Mech: Shattering of the Galaxy

Vol 2 Chapter 213: Behind the scenes

Jin Ling nodded desperately when she heard the devilish voice.

"Who arranged for you to come?"

Jin Ling was about to shake her head, but her head froze because the pain in her neck continued to stimulate her brain.

"Dare you say it!?"

Atwood over there said angrily.

Mu Fan lifted his eyelids and glanced at him, stepping on his chest.

A mouthful of blood mist spit out from Atwood's mouth, dyeing Jin Ling's white short skirt red.

The girl screamed and shook her head desperately, covering her ears.

"I said, I said."

"He arranged it. Atwood arranged for Harry and me to meet by chance the day before yesterday, but I really didn't know if they were going to do it. Oh, please spare me, I really don't know other things."


Hearing Jin Ling's words, the fat man over there spit out a mouthful of blood foam again, and looked up at the swollen face over there that was already limp.

Lady Madeleine, actually cheated your fat brother.

Mu Fan looked at Atwood who was silent, took out the Tianxun from his pocket and pointed it at a man and a woman lying on the ground with a click.

Atwood's face flushed and flushed, and his body beaten up with excitement, but Mu Fan stepped firmly on the floor.

"After that, the photos are destroyed and we go."

Mu Fan shook the Tianxun in his hand, and then pointed from Atwood to Jin Ling.

"Don't tell me, you two, tomorrow will be hot."

After speaking, Mu Fan looked at them blankly.

In his ears...

Hei Zheng yelled excitedly: "The pen of God! The pen of God!"

"Mu Fan, who taught you this trick? Did you learn it from this lord? Tell me! It's so exciting."

Even if Mu Fan beat two people to death before, it was not at all excited, but seeing the scene of Mu Fan's black belly, Lord Black couldn't help it, this is its great host!

Under Mu Fan's indifferent eyes, there was an idea in his heart not to speak.

He wouldn't tell Black that it was because of the inspiration given to him by the sneak shot crazy monster in the dormitory.

Obviously, this sudden inspiration works great at this moment.

Atwood, who bit his teeth, stared at Mu Fan fiercely, spitting out word by word: "Gao-ling-ze!"

The fat man over there was still staring at Jin Ling bitterly, but when he heard the three words "Gao Lingze", he suddenly gasped with excitement.

But Mu Fan turned his head and glanced at the excited fat man who was about to get up, but his eyes narrowed slightly.

Fatty doesn't know many things, "Gao Lingze" is definitely not an unfamiliar name to Mu Fan!

At this moment, my thoughts turn, not the time to think.

Among the few people in front of them, two were seriously injured, one woman was limp, and the other four were still in a coma.

There were two female shop assistants shivering.

"Today's matter... is over."

Mu Fan gave Atwood a look at Tianxun's front, "In fact, there was no electricity before I came in."

A mouthful of blood came out, this time he was really angry, and Atwood, one of the five heavenly kings, was trembling all over.

Mu Fan looked at each other quietly, and slowly uttered a word:

"First grader, Mu Fan, always...wait."

Then he turned around and walked to Fatty's body, lifted him up with one arm, looked at Fatty's swollen and blue face, and said:

"We walked."


The fat man tried to smile better, but he tore the wound that had just clotted, and he grinned again as he stretched.

Mu Fan, who looked thin, carried the fat man in one hand, so the two slowly walked out of the cafe.

There was a mess behind him.

Lying on the ground, Atwood closed his eyes, and the third-year leader of Dingchuan Academy was completely planted in this cafe.


The two people walking on the street attracted the onlookers around them, and the people who came and went automatically let go of the passage.

The police sirens only sounded when they walked out of this bustling street.

Everything seems so natural.

The fat man limped and walked with Mu Fan's support. Seeing Mu Fan's Tianxun lit up again, he asked in surprise:

"Didn't you just say that Tianxun is out of power?"

"You lied to him." Mu Fan said three words as usual.

