Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 168: The best and the best

(Congratulations to the newly promoted sixth leader-"dm2356"! Congratulations to the newly promoted rudder leader "soul Ning Yibing"!)

"Di, student card recognition passed."

Mu Fan was sure that he had not entered the wrong place, so he pushed the door open without hesitation.

A man wearing a sweater and a baseball cap was pouting his fart-stroke and twisting towards the door, so when Mu Fan and Baimao came in, they saw the twisting back at first glance.

It may have just reached the climax part, and a continuous S-shaped jitter like a motor came from the back!

"I'm rubbing, so shameless?"

The white-haired chin's boss blurted out these words.

Then the twisted body suddenly froze.

It is estimated that they did not expect the two to appear behind them quietly.

Time stagnates at this moment.

Mu Fan suddenly felt that he should knock on the door first, so he said embarrassedly: "Sorry... Did I disturb you?"

The figure turned back a little stiffly, as if it hadn't been oiled for a long time, and then he whispered to himself: "Is I too tired to have hallucinations, in fact, no one sees me. Right."

"Uh, are you uncomfortable?" Mu Fan made another make up.

"Ah...Hi, hello, I'm Li Xiaoxi, I can call me Xiaoxi from now on. Haha, are you also in Apartment 214? You will be classmates in the future, please take care of me."

The baseball cap was lifted, revealing a face with a bright smile, the round-faced youth, and his small eyes were full of flattery at the moment.

But when he saw the appearance of Mu Fan and Baimao clearly, a retreat picked up something on the table beside him and began to defend himself.

Uh, camera, got it wrong.

He quickly put down the camera in his hand like a baby, and picked up a tablet with the screen on to protect him.

Nima Yo, it turned out to be that great product! !

It's not that I'm here.

I can't admit it to death.

"You just..." Mu Fan said, actually he wanted to ask why he was singing so happy.

"I didn't shoot anything! I'm innocent!" Li Xiaoxi even shakes off his hat. A witty snapper will never admit it. You have to have a hearty and dark skin. This is what a paparazzi should have!


Bai Mao was directly stunned by these words, this child is a little abnormal.

Wait, the tablet in this kid's hand seems to be a photo.

That king-like figure... why is it so like yourself?

It's me!

As Li Xiaoxi shook her head and shook her body, the photos on the tablet were constantly changing.

First is a photo of Baimao wearing a black motorcycle suit when he is on the field, then a photo of the Longstmann team evacuating at the same time behind him with a lightly raised hand, and then a photo of taking off the helmet to reveal a coquettish white hair.

Then there is a photo of a striding meteor walking towards Dingwumen...

Then came a photo of a military salute and a big bow before Mu Fan...

A group of groups is perfect whether it is the angle or the choice of light and shadow.

The most satisfying thing for Baimao is that when she gently flung the clothes towards the motorcycle, that cold face photo, perfect background blur, a bunch of white hair just blocked the light, let a shadow block her right eye, that purple Her eyeshadow has a strange beauty.

Like a model dedicated to a fashion magazine.

"Really... fascinating." Bai Mao walked over, gently pressed the boy's shoulder, and then with a satisfied smile, pulled out the tablet from Li Xiaoxi's hand.

Li Xiaoxi, who was shaking her head, suddenly found that after the white hair was holding down on her, she couldn't move anymore.

When he saw the tablet that Baimao pulled out, he realized that his self-defense weapon turned out to be a tablet. The tablet seemed to be playing the photo he just took, right?

It's over, this man who looks like a mutant star beast is about to attack himself.

Li Xiaoxi wanted to cry without tears, but she couldn't blame others for death.

Sure enough, he was found by the master.

"Tsk, tusk, this angle, perfect!"

"This side looks perfect!"

"This proud hairstyle, I want to praise myself."

"This..." Bai Mao turned to the photo of himself bowing to Mu Fan.

There was admiration in his eyes, "At this angle, even bowing is so handsome. It's no longer possible. If you look at this handsome, you will have to look at it."

The corners of Mu Fan's mouth were twitching, and he also saw his appearance.

After all, Bai Mao bowed to himself, and the huge suitcase held by him was more conspicuous.

"Boy, if you take this picture further, it would be better to highlight the background of the human voice." Baimao still stared at the photo, pressing Li Xiaoxi with one hand without raising her head.

Mu Fan nodded in agreement. He felt that this picture was indeed very emotional, but was his facial expression so cold? Wasn't he shocked at the time?

"I should take a step back, so I feel that the picture may be more coordinated." Mu Fan thought for a while or gestured.

