Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 199: The hook to the top

The long sword in Lu Qingxue's hand flashed like a wave of water, and was bounced off every time it hit the wind blade wheel.

Now Mu Fan's hands are really not spilled.

The white figure flashed after three consecutive steps, and his chest was slightly undulating.

The blue-gray figure burst into three meters like a gust of wind, looking down at the ground!

The stick wind knife wheel in his hand slowly stopped.

A white shard fell gently from the air...

Lu Qingxue stared at the debris that fell on the ground without any expression. It was the mark that had just been cut off on her left cuff.

Raise your hand and look at the long sword in your hand.

Several traces had been broken at the blade.

This is just the second move between the two.

With a flick of two fingers, there was a crisp cracking sound, and the damaged sword tip flew out and sank into the wooden weapon rack next to it.

"Your... strength is very strong!"

Lu Qingxue's tone finally became official.

With a single sword crossed in front of him, in Mu Fan's unwavering eyes, Lu Qingxue's Qingxue's end rose automatically without wind.

The previous second was like a peerless sword suppressed in the ice of ten thousand years.

In the next second, the whole person was like an unsheathed cold front, with a dazzling luster!

Lu Qingxue in the spiritual horizon is already a brilliant masterpiece.

Mu Fan's feet rolled quietly, and the short stick in his hand began to whirl again.

Through the attack just now, he knew his biggest advantage, that is, his power level must be higher than the opponent!

Lu Qingxue's exquisite swordsmanship just failed with Mu Fan's strength, but it did not succeed at all, but was defeated by Mu Fan.

But now Lu Qingxue's state made Mu Fan cautious.

He has never seen an opponent in this state!

"Martial artist, first-order mental lock." Lu Qingxue had only opponents in her eyes at this time, and the words spoken under that lingering power were plain but with pride.

What Mu Fan didn't know was that, unlike those who were motivated, the real warrior who opened the first-order mental lock had the most intuitive response to the sharp five senses, greatly improved perception, and greatly enhanced muscle control ability.

This is similar to Mu Fan's dark breath, but it also needs more muscle regulation.

"Xuefeng Kendo Seven Slash, Xuefeng——Flurry!"

Wind and snow suddenly appeared, and the wind roared.

There was no pause, and a blizzard hit directly.

With the first-order mental lock fully open, Lu Qingxue did not give Mu Fanding a chance to think, and directly launched a strong attack.

This time the sword move was sharper than the previous one.

It is hard to imagine that this blizzard-like sword shadow was used by a slender woman.

Mu Fan's skin began to feel acupuncture-like pain, which was his instinct to warn of danger.

This seemingly pervasive blade storm is far stronger than the coercion he faced against England!

This is Lu Qingxue with the title of Valkyrie, who is truly recognized as an expert established by countless actual battles!

With a mouthful of air pressure, Mu Fan's clear eyes locked the opponent's figure.

The joints of the whole body began to twist at a strange angle at this moment, and Mu Fan's hands instantly formed a staggered phantom under the control of the super muscles.

The short stick alternated back and forth between his hands, forming an invisible wall of sticks in front of Mu Fan.

Hei Liang's eyes stared at the world in front of him, and with the blessing of the dark breath, Mu Fan finally used his strongest defensive skills.

The third paragraph of the seventh paragraph of redemption-the dark hall barrier!

The hidden hall under the sanctuary, the strongest defensive barrier...

The blizzard was like hitting an extremely tough wall of air, and no trace of wind and snow could penetrate it.

Countless collisions sounded, and in Mu Fan's eyes, every trajectory of the wind and snow was greeted by him with incomparable precision.

Ding ding ding ding, no shadows can be seen, only the sound is sudden.

Lu Qingxue moved, but Mu Fan's invisible shield wall seemed to cover 360°, and attacks from any angle could not deceive him within half a meter of his body.

At an angle that was difficult to capture with the naked eye, all the muscles on Mu Fan's body were curled up. After dismantling the movement, the short sticks that flashed alternately every time were pulled out with the sound of violent wind, just to meet Lu Qingxue's sword wind fluttering.

This kind of glue is a huge consumption of physical strength!

Therefore, as the white figure retreated and withdrew, Lu Qingxue's attack was finally declared a failure.

