Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 209: Lamp coffee

Landu Seven Clan, Zhongjing Youshi.

The most mysterious vice president of the Kendo Club, You Shiwan, known as the Narcissus!

When she walked on the stone road with a light gait, a lightning-like figure rushed towards her.

The footsteps of this arrogant girl of heaven hung lightly, and then she stepped on her face as usual.

A violent whirlwind passed by.

The matcha-colored water-like long skirt was raised backwards, highlighting the almost perfect figure, and the soft, light chestnut long hair also fluttered backwards, revealing the slender and white neck.

However, the most impressive thing is those eyes that are as graceful as autumn water, with the usual tranquility and softness in the gentleness, like a quiet valley, without waves.

Even if the violent figure rushed towards him without slowing down.

You Shiwan's figure did not tremble at all, nor did she hesitate in the route, but she stopped her figure and walked away politely.

Mu Fan, an honorary member of the Kendo Club, and the vice president of the Kendo Club met in such a wonderful way, but they did not know each other.

"Thank you."

When the voice was still in his ears, the violent figure had already rushed out twenty meters away. This was Mu Fan's gratitude to the person who gave way. He didn't pay attention to the person's appearance, only knew that it was a girl, because A soft voice also echoed in his ear.

"You're welcome."

Quietly, like rain moisten everything.

Strong girls!

This is the impression left by the unnoticed figure behind him.

And You Shiwan looked at the figure running like a wolf,

Who is this person?

The black eyes were revealed just now, and the indifferent eyes left a deep impression on her.

There are also several staggered footsteps.

So heavy steps, so strong bursts.

Strange faces.

Is there another strong one in the academy?

You Shiwan stood for a while and continued to walk towards the Kendo Club, but she didn't know how many boys' minds were taken away by her just a quiet and independent figure.

This episode did not affect Mu Fan in the slightest, his violent running all the way even attracted the attention of some instructors.

Because... his speed is so fast!

All the obstacles in front of him were surmounted by Mu Fan with a nearly terrifying physical quality. Among the routes that Hei planned for him, except for some towering buildings that were avoided, everything else was ignored.

Therefore, in the horrified and inexplicable eyes of these people, Mu Fan was like a cheetah running wildly, forward and forward!

Mu Fan ignored these people. Instead, he looked ahead and felt the airflow quickly passing by on both sides, and finally said, "Can you find the monitoring information?"

"It was found that the fat man and a female companion entered first, and then five people appeared, about 20 years old, and the fat man was stepped on the ground. This is the data five minutes ago, and the monitor has been artificially turned off."

Female companion?

How can a fat man have a female companion?

Mu Fan immediately thought of the key content of this, and the monitoring was turned off artificially. If the thing in this is definitely not too simple, it is very likely that the other party is deliberate.

Human nature is evil. Mu Fan, who lived and grew up cautiously, is always used to speculating from the worst perspective.

A gust of wind passed by, and Mu Fan kept rushing out of the college, turning into a blue-gray lightning, running frantically on the street, some slower floating cars found a shadow flashing by him, and then he was shocked. I found out that it was a living person running!

Harry, hold on.

The young man read silently in his heart.


In Area F, a petty-bourgeois paradise street known as a gathering place for art and romance, at the corner of the road, there is a cafe surrounded by flowers and numerous pots of succulent green plants.

【Dengzhan Coffee】, the owner’s collection of various lamps and lanterns on multiple planets, combining the old and the modern, is hung on the walls and roof, matched with wooden floors, tables and chairs, and various small snacks with exquisite workmanship. This fascinating literary atmosphere makes All young people choose to enjoy a cup of coffee here in the afternoon or evening.

Do not take the big-name road, but have endless fashion.

As one of the best cafes on the streets of petty bourgeoisie paradise, the atmosphere here was completely destroyed at noon today.

The guests upstairs and downstairs have all been scared away.

A man in sunglasses wearing a suit and holding a baseball bat stood at the cash register. One end of the baseball bat was placed on the bar. The two shivering girls inside were afraid to move.

Because just now, they saw this person smash a thick solid wood table in the store.

The little fat man was slammed to the ground by a flat-headed young man who seemed to be the head of them, and then stepped on his face and couldn't move.

The panicked female companion next to him was so scared that he got under another table and was pulled out, but the result was much better than that of the fat man. At least it was just hiding in the corner and shivering, far less miserable than the fat man. .

This group of people had no scruples that someone would call the police, because the clerk discovered after calling the police that they only said that they knew it would change and nothing happened.

It has been more than ten minutes now, and no one from the police station has arrived.

The man with sunglasses holding a baseball bat among the five walked to the bar and kept a card directly on it.

"This is compensation, take it, don't do other things that may cause misunderstandings, otherwise I can't guarantee your safety for the beauties, haha." The wooden stick in the hands of the man with sunglasses slapped the bar unhurriedly.

Where did the two female shop assistants dare to make any changes, they could only hide in the corner and watch everything that happened in the shop.

In so many years, [Dengzhan Coffee] is the first time I have encountered a scene that can only be seen in a bar.

A group of petty bourgeoisie was completely deceived.

Ten minutes ago.

When the fat man saw the five people directly at them, he walked upstairs, knowing that he hurriedly dragged the innocent girl he had just known for two days upstairs.

Tianxun, who had called Mu Fan three times in a row, failed to get through, and only had time to talk to William before he was dragged to the first floor by someone catching up.

The young man with a flat head first knocked the fat man directly to the ground with a punch, then kicked and kicked.

It wasn't until he kicked the little fat man in suit and leather shoes that he vomited blood, he squatted down and looked at Harry, who was already immobile.

"Little fat guy, you're so courageous, our boss's woman dare to soak too."

Harry's eyes were already swollen and there was only one seam left. He looked at the girl who was holding her head and was shaking constantly, and spit out **** saliva, "You care about me?"


He kicked the fat man five meters away with a kick, causing the girl next to him to scream again.

The flat-headed youth walked over and stepped Harry's face on the floor, making a creaking sound.

"Little fat guy, how do you deal with UU reading How much do you pay for such a big loss?"

The smiley face was full of sadistic pleasure.

The fat man spit out a mouthful of blood and stopped talking. These people came up with such a heavy hand without asking, he would never spit out a word easily.

"Little fat man, don't pretend to be dead, talk to me."

With a bang on his waist, the fat man twitched without making a sound.

There was another kick, and there was no sound.

"New brother, what should I do?" a person wearing a hip-hop jacket next to him looked at the flat-headed youth and asked.

Perhaps this man named Xin Ge was afraid that he would accidentally kick the fat man to death at his feet. He retracted his feet and said indifferently: "Slowly beat me and let him speak, whether it's losing money or calling someone. "

"Yes, new brother!"

A messy fist hit hard, and a muffled hum sounded from the fat man's chest.

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