice, but still Thinking of letting the beautiful girl over there pay too much attention to herself.

"Oh~" Mu Fan was noncommittal.

Crocker had already walked to Yi Jin's side, and when he got closer, Mu Fan found that the other party was a bit taller than himself. With that cold and arrogant eyes, it was really extraordinary.

The fat man next to him has shrunk his neck before others notice.

Instinctively, the little fat man is more afraid of this kind of seemingly powerful and imposing person, otherwise he would not have been bullied for so many years.

As for Yin Shuai, his eyes suddenly showed strong interest, one hand stroked his white hair provocatively, and cast his demonstrative eyes.

Unexpectedly, Kroc ignored Mu Fan at all, and first looked at Yi Jin calmly, "Since you choose to drive this behemoth of steel, your will will carry out all its actions, so I have always opposed the portraits of mecha students. Other majors don’t have a bit of murderous air. It’s okay to have a bad temper and a bad tone. What I want to see is your wolfishness!"

"What the senior said is." Several sophomores, including Yi Jin, lowered their heads and said at the same time.

"Don't look like you haven't seen the world. As the largest department of Dingchuan Academy and the only major with the suffix of'academy', you should show the arrogance you should have. If you are not satisfied with the freshmen, tell If they are capable, they can do the same in the future."

"This new student, I will handle your admission procedures. I want to tell you what I just said to them. If you want to be crazy here, you can show your skills." Kroc lightly sat in the mechanical seat Go to looking at Mu Fan and said.

"Big Bear, this guy looks so fierce." Wang Nuonuo quietly tugged Mu Fan's clothes.

Mu Fan nodded slightly and motioned to himself to speak.

Immediately, Mu Fan handed over his ID card and said politely, "Trouble seniors."

Crocker didn't expect this young man to have such a calm reaction, he couldn't help spinning the metallic identity card in his palm, and said: "Neither humble nor overbearing, I like it very much."

At this moment, Mu Fan showed a shy smile on his face.

This smile was not seen by others, but the nearest white hair saw it, and she felt hairy for no reason.

Others don't know, but he clearly knows that Mu Fanya's is a big boring show. The pride and terrifying power of that kid's bones has repeatedly subverted everyone's imagination.

"Senior, I just heard you say that Mecha Academy seems to have not developed well in recent years?"


The finger that was tapping the screen stopped, Kroc raised his head and looked at the teenager standing in front of him with cold eyes.

"The Five Academy Mecha Exchange Competition, Dingchuan bottoms out every year. Any questions?"

"Are they strong?"

Looking over Mu Fan and looking at the sky, Crocker crossed his fingers on the table, and said in a reminiscent tone: "There will always be more geniuses than you think. When Renault was in the past, it was so embarrassing to guarantee not to lose. Why? , I want to fly before I learn to go? Maybe there will be someone who can lead the Mecha Academy to take off in the future, but I think it’s definitely not you, my special, recruiting, learning, and staff!"

A smile came up from the corner of Mu Fan's mouth. Although his tone was flat, the fat man and the white hair behind him felt blood rushing over his head at the same time.

"Then I will defeat them first as the first goal." (To be continued.)

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