Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 175: Gun you sister 3000

(Lao Dang said that there will be continuous outbreaks starting from October 5th, so please stay calm and restless.)

Mu Fan subconsciously copied the rugged and domineering pistol, and the heavy weight in his hand had weight.

"Sandstorm 92 pistol, 12.43mm dumm, a close shot can kill a person half of the body. I like this kind of manly weapon."

Seeing Mu Fan staring blankly at the gun in his hand, Ruan Xiongfeng grinned.

Then Mu Fan opened his mouth and looked at the bald instructor, "You are right, let me use this to shoot you?"

"Don't ink, just give me a shot if you listen to me."

Ruan Xiongfeng waved his hand impatiently and signaled Mu Fan to hurry up.

The palm rubs the light golden pattern, and feels the unique coldness of the metal.

Then look up at the opposite Ruan Xiong Peak, 3 meters away.

The bullet shooting speed at this distance is close to 400 meters per second.

It can be said that a cloud of blood will explode on the opposite side of the shot.

Looking at Ruan Xiongfeng's appearance, he was still carelessly holding a saber, defenseless.

But when his eyes met the opponent, the bald instructor gave him a positive look.

With a light spin of the pistol, the black hole in Mu Fan's hand aimed at Ruan Xiongfeng's chest.

The moment his right eye was narrowed, he pulled the trigger.

"Bang!" The huge gunfire echoed in the training ground.

"Ding." A cold light lit up at the same time.

So fast! !

Now Mu Fan's eyes are full of that amazing knife!

Ruan Xiongfeng was holding a knife in both hands at the moment, and the tip of the knife stopped firmly in the front right.

That bullet...

Split in half!

The metal warhead was divided into two and scattered on the ground.

Just now, Ruan Xiongfeng went from holding the knife in both hands to slashing it out suddenly, before he had time to enter the dark breathing state, he could only see an afterimage that was reaching the extreme.

Then keenly caught the sound of the blade cutting into the warhead.

Very slight and small.

Then, the picture of the burly bald man pulling back his strength clearly appeared in front of him.

A knife approaching the peak!

Ruan Xiongfeng smirked at Mu Fan.

"Boy, this trick is called slashing bullets..."

Mu Fan rolled his eyes directly. Needless to say, he knew it was a knife that smashed a bullet.

With a haha ​​smile, Ruan Xiongfeng didn't feel embarrassed about his vulgarity. He stood with his sword and looked at Mu Fan and said:

"Can you do this level of defense?"

Mu Fan shook his head, "No." If he could do this, he wouldn't be shot twice.

"Then practice until you can." The bald man gave a meaningful smile.

"I probably understand your characteristics. The physical fitness is above the level of high, and your mecha level is hidden." Ruan Xiongfeng's opening remark made Mu Fan's current basic characteristics clear.

"Although I don't know your specific level, I feel that you should rely on your body's rapid response ability to forcibly correct some mecha operations, right?"

Mu Fan remembered the increase in hand speed and the whole-body synchronized fighting scene when driving Shura, relying on his superb muscle response ability, so he nodded.

Ruan Xiongfeng snapped his fingers, "Your advantage should be constantly enlarged. In my opinion, your physical fitness still has a lot of room for improvement, but you lack stronger training."

"As a mecha pilot, the personal abilities of the pilot directly affect the performance of the mecha, such as the strength of your body, the speed of your muscles, the ability of your hand and brain to cooperate. In my eyes, you It's a piece of uncut jade. What I want to do is to carve you to the extreme. So I ask you to continue to improve in physical fitness. When you can split a bullet in two from 10 meters away, I will teach you--"

Ruan Xiongfeng paused deliberately, then grinned and said: "——Driving the Thunder Owl!"

Mu Fan's expression finally wasn't calm this time.

The purple thunder and lightning giant figure suspended in the air will never be forgotten as long as you look at it. He didn't expect Ruan Xiongfeng to bring up what he said at the entrance examination on the first day of school.