"Yes, this handsome thinks so too!"

Li Xiaoxi's mind is now a mess. What are these two people who broke in suddenly?

"Brother, which department?" Baimao asked unfinishedly after reading it.

"Department of Love, Intelligence and Investigation." The baseball cap boy stammered.

"Professional! I feel that you are a poor man. It is a pity that our school does not have a photography department."

"Ah, didn't you come to me?"

Mu Fan asked curiously: "Why are we looking for you?"

I can't keep up with the thinking of these two people. Li Xiaoxi, who has always been alert, doesn't know what she is talking about now. "Well, don't you blame me for taking pictures of me?"

"Fuck! You filmed it secretly!?" Baimao's sudden scream scared Mu Fan.

"Ah... yeah, what do you want to say, big brother?"

"The handsome guys who candid shots are so handsome. If I pose for a photo, I won’t be able to break through the sky! Do you think I need to dress up? In fact, I still have a retro steam-style jacket, and that rivet walks energetically. Give me a picture." Bai Mao excitedly grabbed the opponent's shoulder and shook it vigorously.

"Goooo~ Oh, big brother, let go first, I'm almost done." Li Xiaoxi felt that she really underestimated the strength of this white hair, the power that could not be resisted, and what was even more desperate was between the two The gap in thought.

He felt that the depth of Baimao's thoughts left him at least ten light years away.

The 18th level of physique is already far superior to ordinary people's physique, but Baimao is at the bottom of other special enrollment students.

"Hurry up and promise to pose for me!"

"I promise, I promise."

Satisfied with letting go, he picked up the baseball cap that fell on the ground and put it on.

"Roommate, isn't it? I'm very satisfied. You will get in with me in the future."

The three looked at each other, and suddenly laughed at the same time.

"Get to know again, Mu Fan."

"Yin Shuai, you will call me handsome in the future. I am more handsome than handsome. You can be handsome. Next to me is my boss. If you mix with me, you mix with him. There is a big brother covering us. It is absolutely hard." Bai Mao pointed to Mu Fan The direction is full of certainty.

"Li Xiaoxi, I like taking pictures. My dream in the future is to drive a reconnaissance mech to take the most satisfactory battle photos on the battlefield!"

Mu Fan suddenly remembered something, "There should be four people in the apartment, and one roommate?"

"It shouldn’t be here yet. This handsome guy will be in charge of reviewing in a while. If his thinking can’t keep up with the height of the apartment, I’ll train him. By the way, Xiaoxi, we’ll be out for dinner in just a while, come together, brother Cover you."

Li Xiaoxi was still intoxicated by the comfortable environment five minutes ago and now feels like he is on the thief ship. UU reading www. uukanshu.cOM

"Then pack it up and get ready to go." Mu Fan's final final touch, he was still thinking about Nuo Nuo's words.

Mech martial arts contest?

What kind of game is this? Seeing the little fat girl seems to take it seriously.

"Drip, drip."

At this time, Mu Fan's heavenly news rang, and he took it out excitedly. It should be Wang Nuonuo who was about to tell himself.

Hmm, Harry?

"What's wrong Harry?"

"Mu Fan, I seem to have found my long-lost elder brother..."


Mr. Wayne has an illegitimate child outside?

Mu Fan felt that the amount of information in this sentence by the fat man was huge.

ps: (Starting from today, to October 5th, all Laotang will be saved first, and then on October 5th, Laotang will be released again! For specific reasons, let me sell it. National Day A single chapter will be issued during the period, hahaha~)

Thanks to the book friend "dm2356" for 50,000 coins reward! (Thanks for the prize of the sixth marshal league! The title is added older when the focus is on the 10.5 outbreak!)

Thanks to the book friend "soul Ning Yibing" 4000 coins reward! (Congratulations to the new rudder master)

Thanks to the book friend "Fresh and Elegant Pineapple Thunder" for a reward of 1,000 coins! (Thanks to the apprentices from the swordsman world for rewarding the teacher.)

Thanks to book friends "jhffu", "Uncle Chic 1", "Dan Yeyu", "Swinging Sampan" for 500 coins rewards!

Thanks to book friends "Yin Xidian", "Long Pai Huang Restaurant", "Book Fan No. 100001", "Di Zun 1367963", "Axe Wutong Mountain", "Five-flower Horse, Sanjin Ball", "hhy2016", "Random "Lone Wolf"", "Ghost" "Phantom*Shadow Warrior" "dgcyc" "liurong love wo" 100 coins, "side guest" "Pingping (1 20 coins reward!

(To be continued.)

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