Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 186: Melted Berry

Although Donald Xiu didn't know the specific code name of the engine, he wouldn't care if he knew it, it was just named after the person who discovered it later.

What he cares about is the unknown technology from the ancient ruins.

Even the wealthy aristocrats who are administrative stars like them would covet it. Originally, they wanted to deal with a few unsightly people, but I didn't expect to be able to touch this clue in the end. It was a profit.

Wang Nuonuo and the little princess of Rocky Heavy Industries, such a girl who burst into the line of sight, have now become the focus of their discussion.

As for the two of Mu Fan, although they still have to deal with them, they are far from being compared with Rocky Heavy Industries, which possesses ancient ruins technology.

"How about it, are you interested?"

A meaningful smile appeared on Donald's face.

"Tell me about your plan." Lin Wu straightened his upper body, clasped his fingers against his chin, and looked at Donald Xiu with burning eyes.

Tang Naxiu and Gao Lingze were delighted at the same time, Lin Wu unexpectedly expressed interest, this is feasible!

"The biggest disadvantage of Rocky Heavy Industries now is that the foundation is unstable, and they are telling us that we are in the dark. All the problems will be solved by finding the key people."

"In the Landu Junwu Group, the Gaoling family owns 32% of the shares, the Tang family 19%, and the Youshi family is just an honorary shareholding. In this way, I request a 20% shareholding at a premium of 150%." Lin Wu immediately resumed when he talked about business. The standard businessman posture completely separates business and friendship.

"There are too many shares. The premium is 200% and you can buy 10%. After all, this is your personal shareholding." Donald Xiu shook his finger.

"15%, otherwise I will quit." Lin Wu put on a flat smile on his face, and the tone instantly made Donald Xiu confused.

Gao Lingze and Don Naxiu looked at each other, and after about four or five seconds, they nodded and said, "Premium 220%, 15% shares."

"Deal, happy cooperation."

Lin Wu got up, with a smile on his heroic face, and stretched out his right hand in a friendly manner.

"Happy cooperation!"

"Hahaha, today's most important thing is over, let's talk about those interesting things."

Gao Lingze looked at Don Naxiu with a smile on his face, "You can talk to Young Master Lin about other things."

Lin Wu looked at Donald Xiu curiously, "Why, there are other things?"

"First take a seat, this is the case. Before, we had conflicts with the kid who drove the extremely special armor and his companions that day, but those two people were in the academy and it was not easy to start directly. Some time ago, they went out for special training and came back. At that time, I entrusted a person from the Operations Department of the Landuxing Military Region to take action, but I didn't expect to provoke the kid backstage."

Dingchuan Academy Fighting instructor Ruan Xiongfeng, former leader of the 114 Ace Infantry Regiment. Although things are a bit tricky, it is considered their details."

Donnaxiu looked at Lin Wu nodding and continued: "We know that Shao Wu is interested in the little girl surnamed Wang, so naturally we have to pay more attention to the people around her. Now we have targeted several targets. Rocky Heavy Industries has signed up for the machine. Before the First Martial Arts Competition, give them more material and relieve us of some resistance, right?"

Lin Wu didn't care too much about this, and didn't ask in depth.

The group's chat continued, Donald Xiu quietly concealed the fact that they had made the killer list, while Lin Wu was drinking tea while his eyes were thinking about something.


Lu Qingxue's rhythmic pace echoed in the corridor of the Kendo Club, followed by Bing Su who was smiling.

The time between the two of them was only 40 minutes, but the huge contrast between the front and back of Bing Su really shocked those members.

Except for some people who were training hard, the rest of the students who couldn't calm down basically moved in.

"Can this erupting volcano be recovered?" a boy said in surprise.

The person next to him slapped him, "Be quiet, you don't want to see who is following!"

"Oh, yes, our president hasn't done anything wrong."

The courageous girl asked in a low voice when Bing Su passed by: "What did you do just now? Just look at how you change your face and change your face."

Wen Yan Bingsu raised her eyebrows triumphantly. Although she hadn't been able to see the scene of the battle, she was already excited just by hearing the news from Lu Qingxue!

Yes, just to clean up that kind of pervert who doesn't pity Xiangxiyu.

Let you bully girls and make you demeanor!

"Come and let me tell you..." The ears of several people who were close to each other stood up at the same time.

"My sister is going to relax!"

"Cut~~" A group of people booed at the same time, and it turned out to be the passionate Bing Su.

Lu Qingxue did not pay attention to what was going on behind him, but kept a rhythmic pace towards the door of the president's room. Before Bing Su could say a few words, he hurriedly caught up and left a group of cowering students behind.

"Sister Xue, don't you go so fast? Tell me about the details of the time, I really want to hear." Bing Su tried to be cute to Lu Qingxue, but unfortunately this cold woman didn't care about her eyes at all, but After thinking for a while, he suddenly spoke.

"Bing Su, how much of that high-energy molten berry is there?"

Melted berries?

Of course, Bingsu knows what this is. This is a fruit that is extremely suitable for martial artists. It has ultra-density energy pulp, unique biological characteristics, can supplement the large amount of energy consumed by martial artists during training, and has a certain sense of fullness.

What is amazing is that there are several special elements in the berry fruit that are currently difficult to synthesize by artificial technology, and this has an irreplaceable effect on the physical recovery and muscle strengthening of the eater.

This kind of fruit is specially provided by Dingchuan Academy. In addition to this, there is a frozen fruit that ensures a high degree of concentration, but it is specially provided for the motivational candidates.

As a Kendo club that has won several honors for the academy, each semester has a certain number of real places for melting berries, and it supports about 50 people for two months of training. Lu Qingxue will give fruit rewards based on the activity of the staff and the contribution of the club.

The other way to obtain credits is to exchange credits. A fruit of 0.3 credits is a luxury for anyone.

It should be the responsibility of the Minister of Materials and Materials to manage the Molten Berry Fruit. However, due to an incident, Bing Su was temporarily in charge of it one month before the start of school.

So Lu Qingxue asked Xiang Bing Su directly.

"There are about 70 more, the club reserves for two months." Bing Su replied unclearly.

"That's good, take out 20 and pack it in a backpack. I will use it tomorrow." Lu Qingxue asked for twenty, which surprised Bing Su, but didn't ask anything and nodded to confirm.

Half of Lu Qingxue's body has stepped into the president's room.

Finally Bing Su couldn't help it, and secretly shouted to Lu Qingxue's back: "Sister Xue, what is it for?"

"Find someone." Lu Qingxue didn't turn her head. After saying this, the magnetic door closed behind her.

Find someone?

Who are you looking for with one-third of the reserves of the entire society? Is it because the senior sister is ready to draw fresh blood for the society?

Who is the man in the college?

Ghost Tiger Crocker, that terrible senior who has always been cold and cold at UU reading

Seven Warlords of Mecha Society?

Or the five heavenly kings of fighting?

After thinking about it, I couldn't figure it out, but Bing Su, who heard the news, still felt looking forward to it.

What the elder sister did was right! !


Wait, I seem to have forgotten to ask.

How did she beat that pervert?

PS: Thanks to the book friend "Book Friends 160630224448092" and "Sunset is gone" 500 coins reward!

Thanks to book friends "Long Pai Huang Restaurant" for 200 coins, "Uncle Chic 1", "Voyage Voyage", "Thai Bridge Xiaoyang", "SilentSword" 100 coins, and "Pingping (1 20 coins for rewards!

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