This made the fat man take a breath.

When was Mu Fan so dark?

This routine is simply...

It's a model of learning!

"The photo is sent to you, just in case, it won’t happen if the other party throws a rat trap. But don’t take the initiative to send it out. I don’t think Atwood will come to provoke us anymore, but I’m pressing for fear that you are in danger...cough, cough "Mu Fan said so much, but at the end of the speech, a sudden and rapid cough made the fat man immediately worried.

"what happened to you!?"

"It's okay."

Mu Fan waved his hand to indicate that there was no problem, but there was still an uncontrollable tremor in his chest.

Somehow, the number of heart beats triggered by coincidence increased sharply, which caused a substantial increase in body functions.

As the power faded, the vague fragments in his mind were gradually erased from the memory. Only the remaining impressions made Mu Fan vaguely remember something.

...Bonus liberation!

Fortunately, I didn't deduct those three fingers, otherwise it would directly cause the death of Dingchuan student, and my academy career would definitely end.

The sudden strength, the sudden disappearance, the body has now entered an extremely rare period of weakness.

This is the second time that Mu Fan has entered this state since the outbreak in the primordial jungle of Amethyst.

It seems that as long as it causes one's strong fighting spirit and mood swings, it is easy to enter the top-level strengthening state of this **** vision. But his body didn't seem to be enough to bear the crazy beating of 500 times per minute unconditionally.

Moreover, he had just forcibly suppressed the instant killer move and turned to constantly suppress the super-physical Atwood without causing death or disability. His duration this time was longer than the actual last time.

Most of the energy accumulated in the cells burned in that short instant.


Mu Fan began to feel that he had vaguely touched the threshold of taking the initiative to open the gift of liberation.

"Take you to heal your injuries first."

A figure suddenly flashed in his mind, and Mu Fan said to the fat man.

The fat man was taken aback, then shook his head.

"I won't go back to college!"

Even a fat man has inner dignity. He is not allowed to be seen by his classmates in this tragic appearance. Harry, who has few friends, doesn't want to hear those ridicules.

"Don't go, go to a friend of mine, she should be very good at medicine, and I have something to deal with."

The fat man nodded and agreed.

So Mu Fan pointed to Tianxun and searched for that number.

At this time, Tianxun suddenly sent an access request.


Mu Fan pressed his thumb to answer.

"I am Mu Fan."

"Mu Fan, huh...I finally arrived, but what about you guys? There are only a few people who have just been carried into the medical vehicle."

A fat man with a huge body was squeezing at the door, and no one dared to step forward behind him.

"We're all right. I'll take Harry for treatment. You can talk to him."

Handing the Tianxun to Fatty, Fatty stayed in tears and disappointed.

"William, I'm fine."

When the huge William heard Harry's voice, the stone finally fell to the ground and squeezed into the cafe. The fan-like palms fell heavily on the solid wood bar, making a loud noise, which shocked the two little girls who had just gotten up and started to clean up the mess.

"Bring me a bucket of coffee! Add five kilograms of sugar!"

The two bewildered little girls were about to refuse, but when the oversized fat man's palms left, their hearts burst, and they bowed and ran away to prepare coffee.

Their hearts almost collapsed: what happened today? The big fat man slapped a chiseled handprint on the sixty-year-old wood bar that weighed five that slap. But I just fell into it! This is not bread, but a sinking wood made with steel!

Reminiscent of the group of people who had just left, the two female shop assistants were all scared.

These people weren't something the two of them could afford. Fortunately, the person lying on the ground threw a card to both of them before they left.

As a result, it now seems to be a more scary one. I am afraid that those people who were tied together before have this body shape.

As for the bar where the handprints appear...just so, I believe the boss will understand.

The two little girls rushed to make that-a bucket of coffee.

As for the two people on the street, the fat man hung up the Tianxun and handed it back to Mu Fan. Mu Fan found the number again and pressed it.

——Bai Guyue!

(To be continued.)

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