The body under the swordsman's suit was unable to suppress the gasping sound, and Mu Fan was able to stop the longest and most powerful move just now.

The person in front of him reproduced the scene he had seen before.

At that time, all the attacks in the sky failed.

Really... If you are not Mu Fan's opponent, it is impossible to know the helplessness of facing that invisible wall of sticks from the bottom of my heart.

Mu Fan naturally did not know the sigh in Lu Qingxue's heart at this moment.

He only knew that the senior sister on the opposite side had already begun to lose strength.

For him, this is the best chance to fight back!

"It's time for me to attack!"

Two fingers pinched a section of the alloy short stick and twisted it suddenly.

Then his right arm turned into an afterimage.

Seven segments of redemption, the second segment-Bai Liyu!

In an instant, a hundred stick shadows floated in the air, hanging vertically like a rain curtain.

After a short stay, when Mu Fan's right arm shook hard, the raindrops burst in!

This move is Mu Fan's most powerful defensive technique at the moment, and countless people have fallen under this move.

When Lu Qingxue saw the "raindrops" all over the sky, she took a deep breath and the sword in her hand shook.

Absolutely can't defend, attack and attack.

"Bingshan Snow Valley, wind knife and water curtain! Snow wind seven cuts, snow wind-Lan cut!"

Like an antelope hanging horns, there is no trace, the sword's edge is from bottom to top, from left to right, like a snow storm rolled on the flat ground, suddenly rolling over the cliffs.

This piece of howling wind and snow avoided the hundred raindrops, and rolled straight from the side, as if to cut off the rooted water.

A intensive collision sounded.

The silhouettes are separated suddenly.

There was a crisp cracking sound, the long sword in Lu Qingxue's hand broke, while the short stick in Mu Fan's hand still appeared in the air, and then fell to the ground.

Both sides have no weapons.

But Mu Fan has entered a real fighting state.

The heat flow in his body became more and more intense, and the strength between the limbs and the limbs made him slam his feet on the ground, and he ejected forward.

He actually wants to engage in close combat with Lu Qingxue!

Lu Qingxue frowned slightly, her arms crossed guarding, her feet staggered and rubbing her body to meet the attack.

With his palm like a knife, he used the skill of unloading force to unload more than twenty punches of Mu Fan in an instant.

Regarding weapons alone, Mu Fan can only inherit combat skills from fighters.

However, if you count close combat, Mu Fan, who possesses a variety of explosive skills, can't beat the gorilla Luo Jianjin and the bald Ruan Xiongfeng, whose power and speed have reached the extreme, he is not afraid of anyone.

When she saw Lu Qingxue's palm wind tangentially towards her wrist, Mu Fan suddenly shook one arm, and then pulled back and bounced like a big bow.

"Positive ions hit!"

A punch came out like a cannonball.

Lu Qingxue's reaction was also fast to the extreme, and she tried her best to avoid it at the moment of the confrontation.

But for Mu Fan, this was equivalent to Lu Qingxue taking the initiative to meet his next step.

Cervical physiotherapy!

The palm of the hand was placed on the outside of Lu Qingxue's arm, and he passed directly across, and then subconsciously backhand hooked.

Lu Qingxue's reaction was fast to the extreme, but she didn't escape this sudden second.


A sound of tearing cloth sounded In this confined space, the sound was clear and pleasant.


PS: Thanks to the book friend "I sent the king to patrol the mountain" 100,000 coins reward! (Congratulations to the new lord, 4 chapters owed)

Thanks to the book friend "Ranjiaba" for a reward of 10,000 coins! (The rise of the head owes more chapters)

Thank you book friend "Zidian Crow Fairy" for a reward of 2000 coins!

Thanks to book friends "Fat Brother ZJM" "~dkt~" "Feng Ning Ye" for a reward of 1,000 coins!

Thanks to book friends "Zhao Tangtang", "hanel" and "Winning the Way" for 500 coins rewards!

Thank you book friend "ngceal" for 300 coins, "0 Lin 0 Lin 0", "Forget Memories? Time", "Remaining Night Under the Stars", "Book Friends 160802135157286", "Giving Up Treatment," "Fish Fish Baby", "A Floating Cloud in the Sky", and "Lonely "Momo", "Dawn at the Summit of Dawn", "Recalling Wu Yaotong" 100 coins reward!

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