Hearing the obvious rapid breathing of the teenager in front of him, Ruan Xiongfeng scratched his bald head and smiled: "So, kid, work hard! I suggest you go to the gravity room for more training. You can start to try using a knife for more than 40 gears. The rubber bounced, um... 60 gears should be about the same."

"Good instructor! I will definitely work hard." Mu Fan nodded in response.

"Okay, then take advantage of their military training this month to follow Xu Jiang to familiarize yourself with the operation of the mecha, go back." Ruan Xiongfeng waved his hand to signal the end of today's conversation.

Then Mu Fan saw the bald head on the opposite side picking up the Tianxun, and talking to Xu Jiang a few times, the metal door behind him opened.

Seeing the bald head holding a saber, Mu Fan bowed again and thanked him, then turned and walked out.

When Mu Fan walked along the route for a while, he saw Xu Jiang leaning against the wall.


"Here, Lao Ruan Xun speaks faster than I thought. Okay, go back and prepare to start training."


Mu Fan quickly returned to the cockpit simulator full of three sci-fi colors.

Seated proficiently, then put on a matching virtual helmet, as the sound of mechanical transmission sounded, the cockpit slowly rose.

The pale blue light covered the entire room. Looking at the three students who had entered the virtual battle net world, Xu Jiang smiled faintly and walked out of the room.


Mu Fan has entered this unique po battle net.

At the beginning, it was the same as before. The same character was upgraded to the screen, but without the black intervention, the system wizard's prompt sound was much more rigid.

Mecha training even started from po battle network, is this really good?

[Please create a personal nickname for players]

Mu Fan thought for a while and said two words: "Sura."

The mecha, which didn't know where it was located, had always been the highest existence in Mu Fan's heart.

Without any black chaos, Mu Fan was finally able to register this id successfully.

[Choose: Po (open for platinum and above)]

[Select: Pan-Galactic Academy Intranet Battle (open for gold and above)]

[Select: Dingchuan Academy intranet battle]

The three options that emerged made Mu Fan speechless.

It’s fine if you just enter directly. The other two options are obviously just playing tricks.

So Mu Fan appeared alone in the battle area. This extremely crude scene would be ignored subconsciously when people saw it, and then cast his gaze on the light gate in front of him.

【Automatic matching】


There are no other players, no other options, the meaning should be that as long as you enter, you will automatically enter the matching mode.

There is no team, what battle hall ~ ~ everything is advertised as its difference, this is the mecha training version developed separately for the Academy!

Only the purest function.

Then automatically match it.

The player [Sura] wearing a pant and vest went directly into the white light gate, and his body sank into it.

Mu Fan seemed to have overlooked one thing.

That is, in addition to them, these reserve recruits have now entered virtual training, and the students in the same period have begun military training.

Then the least he encountered was a second-year student.

Still the kind of pure virtual cabin students.

In the virtual battle hall of Dingchuan Academy, a virtual cabin labeled b171 is glowing at this moment.

A young man with a wretched face, although dressed very seriously, had just finished molesting the girl who was doing work-study a few minutes ago.

Then lie down in the virtual cabin.

A second-year student in the Mecha department, Gejie. id: Gunyou Sister Three Thousand, an ordinary officer of the Mecha Society.

The three presidents and seven generals in the club are ranked first and second. The following are the third, fourth, and fifth ranks of elites, officers, and members.

Therefore, as an ordinary officer, Ge Jie can rank up to the fourth level of the community. His external network level is gold 3 stars, and his internal network level has just reached silver 1 star.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this is already a master, but on the intranet of Dingchuan Academy of Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger, he has stayed at Silver 1 star for more than two months.

Today's routine scoring, the credits he usually earns from working in the club are used to soak in the academy's exclusive virtual battle hall, but unfortunately neither the girl nor the mecha has been soaked.

"Cannon firepower is supreme, let's try the carpet bombing tactics that Brother has recently thought of."

Whether the player [Cannon You Sister Three Thousand] chooses the fifth generation mecha [Artillery Ares]?


Gejie excitedly entered the (To be continued.)

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